HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 1 of 9 HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ASSESSMENT DETAILS AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Trimester T1 2021 Unit Code HI5019 Unit Title...

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HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 1 of 9 HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ASSESSMENT DETAILS AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Trimester T1 2021 Unit Code HI5019 Unit Title Strategic Information Systems for Business and Enterprise Assessment Type Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Assessment Title Analysing an Accounting Information System Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to: • Critically evaluate the purpose and role of accounting information systems in today’s business environment [ULO 1]. • Articulate the various transaction cycles, financial reporting, management reporting systems and ecommerce systems to technical and non-technical stakeholders [ULO 2]. • Appraise the risks inherent in computer-based systems/ERP, including the role of ethics and the various internal control processes that need to be in place [ULO 4]. Weight 20% of the total assessments. Total Marks 20 Marks. Word limit 2000 words ± 10%. Due Date The written report is due in Week 5 on Friday, dated 23rd April 2021, at 11:59 PM Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by Student Services prior to the assessment deadline. Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 2 of 9 • The assignment must be in MS Word format, double spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Adapted Harvard Referencing style. Please see the section Assignment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing Section below. • Include a minimum of ten (10) references, at least five (5) from peer- reviewed journal relevant to the unit. ASSIGNMENT DETAILS The Revenue Cycle of RCE Limited. RCE Limited is a Queensland based wholeseller that deals in the rafting and camping equipment. In particular, RCE Limited serves outdoor sports camping retailers throughout the Queensland. Mr. Chris Doubler has recently joined the accounting department of RCE Limited as a head of the department. Mr. Doubler gathered a wide range of data from his deparment using different sources to improve the operations of his departmetn. After analysing this data, Mr. Doubler is concerned about the revenue cycle of RCE Limited. You are running an accounting consultancy and considered as the best consultant on the accounting information system. Therefore, Mr. Doubler approached you to evaluate their revenue cycle. During the initial meeting, you suspect that the business activities and related data processing operations of the revenue cycle of RCE Limited might not closely associated with providing goods and services to customers and collecting their cash payments. You further elaborated that the revenue cycle can be categorised into (1) sales order processing procedures (SOPP), and (2) cash receipts procedures (CRP). Consequently, you requested the head of the accounting department to describe the SOPP and the CRP of RCE Limited separately. This description is given below. Sales Order Procedures of RCE Limited The sales department encourages its customers to forward the orders in any form, including mail, e-mail or fax. The sales clerk first converts these sales order into the standardised sales order. For this purpose, the sales representative requests the missing information, if any. (In the light of our discussion during the Interactive Tutorials, please mention this missing information.) When the order is received, the sales clerk checks the customer’s creditworthiness of the customer from his computer terminal. Sales clerk thinsk that checking the accounting record is not technical and he can perform these duties efficiently. Two years ago, the sales clerk requested the accounting department to provide him with a list of customers whose account receivables are written off. The sales clerk is still using this information to check the creditworthiness of the customers. The sales clerk did not differentiate the new customers from the existing customers and he is using the same HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 3 of 9 procedure to check the creditworthiness of the new customers. The customer’s order is rejected if the customer’s credit is not verified. The sales order processing is started after the credit verification. In particular, the sales clerk records the approved standardised sales order in the sales order system through his computer terminal. A digital copy of the order is distributed to the warehouse and the shipping department terminals for further processing. The computer system automatically records the sale in the sales journal. The clerk files the hard copy of the customer order in the sales department without reviewing the entry. Then, the receipt of the digital sales order prompts on the computer terminal of the warehouse manager. This digital sales order has the associated stock release and the shipping notice. These documents play an important role in the transation processing system. The warehouse manager has access to these documents. For further processing, the warehouse manager prints out the sales order, the stock release, and the shipping notice. Using the stock release copy, a warehouse clerk picks the selected items from the shelves and sends them to the shipping department along with the stock release and the shipping notice. The warehouse manager then updates the inventory subsidiary ledger and the general ledger control account from his computer terminal. The shipping clerk receives the physical stock, the stock release, and the shipping notice from the warehouse manager. The shipping clerk matches them to the corresponding digital sales order displayed on his terminal. If everything matches, he prints out three hard copies of the bill of lading and a packing slip. The shipping clerk sends two copies of the bill of lading and the packing slip, along with the goods, to the carrier. The stock release copy and the shipping notice are sent to the accounts receivable department. The third bill of lading copy is filed in the shipping department. Account receivable clerk receives the stock release and shipping notice from the shipping clerk. Then, the accounts receivable clerk manually creates a hard- copy invoice, which is immediately mailed to the customer. After mailing the invoice, the clerk uses information on the stock release to update the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger and general ledger from his computer terminal. After the records are updated, the clerk files the stock release and shipping notice in the accounts receivable department. Sometimes, the account receivable clerk reconciles the quantities from the sales order and adjusts the account receivables. Cash Receipt Procedures of RCE Limited The payments of customers come directly to the general mailroom along with other mail items. The mail clerk performs the different tasks, including (1) sorting the mail, (2) opening the customer payment envelope, (3) removing the customer’s check and remittance advice, and (4) reconciling these two documents. To control the checks and remittance advices, the clerk manually prepares two hard copies of a remittance list. He sends one copy to the accounts receivable department, along with the corresponding remittance advices. The other copy of the remittance list accompanies the checks to the cash receipts department. Once the checks and remittance list arrive in the cash receipts department, the treasurer performs the following tasks: (1) reconciles the documents, (2) endorses the checks, (3) manually prepares three hard copies of a deposit slip, (4) updates the cash receipts journal and the general ledger from his computer terminal, (5) sends the checks and two copies of the deposit slip to the bank, and (6) files the third copy of the deposit slip and the remittance in the department. HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 4 of 9 The accounts receivable clerk receives the remittance list and remittance advice from the mailroom and reconciles these two documents. He then updates the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger and the general ledger. Then, account receivable files the two documents in the department. Required Based on the above information, prepare a report for the chief financial officer of RCE Limited to evaluate their revenue cycle. In your report, you need to include the following items: 1. “The additional cost required to establish separate departments for warehousing, shipping and inventory control is considered a necessary cost for the added benefit of control over inventory.” Discuss this statement in the light of existing revenue cycle of RCE Limited. 2. In the light of our discussion during Interactive Tutorials, describe potential internal control weaknesses in the sales order processing procedures and cash receipts procedures of RCE Limited. 3. In the light of our discussion during Interactive Tutorials, discuss the potential risks associated with the internal control weaknesses identified in Section (2) above. 4. Based on Section (3) above, what types are frauds are possible. Hint: we have discussed different types of frauds in the interactive tutorial and lectures. Your discussion should be based on these contents. ASSIGNMENT STRUCTURE The report should include the following components. 1. Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet The Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet is available at the end of menu item Assessments on the Blackboard. 2. Executive Summary The executive summary should be concise and not involve too much detail. It should make commentary on the main points only and follow the sequence of the report. Write the executive summary after the report is completed, and once you have an overview of the whole text. 3. Table of Contents This needs to show a logical listing of all the sub-headings of the report’s contents. Note this is excluded from the total word count. 4. Introduction Typically, the introduction is a short paragraph which includes background, scope and the main points raised in the order of importance. There should be a brief conclusion statement at the end of
Answered 6 days AfterApr 14, 2021HI5019

