HLTH510: This assessment is linked to learning outcomes 1-4: 1. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for mental health practice including evidence-based...

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HLTH510: This assessment is linked to learning outcomes 1-4: 1. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for mental health practice including evidence-based interventions; 2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to undertake a mental health assessment and employ common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework; 3. plan and execute collaborative mental health care that supports the rights of people and their carers to access and participate in their treatment and recovery across the lifespan in a variety of health and community settings; 4. critically appraise theory and evidence-based practice to demonstrate understanding of the impact of mental health and mental illness  and the psychosocial dimensions of the illness experience, and the effects on the family and significant others. Instructions · Post a comment and at least 2 replies to comments made by other students in relation to Module 1. What do I have to do to achieve full marks? Communication is a 2-way process so simply posting a comment in each of the learning module forums is not enough to qualify for maximum participation marks.. The minimum students need to do to achieve full marks is: 1. Complete your first forum activity (including 1 comment/post by you and 2 replies posted by other students in relation to Module 1) by the assessment due date 2. Follow this process with any Module that requests it across the course. 3. At the end of Trimester you will be asked to submit a statement of participation (see below) for final marking. Note: There is no limit to the number of posts or replies that can be made and students are encouraged to interact with other students as much as possible. Furthermore, while you have until the due date to submit your post/replies it is recommended you do not leave things until the last minute as this is unlikely to benefit you or other students. *Word limits Dot points are acceptable. Posts 100 words and Replies 50 words (approximately). Note students will not be penalised for longer word limits although being clear and concise is recommended. What should my final participation statement look like? The information you will need to record is: name of forum, title of post, date and time, and whether it was a post or reply. Note: You do not need to record the content of the post/reply. In most cases what you will be submitting for assessment should be no longer than 1 page. Your online participation statement should be presented in the following format: Name of forum Title of posting Date/Time of posting Post/Reply Learning module 1 Activity 1 Case Study 1: Josh 2/3/18 at 22:14 Post Learning module 1 Initial Thoughts   9/3/18 at 15:22 Reply Learning module 1 Biases I have 9/3/18 at 16:05 Reply Where do I submit my statement of participation? You must upload your statement of participation as a PDF file into Moodle. Do not email your statement of participation to the coordinator or anyone else without permission. You will find an "add submission" button on the bottom of this page. Click the "add submission" button and upload your file by following the instructions provided by Moodle. This will include completing a declaration of academic honesty. Make sure you upload your file before the cut off date. Microsoft Word - Case Study 1.1 - Josh & Alice.docx CaseStudy1.1:JoshandAlice Alice contacted theGlenaurie communityyouthalcoholandotherdrugservice for a second time asking for support for Josh, her 17 year-old son. The social worker told Alice that Josh has not yet replied tomessages left on hismobile phone and that because the service is voluntary no further contact would be madewithhimunlesshecontactedtheservicedirectly.AlicesaidthatJoshmay nothaverespondedtocallsbecausehewasstressedafterthepolicehadstopped himonthestreet,searchedhisbagandfoundasmallamountofmarijuanaand utensils (a pipe). Alice said that Josh was charged with possession of illegal substancesandbeinginpossessionofdrugrelatedutensilsandnowneedstogo to court. She stated that she is worried Joshmight go to gaol because he has anothercourtcasependingforbreakandenteringchargesandbeingabusiveto police.Shesaidhehasbeenespeciallyagitatedthisweekandhisangryoutbursts andmoodswingshaveleftherfeelinglikesheis‘walkingoneggshells’whenhe isaround.AlicestatedthatshehadheardthatshecouldhaveJoshplacedonan involuntary treatment order to ensure that he becomes compliant with his medication(Olanzapine)forpsychosisinthehopethathisbehaviourandmental healthmayimprove.ShesaidthatJoshhasbeenmissingappointmentswiththe Child and Youth Mental Health Service for treatment in terms of his anxiety, depressionandearlypsychosis. Bearing in mind that Josh was not engaging with services and that Alice was focused on Josh the social worker sought to understand more about Alice to support her. She sensitively askingAlice how she is travelling in this scenario and gathered some demographic information asking questions about her age, health,livingsituation,employmentstatusandsupports.Thesocialworkeralso askedAlicequestions to ascertainher knowledge aboutmental health, alcohol and other drugs. For example, whether Alice had ever heard of the Stages of Change? Alice said she is 54 years old and she feels alone in this situation becauseherdefactopartnerMartinhassaidtheyshould“kickJoshoutofhome”. AlicestatedthatMartinhadbeen‘veryhard’onJoshsincehecametolivewith themtwoyearsagocallinghimnamesabouthisAboriginality.Shesaidthatthis treatmentof Joshhad increasedafter Joshhad told themthathewould like to learn more about his culture and background when he heard through a communityelder thathis fatheranted toseehim.Hehadalso learned thathis fatherwas ‘oneof the StolenGeneration’.Alice continued to take the focusoff herselfandtalkaboutJosh.ShesaidshecannotaskJoshtoleavehomebecause he has nowhere to go and she is the only person still “hanging in there” supportinghim.Alicethenstatedthatsheisstrugglingtocopeandhasbeenon antidepressantsforthepasttwoyearsduetostressandworryaboutJosh.She saidshewantstohelphimbutnothingseemstobeworkingandherwholelifeis ‘amess’.Her friendsand familydon’tunderstandor are ‘sickofhearingabout Josh’ and they have also told her that she should ask Josh to leave the family home. Knowing that supporting families is important from a health and wellbeingperspectivethesocialworkeraskedAlicewhethershewouldbeopen toacallfromtheFamilySupportCounsellorandsheagreed,althoughstatedthat the problem is Josh and if he could be helped then she would feel better. A referralwasmadetotheFamilySupportCounsellortocontactAlicewithinthe nexttwenty-fourhours.
Mar 28, 2020HLTH510

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