1. Using data from the 2018 General Social Survey, a researcher is interested in determining which variables have the significant impacts on a person’s general satisfaction with his/her family life...

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1. Using data from the 2018 General Social Survey, a researcher is interested in determining which variables have the significant impacts on a person’s general satisfaction with his/her family life (measured by a scale of 1 to 7; 1=completely satisfied to 7=completely dissatisfied). Variables included in the analysis are gender (male=1, female=0), minority status (white=1, non-white=0), age (by years), education (by years of schooling), total family income (ranging from 1 to 26; high score, higher income), marital status (married=1, not married=0), number of hours worked last week, and respondent’s highest degree (0=less than high school to 4=graduate degree). Answer the following questions based on the results generated by SPSS: a. Identify the level of measurement for each variable, independent variables and dependent variable. b. Write down the prediction equation. c. What proportion of variance is explained by the model? Is the fitted regression line (prediction equation) good for predicting the dependent variable from the independent variables? d. Are all the independent variables important in predicting the dependent variable? Can you determine the relative effects of the independent variables in the model? e. Check any violation of assumptions (i.e., linear relationship, no specification error, normality of residuals, constant variance, outliers, and multicollinearity). Discuss in detail how you can improve the model. f. Write an essay about the findings. The essay should include, but not limited to, the effect (strength and direction) of each significant variable on the dependent variable and possible limitations of the findings. Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Family satisfaction in general 2.26 1.152 653 Age of respondent 43.58 13.975 653 R's highest degree 1.78 1.203 653 Highest year of school completed 14.00 2.866 653 Number of hours worked last week 41.10 13.946 653 Gender .4364 .49632 653 Minority .7121 .45313 653 Married .4472 .49758 653 Total family income 18.83 5.054 653 Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .269a .073 .061 1.116 a. Predictors: (Constant), Total family income, Gender, Minority, Age of respondent, Number of hours worked last week, Married, Highest year of school completed, R's highest degree b. Dependent Variable: Family satisfaction in general ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 62.751 8 7.844 6.298 .000b Residual 802.027 644 1.245 Total 864.778 652 a. Dependent Variable: Family satisfaction in general b. Predictors: (Constant), Total family income, Gender, Minority, Age of respondent, Number of hours worked last week, Married, Highest year of school completed, R's highest degree
Sep 08, 2021

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