HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety Dashboard My courses HLTWHS004 N - 19 Assessment Task 2: Case studies Assessment Task 2: Case studies Assessment Task 2: Case studies Case Study 1: WHS...

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HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety

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  4. Assessment Task 2: Case studies

  5. Assessment Task 2: Case studies

Assessment Task 2: Case studies

Case Study 1: WHS procedures

Happyville Neighbour House has just put in place a new program for clients.

A gardening section has been set up in the outdoor area and the program provides education for people in the local area to grow fruit and vegetables.

The fruit and vegetables that are grown are shared among the people who participate in the program, as well as local people in the community who are in need.

The garden project has the following equipment available to participants:

§Lawn mower

§Rotary hoe

§Spades, garden forks, and other common garden implements.

You have just been appointed as the coordinator of this program.

You note that there are no safety policies and procedures in place. You make this a priority to address.

1.Use the template below to develop a WHS policy for the Happyville Garden Project.

2.Use the template below to write a manual handling procedure for the Happyville Garden Project.

Case Study 2: WHS incident

You have settled into your role as the coordinator of the Happyville Garden Project.

The WHS procedures are in place – all staff and clients have been trained in their use.

You were rostered off yesterday, but today you have come into work to find an incident report on your desk.

It looks like your first task today will be to review the incident and put in place measures to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

You interview the staff and learn the following:

§Jenny, the staff member who is in charge during your absence, was in the office doing paperwork when the incident occurred.

§Jenny feels that the clients are adults and do not need to be watched all the time.

§Jenny organised for first aid and took Johnny to hospital in her car.

§Josh and Herriot are very upset about what happened to Johnny. They were just having a bit of fun!

§Johnny requires dental work (a plate). He will be claiming against the Neighbour House.

§Johnny is not happy about the lack of supervision.

You must read the incident report form below and complete Parts B and Part C.

Use the information in the case study above to complete the sections about each person involved in the accident.

Part C requires you to identify five actions that can be taken to minimise the risk of this incident occurring in future

Happyville Garden Project – WHS Policy

Goals of the policy


§ Management is responsible for ensuring:

§ Staff are responsible for:

§ Clients are responsible for:

Consultation process (regular and specific consultation)

Risk assessment process

WHS reporting and recording processes
(include at least three)





– to be completed by the supervisor

Results of the investigation

Notes from the interview with the staff member in charge when the incident occurred:

Interview with the person who was injured:

Notes from the interview with those who caused the incident:

Root cause of the incident

(determine whether the hazard is likely to cause an injury and explain what factors caused this event)

Happyville Garden Project – MANUAL HANDLING PROCEDURE

Person responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring this procedure

Any enquiries relating to expert/technical advice to be directed to:

Definition of ‘hazardous manual handling task’

Consequences for staff and clients for breaches of this procedure

§ Staff:

§ Clients:

Safe work procedure – mowing

§ PPE required

§ Pre-operation procedures

§ Operation

§ Post operation procedures

Safe work procedure – manual digging

§ PPE required

§ Pre-operation procedures

§ Operation

§ Post operation


What training will be required before clients are able to work in the garden?


What consultation processes are in place to monitor and review this procedure


What documentation is required? (List at least three.)





– to be completed by the supervisor

Action taken

(supervisor to identify actions to prevent injury or illness)



Completion date






Feedback has been provided to the person who reported the hazard/incident/accident


House Coordinator:


Adapted from: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/forms-and-publications/forms-and-publications/hazardincidentaccident-report-form (accessed 30 October 2015)

Answered 1 days AfterNov 19, 2021

Answer To: HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety Dashboard My courses HLTWHS004 N - 19 Assessment Task 2:...

