Exam Instruction/Exam instruction from shaikh.docx Instruction Subject Name: ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems Exam will start 17/06/2021 on Thursday from morning 6 am Australian time for 24 hours. It...

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Hi , good afternoon how are you. This is Shaikh , I need to do one final exam

Subject Name:

ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems

Exam will start 17/06/2021 on Thursday from morning 6 am Australian time for 24 hours. It takes three/3 hours to finish. When you start within three/3 hours you have to finish. This subject is more accountants related. Please find someone who is more expert to do this.

Exam Instruction/Exam instruction from shaikh.docx Instruction Subject Name: ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems Exam will start 17/06/2021 on Thursday from morning 6 am Australian time for 24 hours. It takes three/3 hours to finish. When you start within three/3 hours you have to finish. This subject is more accountants related. Please find someone who is more expert to do this 1. Go to the below link https://moodle.federation.edu.au/login User name: 30315486 Password: tahiR12345*# After login, you will see dash board then find subject ITECH 5402 SEM8 2021: Enterprise Systems IIBIT Sydney make sure 2021 click on it, Then you will see Assessment option then click on the Assessment option If you scroll down, you will see the final exam link Click on the final exam link then exam will start; you need to finish the exam with in three/3 hours. After three/3 hours you will not write anything. You will see the exam time on top of the screen Exam Instruction/ITECH 5402 - Final Test Instructions (1).docx GUIDANCE NOTE FOR STUDENTS SEM1 2021 ATTENTION: Please read this carefully and contact the Course Coordinator if you have any questions. TIME: The test for this course is scheduled for: Date: 17th June 2021 Time: Available at 6am and will be open for 24 hours. Allocated Time: 3 Hours Instructions: You will be able to choose which three hours within that 24hr period that suits you to complete the test. Make sure you check your whole test timetable and schedule your time appropriately. FORMAT OF THE TEST: (The test includes a case study and ten (10) questions. All questions carry 4 marks each. You will be required to answer all ten questions. Questions will be presented to you one at a time. You must submit each question before you can access the next question in your test. Once submitted you are unable to access your answer. Make sure you re-read and edit your answer before you submit each question. COMPLETION: · This test is not designed to be completed on a mobile device, such as a phone. If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your course co-coordinator if you do not have confidence in their home internet or do not have access to a computer consider booking a computer or work-space on campus. Go to the Library website for full details and to book your seat. Note: You will not be allowed on campus if you do not pre-book a seat. Bookings are in 2hr blocks and you may need to book multiple sessions. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: This is an open book test. Once you click on the link to access the exam, you are agreeing to the following: By starting and subsequently submitting this assessment, I agree that:
 · I have read and understood, and complied with the Federation University Australia Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures. · This work has not been outsourced and is entirely my own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. · This work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program. PREPARING FOR THE TEST · Access the student Online Study Hub Moodle page, which has a specific module on ‘End of Semester Assessments’ at: https://moodle.federation.edu.au/course/view.php?id=67746 · Check your computer and internet access and if possible, use a wired internet connection (usually more reliable) or if unavailable check and test the Wi-Fi set up. It is not advisable to use a public wi-fi connect such as those available at McDonalds. · Do not try to complete the test on your mobile device. · Find a space that is quiet, private and has space for all the resources you need (books, note etc). · Check the test date and plan a “window” within that period to take the test. It is important to allow sufficient time to complete the test. · It may be useful to create an organized set of summaries as you study to help answer questions. · Your responses must be in your own words although you will not be expected to do complete referencing. Don’t be tempted to collude or plagiarise as answers will be checked in Turnitin when suspicions arise. · Practice good time management while taking the test – know how long you have for each section. You might not be allowed to go back in the test, so it is important to complete each answer thoroughly before moving on. YOUR TIME MANAGEMENT: · Special consideration will not be given for tests not completed on time unless evidence can be shown that the delay was unavoidable. It is important to schedule your commencement of the test appropriately so that you may complete it before the test becomes unavailable. IF THINGS GO WRONG: Once you commence the test: If there is a technology-based reason that means you cannot complete the test: 1. Take a screenshot of error (may be done with your phone). 2. Log a job with ITS (internet or phone depending what is available ITS Contact Link). 3. Email your Course Co-ordinator ([email protected]) and explain the issue and include screenshot. Your Course Co-ordinator will not respond to the email but it is important to alert them to the issue. They keep logs for examination attempts, and these will be monitored and stored and may be used as necessary to confirm any issue. If a non-technology based issue occurs, after you have commenced the test and it is outside your control: 1. Deal with the emergency or event. 2. As soon as you can, send an email to inform the coordinator ([email protected]) and determine the best way to get corroborating evidence (medical certificate etc.). 