Could I get an offer from you for the solutions for a couple of assignments. (See .rar file)
No need to do the one marked as BONUS
The dates I need them before are
Exercise 03: 11.sept
Exercise 04: 11.sept
Exercise 05: 24.sept
Exercise 06: 24.sept
Exercise 07: 8.okt
Exercise 08: 8.okt
Exercise 09: 22.okt
Exercise 10: 22.okt
Exercise 11: 5.nov
Exercise 12: 5.nov
from tools import scatter_3d_data, bar_per_axis import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def gen_data( n: int, k: int, mean: np.ndarray, var: float ) -> np.ndarray: '''Generate n values samples from the k-variate normal distribution ''' ... def update_sequence_mean( mu: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, n: int ) -> np.ndarray: '''Performs the mean sequence estimation update ''' ... def _plot_sequence_estimate(): data = ... estimates = [np.array([0, 0, 0])] for i in range(data.shape[0]): ... plt.plot([e[0] for e in estimates], label='First dimension') ... plt.legend(loc='upper center') plt.show() def _square_error(y, y_hat): ... def _plot_mean_square_error(): ... # Naive solution to the independent question. def gen_changing_data( n: int, k: int, start_mean: np.ndarray, end_mean: np.ndarray, var: float ) -> np.ndarray: # remove this if you don't go for the independent section ... def _plot_changing_sequence_estimate(): # remove this if you don't go for the independent section ... The readme file, info about what to do # Sequential Estimation Online learning is very important in machine learning as it allows for the inclusion of new data samples without having to recalculate model parameters for the rest of the data. The aim of this exercise is to explore this concept. ## Section 1 We will now look into online estimation of a mean vector. Yhe objective is to apply the following formula for estimating a mean *(see Bishop Section 2.3.5)*: $$ \mu_{ML}^{N} = \mu_{ML}^{N-1} + \frac{1}{N}(x_n - \mu_{ML}^{N-1}) $$ ### Section 1.1 Let's first create a data generator. Create a function `gen_data(n, k, mean, var)` which returns a $n\times k$ array, $X$. This $X$ contains a sequence of $n$ vectors of dimension $k$. Each vector $x_i$ in $X$ should be $x_i \sim N_k(\mu, \sigma^2I_k)$ where: * $N_k()$ is the [k-variate normal distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution) * $\mu$ (or `mean`) is the mean vector of dimension $k$ * $\sigma$ (or `var`) is the variance. * $I_k$ is the [identity matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_matrix) You should use [`np.random.multivariate_normal`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.14.0/reference/generated/numpy.random.multivariate_normal.html) for this. Example inputs and outputs: 1. `gen_data(2, 3, np.array([0, 1, -1]), 1.3)` ``` [[-0.60340102 0.8046998 1.39181858] [-0.46788591 0.73089018 0.01772348]] ``` 2. `gen_data(5, 1, np.array([0.5]), 0.5)` ``` [[-0.42461036] [ 0.45739507] [ 0.25729006] [-0.17926144] [ 0.1403905 ]] ``` ### Section 1.2 **Answer this question via Mimir** Lets create some data $X$. Create 300 3-dimensional data points sampled from $N_3([0, 1, -1], \sqrt{3})$ You can visualize your data using `tools.scatter_3d_data` to get a plot similar to the following ![Simple Scatter](images/simple_scatter.png) You can also use `tools.bar_per_axis` to visualize the distribution of the data per dimension: ![Simple Bar](images/simple_bar.png) Do you expect the batch estimate to be exactly $(0, 1, -1)$ ? Which two parameters make this estimate more accurate? ### Section 1.4 We will now implement the sequential estimate. We want a function that returns $N$ number of sequential estimates of the mean vector where we feed one vector from $X$ at a time into the function. We start by implementing the update equation above. Create a function `update_sequence_mean(mu, x, n)` which performs the update in the equation above. Example inputs and outputs: ``` mean = np.mean(X, 0) new_x = gen_data(1, 3, np.array([0, 0, 0]), 1) update_sequence_mean(mean, new_x, X.shape[0]) ``` Results in `[[-0.21653761 -0.00721158 -0.15876203]]` ### Section 1.5 Lets plot the estimates on all dimensions as the sequence estimate gets updated. You can use `_plot_sequence_estimate()` as a template. You should: * Generate 100 3-dimensional points with the same mean and variance as above. * Set the initial estimate as $(0, 0, 0)$ * And perform `update_sequence_mean` for each point in the set. * Collect the estimates as you go For a different set of points this plot looks