Answer To: HI5019 T1 2021 Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Page 1 of 9 HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER...

Preeta answered on Apr 21 2021
140 Votes
Executive Summary:
The aim of this report is to provide information to the CEO of RCE Limited, which is a Queensland based wholesaler company. The product portfolio of the company includes rafting and camping equipment. The existing revenue cycle of the organization has been analysed in the beginning and it has been found that establishment of warehouses is important since the function of warehouse, ship
ping and inventory control should be totally different from each other. This additional cost is about to bring operational efficiency in organization.
There are several internal weaknesses existing in the organization like concentration of power, outdated company records about customers which makes it difficult to check the credit worthiness of the customer, lack of standardised customer order, etc. There are several risks attached to these weaknesses and there are chances of ongoing fraud in the organization
Executive Summary:    1
Introduction:    3
Existing revenue cycle:    3
Potential internal control weaknesses:    4
Potential risks associated with the internal control weaknesses:    5
Possible frauds:    7
Conclusions:    8
References:    9
Accounting information plays a very important role in the current business world (B Romney 2018). With the passage of time, the right system has been developed which can store the accounting information and will help to use it as and when required. For financial and managerial reporting, transaction cycles are being recorded and the company implements various processes in order to avoid any fraud or error in the organization. But often some of the internal weaknesses remain which weakens the overall procedure of the organization (Arwinge 2012). Now risk is different for computer based accounting system and traditional manual accounting system. But risks remain as they are inevitable, business and risk are interconnected always. The companies to operate better tries to find out the risk both existing as well as future which might have an impact on the business operation. After the risks are find out, proper actions are being taken to mitigate that or completely remove that, based on the type of risk.
The aim of this report is to provide information to CEO of RCE Limited, which is a Queensland based wholesaler company. The product portfolio of the company includes rafting and camping equipment. The scope includes, to review the existing revenue cycle, to discover internal weaknesses which might create potential risks or fraud.
Existing revenue cycle:
The additional cost to be incurred in order to establish a separate Department for warehousing, shipping so that inventory can be controlled is a necessary cost for the organization since control over inventory is an additional benefit. Most of the cost related to this establishment is the cost of human resources which will be used in receiving, storing and loading the goods so that delivery can be made, etc. other costs which are to be incurred include cost of equipment which will be used in the warehouse, depreciation of those equipment and the cost of fuel or energy you to run the equipment.
The operational management structure of the company is to be strengthened and the establishment of this warehouse can be regarded as a step towards that, so that the company can be able to gain competitive advantage in the market (Kotik 2014). control of inventory will help to reduce losses from lack of inventory management in the stores as well as in transit. this will also help to close some of the loopholes existing in the current revenue cycle. Does the duties and responsibilities will be bifurcated among warehousing, shipping and inventory control, a smooth selling system will be ensured within the organization. Currently, all these three functions are overlapping within the organization, making the system more complex.
The warehouse department should have the sole responsibility of this storage of the inventory safely So that the stocks are not damaged and any loss is not incurred by the organization. The...

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