Hi the assignment is attached below together with the rubric. I have also attached another document where you can choose 5 laws from there as those were the important ones
Assignment Instructions Topic: The policy of Apartheid defined South Africa for many decades. Critically discuss 5 laws introduced during this time and how it affected non-white people. Suggest a new idea in which this deeply divided nation could rebuild into the rainbow nation it strives to be. ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES Your assignment should include: 1. Write a suitable introduction about apartheid. This should introduce the topic meaningfully, set the scene and create interest for the reader. [8 marks]. 2. Introduce and explain five laws that were passed that had the most impact on the lives of non-white South Africans during this time. [25 marks] 3. Discuss the implications of each of these laws and how it affected all non-white people. [25 marks] 4. In light of your discussion, propose new ideas on what can be done to build on the idea of a rainbow nation and heal the wounds that have been caused by this system. [20 marks] 5. Complete your discussion with an appropriate conclusion that should draw main points to a close. [7 marks] 6. Add your referencing list which should include at least one textbook, one Department of Basic Education document and one website. Journal articles can also be used to source information. (5 marks). Pay attention to your style of referencing which should follow Harvard referencing (5 marks). [10 marks] 7. Ensure that your language, grammar and spelling are appropriate and correct. [5 marks] 8. Use the assignment rubric to guide you. PowerPoint Presentation 1 KEY LEGISLATON OF APARTHEID EXPLAINED SSH 402 V JARDINE These are my notes. These are my notes. These are my notes. These are my notes. 2 KEY LEGISLATION IN THE FORMATION OF APARTHEID Population Registration Act. The Population Registration Act No 30 of 1950 (commenced 7 July) required people to be identified and registered from birth as one of four distinct racial groups: White, Coloured, Bantu (Black African), and other. It was one of the 'pillars' of Apartheid. Race was reflected in the individual's Identity Number. The Act was typified by humiliating tests which determined race through perceived linguistic and/or physical characteristics The wording of the Act was imprecise, but was applied with great enthusiasm: "A White person is one who is in appearance obviously white – and not generally accepted as Coloured – or who is generally accepted as White – and is not obviously Non-White, provided that a person shall not be classified as a White person if one of his natural parents has been classified as a Coloured person or a Bantu..." "A Bantu is a person who is, or is generally accepted as, a member of any aboriginal race or tribe of Africa..." "A Coloured is a person who is not a White person or a Bantu..." It could lead to members of an extended family being classified as belonging to different races, e.g. parents White, children Coloured. Repealed by the Population Registration Act Repeal Act No 114 of 199 4 Immorality Act On the grounds of the Immorality Act, the police tracked down racially mixed couples suspected of being in relationships. Homes were invaded, and mixed couples caught in bed were arrested. Underwear was used as forensic evidence in court. Most couples found guilty were sent to jail. Blacks were often given harsher sentences than whites. One of the first people convicted of the immorality act was a Cape Dutch Reformed minister, who was caught having sex with a domestic worker in his garage. He was given a suspended sentence, and the parishioners bulldozed the garage to the ground. The act was passed in 1950. In 1985, the Immorality Act and Prohibition of mixed Marriages Act were both repealed. Group Areas Act The Group Areas Act of 1950 set out a tone of racial segregation. It applied to members of all racial groups and provided for the imposition of control over the ownership and occupation of land and buildings throughout S.A. In practice this meant that all white, black, coloured and Asian people in South Africa would have to live in group areas allocated to members of their groups. Their ownership of property and business rights would be confined to those areas. This also meant that many people had to move out of their homes where they had lived for years and go and live in a strange place which they knew little or nothing about because they had occupied a Group Area designated for another race. Through this Act many of the Blacks in South Africa were removed from the urban areas especially of the Transvaal and Johannesburg regions were they found work as miners. The reasons for this Act presented by the government of the day was that a growing black proletariat in these urban areas could pose a threat to the government because obviously at these urban areas blacks gained a higher standard of living and higher education than they have been subject to in the African reserves or Townships, thus they would have high expectations and would revolt if these expectations were not met. The Apartheid model of the city was a commercial city centre, transitional mixed-use area, white residential, coloured residential, black residential on outskirts. 