Hi,I am uploading the assignment criteria along with INTRODUCTORY EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING_Sample.
Need to follow the same structure as in INTRODUCTORY EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING Sample.I write Synopsis, introduction and Methodology.just change the red highlighted text with some other relevant author reference.
Assignment Part C – Reflective Essay. Using the skills identified and listed in the transcript, students will write a reflective paper in which they will critically analyse their use of each of these skills in the video-recorded role play. For each skill: · Briefly define this skill & why it is important; and · Critically analyse your use (or lack of use) of the skill in the videotaped role-play: · If you demonstrated this skill, give examples, including an analysis of how your ‘client’ responded to this intervention, and · Give suggestions of how you could use the skill more effectively. In their Reflective Essay, students must use relevant sources (a minimum of 5 references beyond the textbook) from the counselling literature to support the thoughtful and accurate self-critique of their own demonstrated skills. A reference list must be submitted with the essay. References must be correctly cited in the text and in a reference list using the APA referencing style. You can use the first person in this Reflective Essay and the use of headings is permitted. Assessment criteria for transcript and Essay (see marking rubric provided in appendix A for more details) 1. Demonstrated competent use and understanding of counselling skills, including in the proper identification of skills (15%) 2. Accuracy of transcript (10%) 3. Self-reflection and analysis of the student’s own use of skills (15%) 4. Writing suitable for the academic context, and use of APA referencing style including: · Sentence and paragraph structure · Spelling and grammar · Referencing · Assignment must be word processed · Essay must be within word range of 1,500 words +/- 10% · Appropriate choice of and effective use of sources (minimum 5) to support skills analysis/reflection (10%) Marking criteria Assignment 3: Recorded role play, transcript and essay. Weighting: 50% (1500 words for essay). Assessment Item F (Fail) Inadequate/poor P (Pass) Adequate CR (Credit) Good DI (Distinction) Excellent HD (High Distinction) Outstanding Correct demonstration, identification and understanding of counselling skills used (15%) Submission for assignment demonstrates underdeveloped counselling communication skills and a poor understanding of what is required. Skills used are not clearly identified and areas for improvement are not articulated and/or discussed in analysis and reflective essay. Submission for assignment demonstrates developing counselling communication skills and some understanding of the counselling skills and processes. There are however some significant gaps in all or parts of the demonstration of skills, knowledge of counselling and identification of skills used. Submission for assignment demonstrates good counselling communication skills and sound ability to engage and establish rapport with client as well as a sound understanding and identification of the counselling skills and processes. Submission for assignment demonstrates very good counselling communication skills. It also demonstrates an excellent understanding of the process of skills acquisition and of the counselling process itself. Outstanding in every respect. Demonstration of excellent counselling communication skills as well as refection and understanding of the counselling process. Accuracy of all aspects of transcript (10%) Mistakes and omissions throughout. Mistakes and omissions are present in half the transcript. A few mistakes and omissions but no more than 15% of transcript Mistakes and omissions but no more than 10% of the transcript. Transcript is totally accurate in all aspects. Self reflection, self awareness and analysis of the student’s own use of skills (15%) Self-reflection is not clearly demonstrated, poor or no analysis and overall student shows very limited self-awareness. Self-assessment is not accurate and reflection on and analysis of the role-play largely descriptive. Some degree of analysis about the interaction is done however, self-reflection although somewhat demonstrated remains limited. The analysis of the role-play contains a good indication of these capacities, but some aspects remain descriptive. The student demonstrates sound self-awareness, reflection and analysis. The role-play analysis clearly identifies areas for improvement. The student demonstrates in all parts of the assignment extremely high capacities for self-reflection and for analysing the interaction. Areas that need attention or improvement are clearly identified and steps to take towards this are articulated. The student demonstrates an outstanding capacity for self-reflection and analysis of the interaction is of a high order. Writing suitable for the academic context and appropriate choice and effective use of sources (minimum 5 using APA referencing style) to support skills analysis/reflection (10%) Organisation & presentation poor, undeveloped reflection with poor or no structure, no clear introduction or conclusion. Writing is not always intelligible, error of punctuation, spelling & grammar, stylistically poor and frequently inappropriate. Poor referencing format that does not follow required guidelines. Organisation and presentation acceptable. Structure is clear with an introduction and conclusion but some of these could have been given more strength and meaning. Roadmap is not really provided. Writing is intelligible but contains a fair amount of errors in spelling, grammar punctuation, style is not consistent and at times lacks in clarity. Organisation and presentation are good, and the structure of the essay is clear with introduction, body and conclusion and signposting for the reader. