Microsoft Word - 문서1 Submission requirements. Submit (1) a word document (this file with your answers and listing of any program & its run [log or screenshots]) and (2) a zip file of a folder which...

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Hi, I have a programming assignment that requires javascript, php and mysql. I want to know how much it costs. Thank you!

Microsoft Word - 문서1 Submission requirements. Submit (1) a word document (this file with your answers and listing of any program & its run [log or screenshots]) and (2) a zip file of a folder which will contain all the codes (all the source codes, data and any other items related to this assignment and your work done). This word document (this file) is your documentation (as a basis to add your answers) to be included here - all your answers, all your program-listings, instructions to compile and run [screen-shots, terminal text, or session log] to show your work done, including how to compile and run for each cases. ** Your executable codes (that you submit) should run in cs1 without any change or recompilation. Instruction First, create a folder: project in Xampp htdocs Note. All of your work should be done and saved in project folder (in htdoc). For submission, upload this directory (with all its contents – all the files and all subdirectories, and SQL export file to reconstruct the database and all the tables, any screenshots and run-log files if any) in the zip file for this assignment. CS Graduate Courses The manager of IT department hired you to be the web developer. Your first project is to design and implement the web application (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and SQL for the database tables, to do the following tasks: Note. The course web page (UTD CS course information from the catalog) is available:

CS 5301

(EEGR 5301)
Professional and Technical Communication
(3 semester credit hours)
This course utilizes an integrated approach to writing and speaking for the technical professions. The advanced writing components of the course focus on writing professional quality technical documents such as proposals, memos, abstracts, reports, letters, emails, etc. The advanced oral communication components of the course focus on planning, developing, and delivering dynamic, informative and persuasive presentations. Advanced skills in effective teamwork, leadership, listening, multimedia and computer generated visual aids are also emphasized. Graduate students will have a successful communication experience working in a functional team environment using a real time, online learning environment. (3-0) Y

CS 5303

Computer Science I
(3 semester credit hours)
Computer science problem solving. The structure and nature of algorithms and their corresponding computer program implementation. Programming in a high level block-structured language (e.g., PASCAL, Ada, C++, or JAVA). Elementary data structures: arrays, records, linked lists, trees, stacks and queues. Prerequisite: ENCS majors only. (3-0) R

CS 5330

Computer Science II
(3 semester credit hours)
Basic concepts of computer organization: Numbering systems, two's complement notation, multi-level machine concepts, machine language, assembly programming and optimization, subroutine calls, addressing modes, code generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC, CISC, and performance calculation. Prerequisite or Corequisite:
CS 5303. (3-0) R

CS 5333

Discrete Structures
(3 semester credit hours)
Mathematical foundations of computer science. Logic, sets, relations, graphs and algebraic structures. Combinatorics and metrics for performance evaluation of algorithms. Prerequisite: ENCS majors only. (3-0) S

Task0 Create a folder (“project”) in xampp htdocs. Note. All of your work (web programs, sql codes, screenshots, files, run-log, etc.) should be placed here (and as a backup/archive) for your submission (along with this document). Please note the subfolder’s name: project/output for output file, project/sql for sql file, project/document for document, screenshots, run-log files, etc. Place the course web page here (cs-complete.html file and cs-complete folder in We will use this web page for our project (and do not use the UTD web page for the project). Task1 Copy the web page (cs-complete.html and cs-complete folder) to be cs-complete1.html and cs-complete1 folder. Update cs-complete1.html file to have a link in head to have a link to your javascript file (task1.js in project folder) to extract each course information, to be saved in an output file (task1out.txt in project). #1. The first task is to extract the course information for each course: course number, course title, course credit hours, course description, course prerequisite, etc. Write javascript code to extract each course information (or if you know, you may use the web scaping tools, for example, beautiful soup, PHP web scraping tool, etc.). #2. Provide a button (to extract the course information). When it is submitted (click), it will extract each course information to be saved in a file. At the end of the execution, provide the result of the extraction when it is done (e.g., using echo …, a text-area, or a pop-up screen) to show (a) how many courses are extracted, (b) the course information from the first and of the last courses. Save the extracted course information into a text file. For example, consider cs5303 shown below.