like the following: ![Rolling estimate](./images/rolling_estimate.png) Turn in your plot as `1_5_1.png` ### Section 1.6 Lets now plot the squared error between the estimate and the actual mean after every update. The squared error between e.g. a ground truth $y$ and a prediction $\hat{y}$ is $(y-\hat{y})^2$. Of course our data will be 3-dimensional so after calculating the squared error you will have a 3-dimensional error. Take the mean of those three values to get the average error across all three dimensions and plot those values. You can use `_plot_square_error` and `_square_error` for this. For a different distribution this plot looks like the following: ![Rolling error](./images/rolling_error.png) Turn in your plot as `1_6_1.png` ## Independent Section What happens if the mean value changes (perhaps slowly) with time? What if $\mu =(0,1,-1)$ moves to $\mu=(1,-1,0)$ in 500 time ticks? How would we track the mean? Some sort of a forgetting could be added to the update equation. How would that be done? Create this type of data and formulate a method for tracking the mean. Plot the estimate of all dimensions and the mean squared error over all three dimensions. Turn in these plots as `bonus_1.png` and `bonus_2.png`. Write a short summary how your method works. from tools import load_iris, split_train_test import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal def mean_of_class( features: np.ndarray, targets: np.ndarray, selected_class: int ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Estimate the mean of a selected class given all features and targets in a dataset ''' ... def covar_of_class( features: np.ndarray, targets: np.ndarray, selected_class: int ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Estimate the covariance of a selected class given all features and targets in a dataset ''' ... def likelihood_of_class( feature: np.ndarray, class_mean: np.ndarray, class_covar: np.ndarray ) -> float: ''' Estimate the likelihood that a sample is drawn from a multivariate normal distribution, given the mean and covariance of the distribution. ''' ... def maximum_likelihood( train_features: np.ndarray, train_targets: np.ndarray, test_features: np.ndarray, classes: list ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Calculate the maximum likelihood for each test point in test_features by first estimating the mean and covariance of all classes over the training set. You should return a [test_features.shape[0] x len(classes)] shaped numpy array ''' means, covs = [], [] for class_label in classes: ... likelihoods = [] for i in range(test_features.shape[0]): ... return np.array(likelihoods) def predict(likelihoods: np.ndarray): ''' Given an array of shape [num_datapoints x num_classes] make a prediction for each datapoint by choosing the highest likelihood. You should return a [likelihoods.shape[0]] shaped numpy array of predictions, e.g. [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 2] ''' ... def maximum_aposteriori( train_features: np.ndarray, train_targets: np.ndarray, test_features: np.ndarray, classes: list ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Calculate the maximum a posteriori for each test point in test_features by first estimating the mean and covariance of all classes over the training set. You should return a [test_features.shape[0] x len(classes)] shaped numpy array ''' ... The readme file, info about what to do # Classification Based on Probability The aim of the project is to implement a classifier for the Iris dataset based on * Maximum likelihood * Maximum A-posteriori Classification * Linear Regression ## Section 1 - Maximum Likelihood The maximum likelihood for classification only relies on the class conditional probabilities and ignores prior probabilities. We assume that the class conditional probability density function for the Iris dataset classes are Gaussian: $$ p(\mathbf{x}|\mathcal{C}_k)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{D/2}}\frac{1}{|\mathbf{\Sigma}_k|^{1/2}} e^{\{-\frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{\mu}_k)^T\mathbf{\Sigma}_k^{-1}(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{\mu}_k)\}} $$ Start by estimating $\mu_1, \Sigma_1, \mu_2, \Sigma_2, \mu_3, \Sigma_3$ using the training data. ### Section 1.1 Create a function `mean_of_class(features, targets, class)` which returns the mean of all features which targets correspond to the given `class`. Example inputs and outputs: **First load the