3. You will need to apply for special consideration if illness/ injury/ or circumstances beyond your control prevents you from completing the test. There is an onus on you to provide evidence for any disruption or issue with the test and all such issues will be verified and investigated. As test are individually generated, options after a disruption will be determined on an individual case by case basis. It is important not to panic as we have many options in how we respond, and the usual special consideration conditions apply. For details: https://federation.edu.au/current-students/essential-info/administration/special-consideration/higher-education CONTACT DETAILS: Course Coordinator’s email: [email protected] ITS HelpDesk is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Phone: 1800 FED UNI (1800 333 864) CASE STUDY - Global Bike Incorporated You will be given a similar case study during the exam. Please note similar NOT same. GBI Background Global Bike is a world class bicycle company serving the professional and “prosumer” cyclists for touring and off-road racing. Global Bike Inc. is registered as a US company, following US GAAP accounting standards. Due to several tax and export issues, Global Bike Groups’s headquarters remains located in Dallas while its subsidiary company, Global Bike Germany GmbH, which is based in Heidelberg is subject to IFRS accounting standards and German tax regulations. History GBI divisions were running multiple, independent application environments. This was inefficient, inaccurate, and expensive, and information was not available in real-time. In fact, many of GBI’s processes were obsolete and there was a need to dismantle existing processes into individual activities and put them back together in a new set of business flows. In addition to this, GBI ran into trouble with its reporting to the IFRS in 2017 because some significant financial transactions could not be accounted for. GBI started to struggle for market share with a relative newcomer to the bicycle industry, FED Bicycles who was emerging as a formidable player largely due to the company’s culture of embracing technology as a strategic competitive advantage in improving efficiency and customer service. GBI was experiencing shipping errors due to the wrong address or loading the box on the wrong truck. Errors happened frequently on systems that required manual data entry, and multiple systems required redundant processes to utilize the data. Much of the bicycles looked similar, which allowed for picking errors. Fixing these errors were expensive and time consuming. GBI’s customer service received an overwhelming number of phone inquiries each day that required time and cost-consuming processes to locate approximate package status. GBI divisions were running multiple, independent application environments. This was inefficient, inaccurate, and expensive, and information was not available in real-time. In fact, many of GBI’s processes were obsolete. In 2017, GBI ran into trouble with its reporting to the IFRS because some significant financial transactions could not be accounted for. It was at this time that GBI decided to dismantle existing processes into individual activities and put them back together in a new set of business flow, with an ERP system as the enabling technology. Technology Implementation GBI integrated a shared services model for all IT functions, located in the Dallas office. Along with this move to centralized IT, Global Bike also implemented SAP ERP (version 6.0). GBI set up teams to implement hardware and software, modify the software to meet the goals, convert the legacy data to the new system, and develop a reporting framework and initial set of reports to be included in the system implementation. Not having highly skilled IT developers and a proven process for managing such big technology projects, GBI engaged an external company as an implementation partner. The external consultant evaluated the different ERP systems on the market and recommended SAP. GBI initially believed that SAP was not a good fit, but as the company went through the evaluation process, finally decided SAP actually was the best system for them. The implementation approach started off with a goal to minimize the tailoring of SAP but later changed to become focused on changing the system to match their processes. Eight different modules were implemented, first starting with the Sales and Distribution, Procurement, and Accounting modules. Next the Warehouse Management, Production, and Asset Management were included, and finally, the Project Systems, and Quality Management modules were incorporated. Problems experienced in the implementation of the first three modules were also experienced in the implementation of the subsequent modules. Interviews with staff during the project revealed a culture of closed communication and very little commitment to training. At some point, there seemed to be no more contribution from the implementation partner, who was also responsible for providing training. The project took eighteen months to complete, and several staff resigned before the end of the project as they were unsure of the changes happening in the company. Despite the issues, the system went live. Difficulties continued in the first sixty to ninety days. Further interviews with staff indicated that there was a huge number of support calls recorded as many of them could not utilise the capabilities of the system and had in fact forgotten
Answered 2 days AfterJun 15, 2021ITECH5402

Answer To: Exam Instruction/Exam instruction from shaikh.docx Instruction Subject Name: ITECH 5402 Enterprise...

Vasudha answered on Jun 17 2021
149 Votes
Subject Name: ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems
Exam will start 17/06/2021 on Thursday fr
om morning 6 am Australian time for 24 hours. It takes three/3 hours to finish. When you start within three/3 hours you have to finish. This subject is more accountants related. Please find someone...

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