hical Boundaries of Case ManagersAssignment
Review the readings in this module. In a short presentation, discuss the two most important ethical boundaries and the two most important legal requirements that case managers need to be aware of and provide an explanation of each. Be sure to also provide at least one example for each of the boundaries and requirements, explaining why they are important for case managers in the field. Your presentation must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the topic including current and/or relevant research.
For this assignment, you will develop a brief presentation in Google Presentation (Google Docs), PowerPoint, Prezi, or some other presentation tool. Use the notes section or a separate Word document (if your tool does not have a notes section), to provide additional notes for each slide that would be helpful to you during your presentation.
For additional details, please refer to theModule Three Presentation Guidelines and Rubric PDFdocument.
HSE 410 Final Project Part I Guidelines and Rubric HSE 410 Final Project Part I Guidelines and Rubric Overview The first part of the final project (Part I) for this course is the creation of an interview. In the human services field, the ability to communicate with clients in an engaging manner that aligns with legal standards and ethical codes is critical. The practitioner must be able to establish a rapport with his or her client that builds trust and forms a connection as the foundation of their working relationship. This then allows for more productive conversations around needs and strengths, leading to care plans that can more effectively meet these needs. In these plans, the practitioner uses the information gained in the interviews to recommend effective interventions, referrals, and community resources, as well as a contingency plan that will address possible further crisis or need. The final project for this course will address all these steps with the presence of an interview, a care plan based on the interview, and then a reflection that will discuss the adherence to legal and ethical guidelines. Part I for the final project has one milestone, which will be submitted early in the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. This milestone will be submitted in Module Two. The final submission for Part I will occur in Module Four. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Conduct engaging, non-threatening interviews that assess the social, emotional, developmental, and economic needs of clients Develop client-engaging interactions that adhere to ethical codes and legal standards Part I: Interview This project requires two pieces: one is an interview scenario with questions, and the other is a care plan and reflection. For the first portion, you will conduct and record a mock interview with you as the practitioner and another individual as the client. This interview can be conducted with any individual, as all answers will be fictional. Also, to maintain the confidentiality of the individual, they do not need to be on camera—only you as the practitioner need to be visually recorded—but their voice will need to be heard on the recording. You will submit the recorded interview for this assignment and receive feedback from your instructor. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Conduct and record an interview. Consider the following during the interview: A. Begin the interview by discussing your role and engaging the client using professional practices. Consider the following: 1. How will you start your interview so as to make the client comfortable? 1 2. How will you build trust? 3. How can the client connect with you? 4. How will you use professional language that demonstrates compassion and empathy? 5. How will you practice active listening? B. Discuss the social, emotional, developmental, and economic needs of the client in an engaging and non-threatening manner. Consider the following: 1. How will you start the client talking about his or her needs? 2. How will you identify the needs of the client and discuss these with him or her in a non-threatening way? 3. How will you explain that these are needs? C. Discuss client’s strengths. Consider the following: 1. How will you start the client talking about his or her strengths? 2. How will you relay to the client that these are strengths? 3. How are these strengths? 4. How will you build confidence through these strengths? D. Discuss legal standards that apply to the client in a language the client understands. 1. What legal standards does the client need to be aware of? 2. How will these standards protect or harm the client or harm an offender? 3. How can you explain these standards to the client so that he or she understands? E. Adhere to legal and ethical requirements. Consider the following: 1. How will you provide informed consent? 2. How will you discuss mandated reporting? 3. How will you discuss confidentiality? F. Discuss the level of crisis management warranted to the client. Consider the following: 1. What level of crisis management is warranted? 2. Why is this the case? 3. How will this be explained to the client? 4. How does this impact the plan? Milestones Milestone One: Interview Scenario With Interview Questions In Module Two, you will submit a 1–2 page interview scenario. The scenario should be a 1–2 paragraph description of the client’s situation and the trauma that has impacted his or her ability to function well. Additionally, include 10–15 questions that you would plan to ask your “client” that will address the critical elements in prompt above (i.e., how are you today? What brings you here today?). In the interview scenario and questions document, you will need to address your role, the needs of the fictional client, the type of trauma the client has experienced, how the trauma is impacting the client and his or her ability to function 2 well, the client’s strengths, legal standards applying to the client, legal and ethical requirements surrounding your interview, and the level of crisis management for the client. This milestone is graded with the Final Project Part I Milestone One Rubric. Final Project Part I Submission: Interview In Module Four, you will submit your recorded interview. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements for Part I of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Part I Rubric. Final Project Part I Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your interview should be 7–10 minutes in length and should use the Bongo Activity tool. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Interview: Engaging the Client Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of client engagement strategies Effectively engages the client in the interview using professional practices Uses professional practices to communicate with the client, but practices are inappropriate or not effectively used to engage the client Does not use professional practices to engage the client 16 Interview: Needs of the Client Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of interview techniques Accurately identifies social, emotional, developmental, and economic needs of the client and discusses these at the