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are reasonably good. Errors occur but do not interfere with the clarity of presentation, some difficulty with language choice. Minimal/no errors in referencing format. Very good presentation clearly structured with a good road map. Very good standards of writing, very few spelling or grammar errors. Use of language is appropriate to context and intention. Meticulous referencing format. Extremely high standard in terms of presentation and structure. Extremely high standard in terms of presentation and structure. REFLECTIVE REPORT OF BASIC COUNSELLING Synopsis xxx is a second year student in psychology at xxx of xx. Her story includes finding a genuine friendship difficult to find. She's upset with her peers, who have all boyfriends and she doesn't find herself in a relationship on her own. She's afraid she might be a lesbian if she doesn't find her friends' boyfriend. 1. Introduction Note:- Need to change the below red highlighted text with relevant other writer reference By discussing this particular experience in detail, I can begin to understand the specific skills a counsellor may use in many different situations in order to help others (Egan, 2007, p. 3). This reflective essay will focus on how a student at the University of xx should use micro-counselling skills. The main focus of this thesis will be on the advice strategies learned during the course at xxx University. These techniques will focus on particular areas of counselling that could often be overlooked such as presentation, voice, questioning, paraphrasing, reflection of content, reflection of feeling and summarizing. 2. Methodology I selected a student from xxx University to conduct my counselling session 21 year old from the xx. The storeys were based on her thoughts about her life in the teenage period. She was informed in advance of this consultation session for assessment purposes and of a recording and listening by the lecturer. All the knowledge will be lost at the conclusion of the evaluation. 3. Critical Reflection 3.1. Presentation Note:- Need to change the below red highlighted text with relevant to Presentation. At the beginning of the session, the counselor’s goal is to help the person seeking counseling to feel confortable and willing to share his or her concerns, (Geldard and Geldard 2012). Having this in mind, I tried to be neither too friendly nor too detached. I started by presenting myself and then asking her a little about herself. Following this, I tried to engage her in questions about the geography of her country. I believe that showing this interest will soften the professional barrier between us and set us in a more friend-to-friend relationship, and thus making her feel more confortable to share her feelings. There was a good moment in the beginning of the interview when my client (who knew that I was recording for forty minutes) reminded me to start the clock when I had forgotten. That was very encouraging, since I could see that she was aware of what was going on. That also alleviated the tension from both sides, as we both laughed at the same thing. The key moment started at exactly 01:00. At this period I set up the ground rules. According to Sutton and Stewart (2002) it is important to clarify the limits of confidentiality at the beginning of the session. The author highlights that this is very important since it helps the person to feel safer and thus disclose important information. Although, I did not directly refer my client to the fact that the lecturer would watch the video to assess me: I had explained this before starting the recorder. It is important to notice that during the ground rules setting, I always tried to check with her if she was confortable with those rules. Furthermore, Geldard and Geldard (2012) explain that it is important to let the person seeking counseling know that if any important issue emerges during the session, and if the counselor is not well prepared to deal with it, he or she should refer the person to another professional who is more capable. It is for this reason that I mentioned to her that a referral might happen during the session. After giving her space to share her problem, I gave her the opportunity to express how she wanted to be helped. This is to make sure that her expectation is satisfied. Geldard and Geldard (2012) explain that this technique is important to avoid that the counselors provide his/her own solution, which may not correspond to the person’s expectations. Then I explained to her how the session would be structured in terms of short and long goals, as recommended by (Geldard and Geldard 2012) 3.2. Voice Note:- Need to change the below red highlighted text with relevant to Vovie. According to Geldard and Geldard (2012) voice is very important during the counseling session. For example if it is too low or too high, it may impact unfavorably on the counseling outcomes. Therefore, I tried to keep my voice at a medium volume and tone. Furthermore, this will help with clarity and ease of understanding for my client. I also tried speaking at a reasonable pace. I used pauses and repetition during the questions to enhance this. Despite of some background noise, I think that there were no interferences in the counseling process. 3.3. Silent (Need to write about silent here) 3.4. Questioning Note:- Need to change the below red highlighted text with relevant to Questioning. During a counselling session, questioning is an important tool, since it allows the counsellors to explore the person’s concerns, (Guindon 2011). Nevertheless, it is a skill that must be practiced and disciplined. Guindon (2011) reminds us that counsellors should ask the appropriate questions at appropriate time in order to efficiently guide the patient to disclose more and valuable information, and thus achieve efficient solution. This theory is also supported by (Geldard and Geldard 2012). During this session