Hi below I attachedthe files that are required for the assignment please read all the requirementsclearly mentioned in the file please don't use complex style of coding as this is an entry level...

Hi below I attachedthe files that are required for the assignment please read all the requirementsclearly mentioned in the file please don't use complex style of coding as this is an entry level undergraduate course

3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 1/18 Students: This content is controlled by your instructor, and is not zyBooks content. Direct questions or concerns about this content to your instructor. If you have any technical issues with the zyLab submission system, use the Trouble with lab button at the bottom of the lab. 1.10 HW7 This homework assignment gives you the opportunity to practice classes, member variables, member functions, static member variables, dynamic creation of objects, pointers to objects. The homework has an extra credit version worth an additional 15 bonus points. HW7 (Graded out of 100) Design a bank account class named Account that has the following private member variables: • accountNumber of type int • numOwners of type int // number of account co-owners (account can have more than one owner) • ownerPtr of type Person * //, ownerPtr points to an array of Person, where Person is a structure. The Person structure is dened below • balance of type double • accountCounter of type static int // initialized at 1000, incremented at each account creation, used to automate account number assignment and the following public member functions: • Account(int numberOwners, double amount) constructor which sets the accountNumber using the value of accountCounter, sets numOwners, dynamically creates an array of Person of the right size, and sets balance to amount. The function then increments accountCounter • ~Account() destructor which releases the array of Person dynamically created in the constructor • withdraw(double amount) function to withdraw a specied amount from the account. The function should rst check if the amount is > 0 and if there is sucient balance in the account (greater or equal to the withdrawal amount). If so, withdrawal is processed and the function returns 0. Otherwise the withdrawal is not made and the function returns 1 if the amount > balance, or 2 if the amount is <=> 0. If so, the deposit is processed and the function returns 0. Otherwise the deposit is not made and the function returns 1. • setOwner(int ind, Person p): A mutator function that assigns Person p to the co-owner at index ind of the ownerPtr array • getOwner(int ind): An accessor that returns the owner at index ind of the ownerPtr array. Return type is Person. • getAccountNumber(): An accessor function that returns the account number. • getBalance(): An accessor function that returns the account balance. • getNumOwners(): An accessor function that returns numOwners. Dene these structures in Account.h struct Date { int month; int day; int year; }; struct Person // stores account owner’s info { string name; Date DOB; string address; }; Demonstrate in a program. 1. Additional Requirements – Make sure you meet all the requirements to avoid losing points a) What to turn in Your code should be structured into the following les, but you should turn in only Account.cpp and main.cpp: • Account.h which contains the class denition and the function prototypes of all the member functions (no in-line 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 3/18 member functions) • Account.cpp which contains the function description of all the member functions • main.cpp le which contains the main function. b) Outline of program Define a global array of pointers to Account, of size MAX_NUM_ACCOUNTS (set MAX_NUM_ACCOUNTS to 4) Account * accountArray[MAX_NUM_ACCOUNTS]; In main, initialize all the elements of the above array with nullptr Loop on displaying the following menu of choices: 1. Create account 2. Deposit to account 3. Withdraw from account 4. Display information for all accounts 5. Delete owner 6. Add owner 7. Delete account 8. Quit If the user selects “Create account” on the menu, the program will prompt the user to enter the number of owners and the amount, dynamically allocate an Account object, and store the address of the created object into the rst available element of the array of pointers, starting with the one at index 0. Then, owner by owner, the program prompts the user to enter the owner’s info (name, DOB, address) and calls the setOwner mutator to set the owner’s info. If there is no more available element (i.e. the array is full), no dynamic allocation of an Account object is done, and an error message is displayed. The account number is automatically generated from the static variable accountCounter. If the user selects “Deposit”, or “Withdraw”, the program prompts the user to enter the account number and amount and checks that the account number exists. If so, it calls the appropriate member function(s). The appropriate error message is printed if an error indication is returned by the member function. Choices 5, 6 and 7 are placeholders for the extra credit version. For the basic version, if the user selects 5, 6 or 7, the 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 4/18 program does nothing and displays the menu again. If the user selects “Quit”, the main function should release the dynamically allocated Account objects and terminate. c) Input validation and error messages by main function • The main function should check the account number exists when the user tries to deposit or withdraw. If the account does not exist, the main function prints the appropriate specic error message (“No such account”), and no further action is taken. In order to do the checking, your program should perform a search on the account number. • The main function should print the appropriate specic error message (“Deposit amount cannot be negative”) if any of the withdraw, deposit member functions returns an error indication. The program does not exit. • The main