CS 5303

Computer Science I
(3 semester credit hours)
Computer science problem solving. The structure and nature of algorithms and their corresponding computer program implementation. Programming in a high level block-structured language (e.g., PASCAL, Ada, C++, or JAVA). Elementary data structures: arrays, records, linked lists, trees, stacks and queues. Prerequisite: ENCS majors only. (3-0) R

CS 5330

Computer Science II
(3 semester credit hours)
Basic concepts of computer organization: Numbering systems, two's complement notation, multi-level machine concepts, machine language, assembly programming and optimization, subroutine calls, addressing modes, code generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC, CISC, and performance calculation. Prerequisite or Corequisite:
CS 5303. (3-0) R

course_id course_address course_title course_hours course_description course_prerequisite_link course_prerequisite course_timeCreated course_timeUpdated

CS 5330

Computer Science II
(3 semester credit hours)
Basic concepts of computer organization: Numbering systems, two's complement notation, multi- level machine concepts, machine language, assembly programming and optimization, subroutine calls, addressing modes, code generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC, CISC, and performance calculation. Prerequisite or Corequisite:
CS 5303. (3-0) R

Note. To make your design easy, you may define each field to be: varchar (of 255 char, or more as needed for a certain field) with "default null" except the course id which will be a primary key of the course table. Task1 Solution task1.js listing task1out.txt (use font size of 7 for the listing) Task2 Copy the web page (cs-complete2.html and cs-complete2 folder). Update cs-complete2.html file to have a link in head to have a link to your javascript file (task2.js in project folder) to extract each course information (similar to what we have done in Task1) and to output a file (task2out.sql in project) containing the SQL statements to create a table and to insert each course to the table, to be saved in an output file (task2out.txt to be saved in project). CREATE TABLE `courses` ( ̀ id` int(11) NOT NULL, ̀ CourseAddress` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, ̀ CourseName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, ̀ CourseHours` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, ̀ CourseDescription` text, . . . ̀ created_at` datetime NOT NULL, ̀ updated_at` datetime NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO `courses` (`id`, `CourseAddress`, `CourseName`, `CourseHours`, `CourseDescription`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, …) VALUES (1, 'CS 5301', 'Professional and Technical Communication', '3 semester credit hours', 'This course utilizes an integrated approach to writing and speaking for the technical professions. The advanced writing components of the course focus on writing professional quality technical documents such as proposals, memos, abstracts, reports, letters, emails, etc. The advanced oral communication components of the course focus on planning, developing, and delivering dynamic, informative and persuasive presentations. Advanced skills in effective teamwork, leadership, listening, multimedia and computer generated visual aids are also emphasized. Graduate students will have a successful communication experience working in a functional team environment using a real time, online learning environment. (3-0) Y', …), (2, 'CS 5303', 'Computer Science I', '3 semester credit hours',' Computer science problem solving. The structure and nature of algorithms and their corresponding computer program implementation. Programming in a high level block-structured language (e.g., PASCAL, Ada, C++, or JAVA). Elementary data structures: arrays, records, linked lists, trees, stacks and queues. ', … ), (3, 'CS 5330', 'Computer Science II', '3 semester credit hours', ' Basic concepts of computer organization: Numbering systems, two s complement notation, multi-level machine concepts, machine language, assembly programming and optimization, subroutine calls, addressing modes, code generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC, CISC, and performance calculation. ', …), … Hint. A sample code to extract all

elements in a web page.

Finding HTML Elements by Tag Name

The DOM is very useful.


Answered Same DayJul 31, 2022

Answer To: Microsoft Word - 문서1 Submission requirements. Submit (1) a word document (this file with your...

Anurag answered on Jul 31 2022
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