This audio recording will discuss the final paper for the course which is due December 16 you can find a copy of the prompt for the final paper on blackboard under week 16 near the bottom there will...

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Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well? Please follow the instructions and pay more attentions on the research paper. If have any question feel free to ask me. Thx

This audio recording will discuss the final paper for the course which is due December 16 you can find a copy of the prompt for the final paper on blackboard under week 16 near the bottom there will be a link that says prompt for final paper if you click on that a PDF will open of the questions in more detail about the paper you will submit the final paper where it says final paper due Wednesday, December 16 upload here so you can also find a rubric if you're looking at that link of what it is that is expected from you when you open this link you will see Do you have a PDF that outlines the particulars for the papers such as the due date Wednesday, December 16 by 1159 late papers will not be excepted this is because of a couple reasons one it's the final paper and two final grades are due not to we don't have too much time between the final exam and the posting of final grades so I need to have them so I have a chance to read through all of these papers the final paper is worth 25% of your grade you should your paper will be seven pages double spaced that means 12 point font in a standard font such as Times new Roman and use normal margins which is 1 inch on All four sides please don't try to condense the page and it's again best to write this paper in either word and submit it as a word document or export it as a PDF file and upload it that way please do not type your submission in the in the text box because your formatting will be off and again this is your final paper so it's not a discussion board and it needs to be more formal in addition to those seven pages doubles paced you were also required to provide a cover page and a work cited page or bibliography this does not count towards the seven page minimum and I see a typo here it actually says 12 page please disregard that I'm actually going to update That here in a second the paper itself is going to cover for philosophers discussed in class and depending upon which class you are in that may be directly from the primary sources or the articles that we read by these respective philosophers or if you're in my other class then the textbook would also be a possible resource both classes use primary sources from the philosophers themselves so that would be your kind of guiding instrument if you're in the LEH class and you also used the textbook you have an additional resource at your disposal you can always rest Friends the textbook for more information on those specific people that you are going to decide that you will examine in this final paper with that being said I'm going to outline what your paper should kind of entail and innocence and then will get more to the specific questions so what I'm going to kind of read right now is more of amusing or inspiration if you will the black philosophers discussed in class or presenting a critique or counter narrative of specific philosophical problems within a historical contacts I'm gonna break that down real quick historical context what time. Where they writing in and what were their main what was the main focus or condition that influence their philosophy and what I mean by that They writing during the period of Jim Crowe or segregationist are they writing from a southern institution or are they writing from being in in the north right and again people like Malcolm X was not in an institution he's what we may call an organic philosopher he doesn't have the formal training in a sense but yet he would be someone you could include because he was covered in class and he's also a philosopher in the more general sense the critique or counter narrative is essentially the main stream narrative during specifically what we're talking about Jim Crowe will keep it that example that white the white community deserved a superior condition and African-Americans were too Live within an oppressed society that was the narrative and it changes depending on the rash the "rationale for that justification changes over time and at one time there was a LM a belief that of inferiority and superiority into white supremacy right that is a narrative that was being produced in African-Americans offered a counter narrative if we look at people like Benjamin maze and William Banner they offered a counter narrative to what was believed to be a unique discipline philosophy there was a main stream belief that only white men could engage in philosophy the counter narrative or the critique of that Main stream belief was that all people that there's a universal or a universality when it comes to philosophy that's what I mean by that first sentence I feel like this might be a long audio lecture but we're going to we're going to skip to it sound as part of the larger philosophical tradition they are also responding to a conversation or discourse within the black intellectual tradition so we have two schools of kind of two ideas here to two branches we have the philosophical tradition the larger rights of the general main stream you can call at Western philosophy remember we talked about and if you read the article by Roy D. Mercer and he talks about Haegle George William Haegle who suggest that African and African people don't have The history they don't have a civilization so that was the larger tradition in a sense so how are these people responding how are these African-American philosophers responding to this discourse and how is it part of the black intellectual tradition right so African-Americans were barred from higher education for decades they broke through various various points in various institutions building this intellectual legacy right so people like Alexander Crummell back in the late 1800s is part of this intellectual legacy he's a philosopher all of this is connected and that's what I want you to to gauge when you're writing your paper when you're Thinking about your paper it may seem a little rudimentary to create a bubble sheet or what are they called a brainstorming sheet where you have bubbles of people so you have four philosophers you may want to create for bubbles and write their time. They were they were active during write their main general approach to philosophy is it universal someone like a Benjamin mesa William Banner and Joyce Mitchell Cook who believe that philosophy is a universal that everyone regardless of your ethnicity your class status philosophy is something that everyone is part of or is it more of a unique or a particular view is it something like a William Joe I'm sure Brady Morrison and Marcus Garvey and Malcolm max that suggest there is a unique lens that African-Americans either live within or see the world through so that way if you have two people that have particularity OK there's a commonality right if the other two people are you have a more universal approach that's another commonality as well as a contrast so this paper does require you to engage with the concepts and the ideas used throughout the semester so if you don't have an idea of what universality means then you need to go back and look at the PowerPoint and to read you know the power listen to the lectures and things like that in your estimate omission Why is this conversation or discourse within and beyond the black experience significant to the larger presentation of philosophical tradition and schools of thought how did these African-American philosophers influence philosophy as a whole William or Jones institutionalize black philosophy as part of the American philosophical association that is a main stream or school of thought in a sense right and we can talk about people like Eugene homes who influence Marxist thought he brought this idea not to the black community African-Americans had engage with this idea of socialism Wayback before Eugene homes but Eugene Holmes brought it to a tradition or a historically black university Howard university in the 1950s very very turbulent time in US politics so that is what I mean by kind of this conversation what are these African-American philosophers bringing to the table and why is it they are bringing this specific idea or philosophy to the table during this time. This conversation or discourse can relate to a specific authors or philosophers and their presentation of philosophical ideas or it can relate directly to the overall philosophical themes in class I'm discussed in class so racism education we've taught we spoke about legal segregation and you're not going to this question of education WEB do boy Waze and both Alene lack discuss this question of education both classes read the article by WEB do boys and again to reiterate what I mentioned in the audio lectures on the boys specifically the boys his life was very long so if you cover someone like the boys you may have to explain that you may have to mention OK with the boys in 1935 was supporting you know or wasn't necessarily supporting but understood and advocated for the need for African-Americans to control their own education why why did he write about this in 1935 and what was the opposing what was the more main stream view the main stream view Was more along a lab along the lines of someone like Alene lock who supported and integrationist education system so that's what I mean by looking at the philosophical themes discussed in class that we spoke about that we've you know wrote about during in discussion boards and questions from the midterm and what not so moving along on the prompt here critically analyze and examine how a specific philosopher addresses the philosophical problems within the black philosophical experience no it's a bit wordy as it relates to the larger philosophical tradition so we're talking again about the larger philosophical tradition that's the entire kind of canon of philosophy dating back To Greek philosophy and we didn't talk about that but we all know that is the root of kind of western philosophical or the tradition that the larger philosophical tradition how does black philosophy and what it's offered work within that field so essentially I'm re-stating what I mentioned above that may lead to questions like is there a black philosophy write the meta-philosophy we've spent time discussing and if so what makes it a black philosophy and why is it necessary how does black philosophy relate to black studies so again one of the people that directly referenced the idea of black philosophy and we spent quite a bit of time on this person is William are Jones we read a couple of his articles and if you are in the elite class you read significant sections in the in the textbook that outline Dr. Jones is important to black philosophy so you wanna make sure you go back and revisit some of these articles and so if you're going to be revisiting an article on William R Jones you may decide to cover him as one of your philosophers and you know cause you're gonna have to do you know look at all of these different questions again the choice is yours on who to include in this paper so there's four questions or four I think they're not even really questions in a sense they're more just Kind of probes ways of organizing or things to address within the paper you want to provide a biographical sketch of the philosophers under discussion
Answered Same DayDec 05, 2021

