HIST 201 – West Africa and Black America
Dr. Sene
Paper #1
Due date: October 09, 2021
Describe and analyze the causes, operation, and consequences of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa.
Your paper should be 5 to 6 double-spaced pages. Make sure you have an introduction where you pose the question/problem and suggest how you will go about answering/solving it. In the following section, you organize your paper around your main ideas, which you develop and sustain with evidence. In the conclusion, you respond to your question based on the arguments that you have developed.
Your essay should be well thought-out, clearly organized, and carefully proofread. It should be based on information from the assigned readings and lectures dealing with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. However, you should feel free to use any other reliable sources. You may agree or disagree with the authors or the lecturer, but you should demonstrate that you have carefully read the course materials. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to generalities about the subject matter. You should express an informed opinion on the issues your paper is dealing with. Finally, you should be precise and balanced about the events, the places, and the actors you mention in your paper.
This writing assignment
be submitted in
Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced. Your name should appear in the first page of your paper. Do not increase the default margins of the page.
You will be penalized if you choose any other formatting.