Hi, I have a midterm to take on Thursday October 28,2021. I don't have much information about it. I just know we will have MCQ, Q&A, and a 450 words mini essay. I would like to know if you guys would be able to help me.
Dear all,
The Midterm exam will be an evaluation of your reading and reflecting of the assigned material so please, review your notes based on each chapter of your textbook so far (it will include the chapter on Family and Marriage) and the first 5 chapters of Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom. I’d like you to be mindful of very key themes from all the readings as well as concepts.
NOTE: The following list is not exhaustive.
2.Cultural Anthropology
3.“The Other”
4.Participant Observation
6. Structural Violence
8.Political Economy
9.Whorf hypothesis
10.Domestic Economy
11.Ethnicity/Ethnic group
18.Modes of subsistence
19.Political Economy
20.Cultural Relativism
21.Development Anthropology
22. Means of production
23. Surplus
24. Power
25. Hegemony.
26. Modes of production
27. Redistribution
28. Subsistence farmers
29. Agriculture
30. Commodity chain
31. Holism
32. Natural Selection
33. Phases of economic production
34. Stratified society
35. Kinship
36. Patrilineal descent
37. Matrilineage
38. Bridewealth
39. Matrilocality
40. Family of orientation
41. Foraging
42. Pastoralism
43. Horticulturalist
44. Means of production
45. Plantation
46. World System
47. Market Exchange
48. Redistribution
49. Generalized Reciprocity
50. Capitalist Production
IIReview some of the names and works by anthropologists mentioned in your textbook and in Mintz’s book. Where did they work? What did they do? Any publications? Main focus?
Boas, Malinowski, Mead, Steward, Geertz, Wolf, Karen Hansen, Mark Schuller, Katie Nelson, Marx, etc. etc.
III Great Human Odyssey, main points (review the question I sent)
IV Do You Speak American? Main points
V The Namesake (a feature film I am asking you to watch for the chapter on Family and Marriaage), main points.
I don't have an example or idea of the exam.