function should check the maximum number of accounts has not been reached (MAX/NUM/ACCOUNTS) when the user attempts to create an account. If the maximum has been reached, it should display the appropriate specic error message (“Maximum number of accounts reached”) 2. Extra Credit (15 points) The extra credit is a superset of the basic version. a). Requirements for extra credit Dene a global array of pointers to Account, of size MAX_NUM_ACCOUNTS (set MAXNUMACCOUNTS to 4) Account * accountArray[MAXNUMACCOUNTS]; In main, initialize all the elements of the above array with nullptr Loop on displaying the following menu of choices: 1. Create account 2. Deposit to account 3. Withdraw from account 4. Display information for all accounts 5. Delete owner 6. Add owner 7. Delete account 8. Quit 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 5/18 If the user chooses 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8, the program should behave like in the basic version. If the user chooses 5, the user will be prompted for the account number and the Person to delete. Delete is not performed if there is only one owner in the account. If the user chooses 6, the user will be prompted for the account number and the Person to add. You are not required to check that Person is already an owner of the account. If the user chooses 7, the user will be prompted for the account to delete. The program prints an error message if the account is not found. Implement these additional public member functions: • addOwner(Person): mutator which takes a Person as an argument and adds that Person as an owner of the account. A new array of the right size should be dynamically allocated, all the owner’s info from the current array should be copied to the new array and the current array released. You are not required to check that Person is already an owner of the account. The relative order of the owners should be preserved, and the newly added owner should be last in the new array. • delOwner(Person): mutator which takes a Person as an argument and deletes that Person from the owner(s) of the account. The function should return an int with value 0, 1 or 2, for the cases of “no error”, “Person not found among the owners” and “delete cannot be performed because there is only one owner left” respectively. A new array of the right size should be dynamically allocated, all the owner’s info from the current array should be copied to the new array and the current array released. The relative order of the owners should be preserved in the new array. In addition, when the user chooses “Delete account”, the main function should print an error message if the account is not found. Otherwise, delete is performed and all the relevant data should be updated. The Account object should be released. The "Delete account" operation should not result in any gap in the accountArray array, and should preserve the relative order of the elements in the array. 3. Grading Criteria a) Source code inspection (grader) Style: 10 points (refer to the “Homework Notes” for the style requirements) Required: Dynamic allocation of Account and assignment to the proper element of the accountArray when an account is created: Deduct 10 points if the requirement is not met Required: Dynamic allocation of Person array of the right size in Account constructor: Deduct 10 points if the requirement is not met Required: Use of static variable for accountCounter: Deduct 5 points if the requirement is not met b) Program compilation and execution (zylabs) 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 6/18 Test-1 – Basic case, no error – Output matches output-1: 42 points Test-2 – withdraw and deposit, Account does not exist – Output matches output-2: 9 points Test-3 – Max number of accounts reached – Output matches output-3: 9 points Test-4 – withdraw, invalid amounts – Output matches output-4: 9 points Test-5 – deposit, invalid amount - Output matches output-5: 9 points Test-6 – delete account (Extra credit) – Output matches output-6: 5 points Test-7 – Account-set-getOwners unit tests: 12 points Test-8 – addOwner unit test (Extra credit): 5 points Test-9 – delOwner unit test (Extra credit): 5 points 4. Screen Outputs Below are the expected screen outputs when you execute your code on an IDE. To save you keyboard typing time, you may copy and paste from the “test*-keyboard-input.txt” les on zylabs. Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 100.1 Enter owner's name: Scotty Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 1 2 2101 Enter owner's address: 1 Enterprise Account #1000 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 2 Enter amount: 200.2 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 7/18 Enter owner's name: Kirk Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 2 3 2102 Enter owner's address: 2 Enterprise Enter owner's name: Mr. Spock Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 3 4 2103 Enter owner's address: Galaxy Way Account #1001 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 2 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: 55.5 New balance is $155.60 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3 Enter account number: 1001 Enter amount: 40.5 New balance is $159.70 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 4 Account Number: 1000 -------------- *Name: Scotty, DOB: 1/2/2101 Address: 1 Enterprise *Balance: $155.60 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 8/18 Account Number: 1001 -------------- *Name: Kirk, DOB: 2/3/2102 Address: 2 Enterprise *Name: Mr. Spock, DOB: 3/4/2103 Address: Galaxy Way *Balance: $159.70 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-1 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 100 Enter owner's name: Scotty Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 2 2 2200 Enter owner's address: Enterprise Account #1000 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 200 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 9/18 Enter owner's name: Kirk Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 