data** ``` features, targets, classes = load_iris() (train_features, train_targets), (test_features, test_targets)\ = split_train_test(features, targets, train_ratio=0.6) ``` `mean_of_class(train_features, train_targets, 0)` -> `[5.005 3.4425 1.4625 0.2575]` ### Section 1.2 Create a function `covar_of_class(features, targets, class)` which returns the covariance of features which targets correspond to the given `class`. Take a look at `help.estimate_covariance` for more information on covariance. Inputs and outputs: `covar_of_class(train_features, train_targets, 0)` -> ``` [[0.11182346 0.09470383 0.01757259 0.01440186] [0.09470383 0.14270035 0.01364111 0.01461672] [0.01757259 0.01364111 0.03083043 0.00717189] [0.01440186 0.01461672 0.00717189 0.01229384]] ``` ### Section 1.3 Create a function `likelihood_of_class(feature, class_mean, class_covar)` that returns the probability that the feature belongs to the class with the given mean and covariance matrix. To achieve this you should use `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`, see `help.pdf`. Example inputs and outputs: ``` class_mean = mean_of_class(train_features, train_targets, 0) class_cov = covar_of_class(train_features, train_targets, 0) ``` `likelihood_of_class(test_features[0, :], class_mean, class_cov)` -> `7.174078020748095e-85` ### Section 1.4 Create a function `maximum_likelihood(train_features, train_targets, test_features, classes)` that: 1. Estimates the mean and covariance of all classes using the training data 2. For each test sample, estimate the likelihoods that the feature belongs to any of the given classes. For $n$ test points and $c$ classes you should return a $[c \times n]$ numpy array. `maximum_likelihood(train_features, train_targets, test_features, classes)` -> ``` [ [2.314690048825263e-149, 0.0036329728501139275, 0.09701357803849536], [1.8635307438480972e-67, 2.4090713729753066, 0.00026197385870806855], ... [8.159929006721418, 3.8167195682014385e-17, 6.1308262198933825e-34], [1.6369648758616588e-75, 0.42242605396419014, 6.512799125377976e-05] ] ``` ### Section 1.5. Finally create a function `predict(likelihoods)` that, using the given likelihoods, determine a class prediction using $$\hat{k}_n=\arg \max_k p(\mathbf{x}_n|\mathcal{C}_k)$$ Example inputs and outputs: ``` likelihoods = maximum_likelihood(train_features, train_targets, test_features, classes) ``` `predict(likelihoods)` -> `[0 2 0 ... 0 1 2]` ## Section 2 - Maximum Aposteriori classification The problem with maximum likelihood classification is that the prior probabilities are ignored. This can be justified if the prior probabilities are the same but it is often better to discover this through the data. The maximum likelihood estimate of the prior probability of a class is simply the proportion of the number of samples of that class in the training data, i.e. $$ p(\mathcal{C}_k) = \frac{N_k}{N} $$ Where $N_k$ is the number of samples belonging to class $\mathcal{C}_k$ and $N$ is the number of samples in the training sample. ### Section 2.1 Create a function `maximum_aposteriori(train_features, train_targets, test_features, classes)` that predicts class likelihoods of samples from `test_features` using a-posteriori probabilities. This functions should be very similar to your `maximum_likelihood` function. ### Section 2.2 **This question should be answered via Mimir** Compare the accuracy of your `maximum_likelihood` and `maximum_aposteriori` by comparing the predictions from both methods to the actual test labels. 1. What is the accuracy of each method? 2. How are the confusion matrices? Use your own code from assignment 1 and compare the matrices. 3. How do you interpret the differences? Why is/is not a difference in accuracy? ### Independent Section *A rough idea of an independent section idea is listed below. You are free to explore different approaches.* In what kind of situations would a posteriori classification be better than maximum likelihood classification? Find or create a dataset (or alter the Iris dataset) to make a posteriori classifications outperform maximum likelihood predictions. Demonstrate this by comparing accuracy, confusion matrices, plots across different data configurations and draw your conclusions. **You will upload a file via Mimir with your solution as a PDF** You solution should contain an explanation of what you did, any plots or relevant explanations and the results of your experiments. Include all code you generated as well.