Here is the outline of my paper. • Introduction section should clearly describe the background of the subject Please provide an introduction to the research topic e.g. social media and its usages in...

Here is the outline of my paper.
•    Introduction section
 should clearly describe the background of the subject
Please provide an introduction to the research topic e.g. social media and its usages in business and also include some other information to the abstract. The research motivation for this paper and then please include this leading statements section I will take about this and section v discusses this ….

•    The use of Social Media On business
What is it and how they use it on business, provide some examples of social media applications. E.g. Facebook, Instagram and snap chat and others (put them in table and discuss them).
Advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media. (why customers use social media in business and way companies use social media to sell their products.)

•    comparison between social media business and traditional business.
Include a critical discussion and SWOT Analysis table

•    Discussion of business development and challenges

Include business objectives and how to build or improve a e- business through social media Include a figure (diagram)

Please summarize the discussion of the paper and then include the future work will be continued to do further research and experiment and gathering the views of online business and traditional business and analysis them further.

Papers should be supported by references. These should be set out according to the standard Harvard style

Paper Format
Please note the following details: this template is an A4 format with 2 cm margins left, right, top and bottom.

All text paragraphs should be 1,15 spaced. Spaces to be used before and after headings

1.1        Header, Footer, Page Numbering
12, Bold. If this template is used when writing the full paper, headers and footers will be set automatically.

1.2    Fonts
Papers should use 12-point Times New Roman font. The styles available are bold, italic and underlined. It is recommended that text in figures is 10-point font size. References should be typed in 11-point Times New Roman font.

1.3    Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be referred to and included in the text. Each table, figure and illustration should be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers) and titled. Tables, figures and illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Figure captions and table headings should be sufficient to explain the figure or table without needing to refer to the text. Headings and captions styles for tables and figures are available in this template.

Tables and figures should be placed close after their first reference in the text.  Table headings should be centred above the tables. Figure captions should be centred below the figures; maximum figure size is 6cm×7cm (72dpi).

Oct 07, 2019

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