1 1 2200 Enter owner's address: Enterprise Account #1001 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 2 Enter account number: 1002 No such account Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3 Enter account number: 999 No such account Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-2 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 100.1 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 10/18 Enter owner's name: Scotty Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 1 2 2101 Enter owner's address: 1 Enterprise Account #1000 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 2 Enter amount: 200.2 Enter owner's name: Kirk Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 2 3 2102 Enter owner's address: 2 Enterprise Enter owner's name: Mr. Spock Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 3 4 2103 Enter owner's address: Galaxy Way Account #1001 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 300.3 Enter owner's name: Mr. Sulu Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 4 5 2104 Enter owner's address: Comet Way Account #1002 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 11/18 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 400.4 Enter owner's name: Obi-Wan Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 5 6 2105 Enter owner's address: Starfleet 9 Account #1003 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Max number of accounts reached, cannot add a new account Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-3 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 100.1 Enter owner's name: Scotty Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 1 2 2101 Enter owner's address: 1 Enterprise Account #1000 created Menu 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 12/18 ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: -7 Amount cannot be negative, withdrawal not executed Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: 200 Insufficient balance, withdrawal not executed Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 3 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: 100.1 New balance is $0.00 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-4 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 13/18 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 2 Enter amount: 200.2 Enter owner's name: Kirk Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 2 3 2102 Enter owner's address: 2 Enterprise Enter owner's name: Mr. Spock Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 3 4 2103 Enter owner's address: Galaxy Way Account #1000 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 2 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: -55.5 Amount cannot be negative, deposit not executed Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 2 Enter account number: 1000 Enter amount: 9 New balance is $209.20 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 14/18 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-5 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 100.1 Enter owner's name: Scotty Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 1 2 2101 Enter owner's address: 1 Enterprise Account #1000 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 2 Enter amount: 200.2 Enter owner's name: Kirk Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 2 3 2102 Enter owner's address: 2 Enterprise Enter owner's name: Mr. Spock Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 3 4 2103 Enter owner's address: Galaxy Way Account #1001 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 15/18 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 300.3 Enter owner's name: Mr. Sulu Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 4 5 2104 Enter owner's address: Comet Way Account #1002 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 400.4 Enter owner's name: Obi-Wan Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 5 6 2105 Enter owner's address: Starfleet 9 Account #1003 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Max number of accounts reached, cannot add a new account Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 7 Enter account number: 1002 Account deleted Menu 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 16/18 ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 1 Enter number of owners: 1 Enter amount: 900 Enter owner's name: Chewbacca Enter owner's DOB, month, day then year: 9 10 2109 Enter owner's address: Starfleet 7 Account #1004 created Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 4 Account Number: 1000 -------------- *Name: Scotty, DOB: 1/2/2101 Address: 1 Enterprise *Balance: $100.10 Account Number: 1001 -------------- *Name: Kirk, DOB: 2/3/2102 Address: 2 Enterprise *Name: Mr. Spock, DOB: 3/4/2103 Address: Galaxy Way *Balance: $200.20 Account Number: 1003 -------------- *Name: Obi-Wan, DOB: 5/6/2105 Address: Starfleet 9 *Balance: $400.40 Account Number: 1004 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 17/18 -------------- *Name: Chewbacca, DOB: 9/10/2109 Address: Starfleet 7 *Balance: $900.00 Menu ---- 1->Create account 2->Deposit 3->Withdraw 4->Display 5->Delete owner 6->Add owner 7->Delete accnt 8->Quit 8 Output-6 LAB ACTIVITY 1.10.1: HW7 0 / 105 Submission Instructions Downloadable les test1-keyboard-input.txt , test6-keyboard-input.txt , test4-keyboard-input.txt , test2-keyboard-input.txt , test3-keyboard-input.txt , and test5-keyboard-input.txt Compile command g++ main.cpp Account.cpp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors -pedantic -o a.out We will use this command to compile your code Upload your les below by dragging and dropping into the area or choosing a le on your hard drive. main.cpp Drag le here or Account.cpp Drag le here or Download 3/13/2020 1.10. HW7 https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/UTDALLASCECSTE1337LeSpring2020/chapter/1/section/10 18/18 Latest submission No submissions yet Choose on hard drive. Choose on hard drive. Submit for grading Trouble with lab?

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