Answer To: This audio recording will discuss the final paper for the course which is due December 16 you can...

Shefali answered on Dec 08 2021
154 Votes
AAS 305/PHI 305
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Philosophers Addressing Philosophical Problems within Black Philosophical Experience Relating to Larger Philosophical Tradition    4
1. Biographical Information on Philosophers    5
Martin Luther King    5
William R Jones    5
Benjamin Mays    6
Joyce Mitchell Cook    6
2. Fundamental philosophical concepts of phi
losophers relating to Black Experience and Time Period    6
Martin Luther King    6
William R Jones    6
Benjamin Mays    7
Joyce Mitchell Cook    7
3. Placement of works by African American philosophers within African American and overall philosophical traditions    7
a. Ethno Philosophy School    7
b. Nationalist/Ideological School    8
c. Hermeneutical School    8
d. Literary School    8
4. Conceptual Problems in A Philosopher’s Arguments and Their Purpose    9
Conclusion    10
Bibliography    11
African American philosophy is all about discrimination between whites and blacks. It clearly shows how whites resist from building relationships with blacks. A considerable number of African Americans live in communities that lack access to good schools, jobs, sanitation facilities and medication. Sometimes they also suffer from high crime rates. Poor economic conditions are the reason behind poor educational outcomes, high crime rates and high unemployment rates.
All this can be corrected by building good relations with the people and promoting racism justice, equality instead of violence and discrimination. Blacks are discouraged from this type of behavior, as they are not getting acceptance in society. Philosophers such as Martin Luther King, William R Jones, Benjamin Mays, Joyce Mitchell Cook and many more are raising their voice against this injustice and trying to spread positivity in the environment. The situation has made the environment challenging for them. Every African wear two faces that are one for themselves and another for white people to get to the places blacks want to go.
Philosophers Addressing Philosophical Problems within Black Philosophical Experience Relating to Larger Philosophical Tradition
The philosophers such as Benjamin Maya, William R Jones and Joyce Mitchell Cook believe that philosophy is universal that everyone regardless of ethnicity, class, religion and beliefs should follow. Martin Luther King addresses the problems as triple evils and much more. He says that poverty, racism and militarism are forms of violence that are existing in the vicious cycle. To overcome all this, one needs to follow the platform of nonviolence. Non-violence seeks to build friendship and understanding and also defeats injustice.
Black philosophy is the work of various philosophers of African descent and others whose work relates to the subject matter of the African diaspora. Black philosophy includes philosophical arguments, ideas and theories of particular concern to citizens of African descent. Black philosophy is related to black studies as black studies is a systematic way of studying black people in the world such as culture, history, religion and sociology.
It includes the experience of black people and the impact of society on them and also the impact within the community. As informed by Zolliecoffer (2020), the aim of this study is to suppress racial stereotypes. There may be a possibility that the ultimate tragedy is not the brutality of the wrong people but the silence of the right people.
1. Biographical Information on Philosophers
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King was born on January 15 in Atlanta, United States. King had a strong faith for Jesus Christ and he was also influenced by the Christian gospels. King published a book called Measure of a Man, which included the dimensions of a complete life. He was a social activist and Baptist minister. He played a significant role in the American civil...

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