6 Suppression of Communism Act The Riotous Assemblies and Suppression of Communism Amendment Act No 15 of 1954 (commenced 15 April 1954) empowered the Minister of Justice "to prohibit listed persons from being members of specific organisations or from attending gatherings of any description without giving them the opportunity of making representations in their defence or furnishing reasons". He was also "authorized to prohibit any particular gathering or all gatherings, in any public place for specified periods". The act also allowed the Minister to ban publications deemed to incite hostility between groups and thus could be used to ban publications which tried to being about social change. Repealed by the Internal Security Act No 74 of 1982. Bantu Education Act /Bantu Authorities Act The Group Areas Act of 1950 divided the lands in which blacks and whites resided into distinct residential zones. This act established the distinct areas of South Africa in which members of each race could live and work, typically setting aside the best urban, industrial, and agricultural areas for whites. Blacks were restricted from renting or even occupying property in the areas deemed as "white-zones", unless they had received permission from the state to do so. The establishment of the Bantu Self-Government Act of 1950 created the bantustans (homelands) for the black population based upon their tribal groupings. Blacks were stripped of their rights to participate in the national government of South Africa when the Bantu Authorities Act was established. Ratified in 1951, the Bantu Authorities Act created a basis for ethnic government in African reserves, known as the "homelands." These homelands were established by the national government to function as independent states. Black Africans were assigned to a homeland based on their tribal grouping, which was in accordance to their record of origin. Often times, these records of origin were incorrect. Every political right held by black Africans was restricted to their designated homeland, including their right to vote. The South African government established this law in hopes of black Africans becoming citizens of their designated homelands, thereby forfeiting their citizenship to South Africa. Along with their loss of citizenship, blacks lost every right to take part in South African government, which held complete dominance over their homelands. From 1976 to 1981, four homelands were created, denationalizing over nine million South Africans. These laws became so strict and severe that passports were required for black Africans to enter into South Africa, the land that had formerly been their country of citizenship. 8 Pass Laws The Pass Laws Act of 1952 required black South Africans over the age of 16 to carry a pass book, known as a dompas, everywhere and at all times. The dompas was similar to a passport, but it contained more pages filled with more extensive information than a normal passport. Within the pages of an individual's dompas was their fingerprints, photograph, personal details of employment, permission from the government to be in a particular part of the country, qualifications to work or seek work in the area, and an employer's reports on worker performance and behavior. If a worker displeased their employer and they in turn declined to endorse the book for the pertinent time period, the worker's right to stay in the area was jeopardized According to the Pass Law, government officials possessed the power to expel the worker from the area by adverse endorsement in the passbook. This technique was known as 'endorsing out' and could be carried out at any time and for any reason. Officials were not required to provide an explanation for their actions. Family members of a worker who was 'endorsed out' also forfeited their right to remain in the area and faced eviction and exile to a bantustan. Forgetting to carry the dompas, misplacing it, or having it stolen rendered one liable to arrest and imprisonment. Each year, over 250,000 blacks were arrested for technical offenses under the Pass Laws. As a result, the dompas became the most despised symbol of apartheid. 9 Criminal Law Amendment Act In 1953, the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act were passed, which empowered the government to declare stringent states of emergency and increased penalties for protesting against or supporting the repeal of a law. The penalties included fines, imprisonment and whippings. In 1960, a large group of blacks in Sharpeville refused to carry their passes; the government declared a state of emergency. The emergency lasted for 156 days, leaving 69 people dead and 187 people wounded. Wielding the Public Safety Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the white regime had no intention of changing the unjust laws of apartheid Reference Suzman, H: Key Apartheid Legislation in the Formation of Apartheid. Available at: https://www.cortland.edu/cgis/suzman/apartheid.html. Accessed 15 August 2020. 12