Hersheys chocolate in APA formatUsing the readings and resources above, other readings from the course, and any outsideresearch you do on your own, submit an analysis paper 3 to 5 pages in length...

Hersheys chocolate in APA formatUsing the readings and resources above, other readings from the course, and any outsideresearch you do on your own, submit an analysis paper 3 to 5 pages in length (doublespaced not including references). The analysis paper should be completed using properAPA formatting using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual. For assistance withAPA formatting, please utilize the following resources:Introduction (1 – 2 paragraphs)The introduction should provide an overview of the company’ssituation, its strategy, and the significant issues and challenges thatconfront management. This section should demonstrate that youhave a firm grasp of the company’s present situation. Unlesscompletely necessary to present a strong introduction, do notsimply recall facts and history about the company. You mayassume your instructor has read the readings related to thisassignment and is familiar with the organization.Strategy Analysis (1 – 2 paragraphs)This section should address the key question that is central to acompany’s strategy: What business is the company in?Additionally, this section should address how the company ischoosing to compete in the business they are in and should identifythe company’s competitors. In our modern age of innovation,sometimes it may be difficult to identify ‘clear cut’ competitors.But keep in mind these points are critical in forming corporatelevel strategies; therefore, managers must be able to effectivelyanswer these questions with certainty.Competitive Analysis (1 – 2 pages)Based on what you have learned from the assignment’s readingsand other information you have gathered from your own research,provide a brief SWOT analysis of the company. Additionally, youshould present an analysis of the company’s competitive positionin the industry using Michael Porter’s Five Industry Forces model.These analyses do not need to be exhaustive but shoulddemonstrate your understanding of the company’s position.Finally, this section should identify the company’s positioningstrategies and its adaptive strategies. Integrate facts from this caseas well as concepts from the course readings and resources tosubstantiate your analysis.Organizational Culture Assessment (1 – 2 paragraphs)The culture of an organization is a critical factor in anorganization’s internal environment and often impacts its strategyformation and implementation. For this section, refer to thecompany’s web site for information on the company and anyoutside research you may have done on your own. Describe theorganization’s culture and provide an evaluation of the culture.Provide insight into how the culture may help or hurt itscompetitive position and strategic initiatives.Conclusion (1 – 2 paragraphs)For this section, provide an assessment of the company’s strategicintentions and how well you think the company can compete andhow successful it will be. Determine whether the company has thenecessary resources and competencies to gain and sustaincompetitive advantage and what the company could do tocapitalize on them. Determine whether the company’s competitiveposition will become weaker or stronger. Also, if you haverecommendations on how the company should best proceed,certainly include those with specifics. Avoid general statementssuch as “The company should be more aggressive” but insteadstate exactly how the company should go aboutthis. Recommendations are not required for this section butincluding them is an opportunity to demonstrate your criticalthinking and analysis skills and thus a good opportunity toincrease the number of points you earn.Remember….As with case studies, there are no “correct” answers. Instead a casestudy analysis is an opportunity to demonstrate your criticalinsights and analysis into the management issues of a givenorganization or situation. To receive the highest number of pointsfor the assignment, support your insights and analysis with casefacts and evidence, sound logic and analysis, and integration ofcourse readings and resources. Additionally, make sure todemonstrate appropriate use of analytical and strategic concepts,demonstrate consistency between analysis and conclusions, andprovide sufficient detail to complete the assignment requirements.Consequently, avoid using phrases such as “I think” or “I believe”and instead use a phrase such as “My analysis shows….”

May 15, 2022

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