Hi I need write a proposal to present to the client to offer sap software implementation .Attached is the example how it should me and what main heading.1. This proposal should have Introduction (What is SAP)2. Opportunity Statement3. What are the advantage or Benefits or implementing SAP .4. Show graphics to present5. Schedule (How long it will take to implement what are the phases of implementation4. Personnel (Who will be doing this implementation )5. Cost (How much it cost .use fancy proposal to attract the client to accept the offer show as many graphs to impress it .
G&C COPY SUPPLIES POLICY MANUAL #PM.05 Revised 10/1/17 ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES – HOURLY EMPLOYEES Page 1 of 3 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to: 1.1. Establish management and employee responsibilities regarding daily attendance and absences. 1.2. Explain paid time off (PTO) benefits for hourly employees. 1.3. Describe the process for taking time off for hourly employees. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. PTO (paid time off) is the policy for taking sick leave, personal days, or vacation with pay. 2.2. Regular business days for G&C Copy Supplies are Monday through Friday. 2.3. Absences are unscheduled days off. 2.4. ADP (Automatic Data Processing) is an online portal used to record employee attendance. 2.5. Login credentials are the username and password used to clock in and out in the ADP portal. 3. POLICY 3.1. Employees must report to work on time and record their attendance according to their assigned schedules. 3.1.1. Using another employee’s login credentials to clock in or out on his or her behalf is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate termination. 3.2. Hourly employees are entitled to seven days of PTO per calendar year, beginning 90 days after the first date of paid work. 3.2.1. PTO is paid at the same rate as the employee’s regular wage at the time of the absence. 3.2.2. Employees may choose to request unpaid time off before the allowed seven days of paid time off have been used. However, unused PTO does not roll over from year to year and will not be retroactively applied to unpaid days taken. 3.3. In addition to seven days PTO, hourly employees are entitled to the following eight paid holidays each year: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. 3.3.1. If any of the above public holidays do not fall on a regular business day, management will assign the dates of the paid holidays. 3.4. Any absences that occur after an employee’s seven paid days off have been used will be taken without pay. Unpaid time off should only be taken in the case of illness or emergency. 3.4.1. Excessive absences may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. 4. PROCEDURES 4.1. Employees will clock in and out each day using the ADP portal to record attendance. 4.1.1. Employees must clock out for scheduled lunch breaks. 4.1.2. If for any reason the ADP portal is not accessible, employees will manually record their clock-in and clock-out times and submit a paper time card to their supervisor by the end of the week. 4.2. In the event of illness or emergency, employees must notify their supervisor no less than two hours before their scheduled start time. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. 4.2.1. When an employee is unexpectedly absent due to illness, he or she must present documentation from a doctor or other healthcare provider upon return to work. 4.3. Requests for planned time off must be submitted in writing using the Request for Time Off form found in Appendix C of this handbook. 4.3.1. Before submitting requests for time off, employees must make arrangements for coworkers to cover essential duties on the days requested. These arrangements should be described in detail on the Request for Time Off form to assist management in approving absences. 4.3.2. Requests should be submitted to the employee’s supervisor with at least one month’s notice. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1. It is the employee’s responsibility to clock in and out each day to ensure correct wages are paid. 5.2. Hiring managers are responsible for setting up ADP accounts for new employees. Login credentials should be distributed to new employees within the first week of employment. 5.3. If the ADP portal is inaccessible or malfunctioning, supervisors are responsible for submitting employee work hours to payroll, as reported to them on paper time cards, no later than 4:00 pm on Monday before the related payday. 5.4. Hourly employees are responsible for notifying their supervisors if they are unable to work due to illness or emergency. 5.4.1. Documentation, as described in section 4.2.1., must be submitted within two days of an employee returning to work. 5.5. Supervisors are responsible for reviewing requests for time off within one week following submission. 5.5.1. Supervisors must ensure that time off will not disrupt the company’s daily operations before approving requests. This includes adjusting work schedules to ensure job coverage and providing cross-training on all essential duties. 5.5.2. Supervisors must keep track of PTO used by hourly employees and report PTO used to payroll no later than 4:00 pm on Monday before the related payday. 5.6. Supervisors are required to keep track of employee absences and intervene in the event of excessive absences. All disciplinary action taken should be recorded in the employee’s file and reported to senior management. 2