Neha answered on Nov 20 2021
108 Votes
HLTWHS004 Manage Work Health and Safety
1. Dashboard
2. My courses
3. HLTWHS004 N - 19
4. Assessment Task 2: Case studies
5. Assessment Task 2: Case studies
Assessment Task 2: Case studies
    Case Study 1: WHS procedures
    Happyville Neighbour House has just put in place a new program for clients. 
A gardening section has been set up in the outdoor area and the program provides education for people in the local area to grow fruit and vegetables. 
The fruit and vegetables that are grown are shared among the people who participate in the program
, as well as local people in the community who are in need. 
The garden project has the following equipment available to participants:
§  Lawn mower
§  Rotary hoe
§  Spades, garden forks, and other common garden implements.
You have just been appointed as the coordinator of this program.
You note that there are no safety policies and procedures in place. You make this a priority to address.
1.       Use the template below to develop a WHS policy for the Happyville Garden Project.
2.       Use the template below to write a manual handling procedure for the Happyville Garden Project.
    Case Study 2: WHS incident
    You have settled into your role as the coordinator of the Happyville Garden Project. 
The WHS procedures are in place – all staff and clients have been trained in their use.
You were rostered off yesterday, but today you have come into work to find an incident report on your desk. 
It looks like your first task today will be to review the incident and put in place measures to prevent a similar incident from happening again.
You interview the staff and learn the following:
§  Jenny, the staff member who is in charge during your absence, was in the office doing paperwork when the incident occurred.
§  Jenny feels that the clients are adults and do not need to be watched all the time.
§  Jenny organised for first aid and took Johnny to hospital in her car.
§  Josh and Herriot are very upset about what happened to Johnny. They were just having a bit of fun!
§  Johnny requires dental work (a plate). He will be claiming against the Neighbour House.
§  Johnny is not happy about the lack of supervision.
You must read the incident report form below and complete Parts B and Part C. 
Use the information in the case study above to complete the sections about each person involved in the accident.
Part C requires you to identify five actions that can be taken to minimise the risk of this incident occurring in future
    Happyville Garden Project – WHS Policy
    Goals of the policy
    · The main cause of the policy is to make health and safety as a very important part of the supervision position of the company
· To ensure that a safety and security for all the workers of the organisation will be planned according to the work process and it will be the responsibility of the company to take care of it
· To consult with the employees on a regular basis for their safety and security purposes
· To provide and training and education for the employees to understand the safest way to work and make certain rules on safety during the working hour
· To control the potential hazards during the award period and to assess and eliminate any kind of difficulties in the workplace that can be reasonably stopped before happening. The risk assessment is very necessary for any kind of safety inspections and it is the responsibility of the policy to ensure that the risks are not stay taken
· How to take a proactive method to identify some areas of risk to happen and to eliminate the process of risk that can harm the work
· To provide some effective management and Rehabilitation process to reduce injury for the workers
    Management is responsible for ensuring:
The responsibility of the manager is to implement the policies to avoid any kind of hazards during the work in the Happyville garden project. Responsibility of the manager lies in the fact that no worker or employees get caught up in any kind of risk policies and get affected by it. Therefore, the managers need to protect the clients as well as the gardening section employees and provide them with the proper Tools and techniques to manage the problems. There are a lot of employees recruited for this position and it is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that the employees are trained to refrain from any kind of harmful activities that can make them suffer in their workplace. By accumulating certain rules and regulations the managers need to process certain policies that will the effective in the injury management and compensation process. Even if any employee is insured by working in the organisation it is the responsibility of the manager to look for forward to it and investigate the matter with consideration (Caneva et al., 2020). Assessment of the policies and safety objectives are need to be enabled for health and safety measurements. The manager takes care of injury management and worker compensation regulations to ensure that any employees being harmed are properly compensated according to the organisation policy. Therefore, it is understood that the manager ensured some effective for consultation and communication between all management workers and clients to encourage them not to repeat any kind of risk potentialities.
    Staff are responsible for:
Staff were also responsible for understanding the rules and policies that are implemented on them and it is their duty to avoid any kind of risk manifestations that can affect them physically and financially during their...

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