Here are requirements for the research paper final option. Aim for ≥ 4 pages, double-spaced 12 point times new roman or similar font It's more important to me that you produce a good...

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Here are requirements for the research paper final option.

  • Aim for ≥ 4 pages, double-spaced 12 point times new roman or similar font

    • It's more important to me that you produce a good summary/exploration of your topic than it reaches a certain length.

    • If you feel like you've written a good paper that is shorter than this, send it to me before the due date and I'll let you know if I'm willing to waive the length requirement.

    • Send it to me on the due date and you may or may not be penalized for reaching 4 pages, according to my judgement of whether your paper is good.

  • Due 11:59 pm Sunday 29 March.

  • The structure won't be strict, but you should have some sort of introduction & conclusion

  • Depending on your topic, you may or may not need to include much math. No requirement.

    • Same with diagrams. Cite any images you did not create yourself.

  • At least two cited content (non-image) sources,

    • Since the time is limited, I'll accept anything except random uncited websites and Physics 221 or below level textbooks as sources. Wikipedia is fine.

  • Any topic that we studied this quarter.
    You can check with me whether a topic would be good, or ask for more suggestions.
    Here is a list of ideas, organized by general objective and including many examples:

    • Presentation of examples of a phenomenon, especially in engineering/design contexts:

      • impulse in airbags or minimizing damage from falls

      • centripetal acceleration due to earth's rotation and effective g

      • conservation of energy used to derive fluid dynamic's Bernoulli equation

      • air resistance considerations in vehicle/etc. design

      • torque analysis/exploitation in basic construction

      • simple tools: exploiting torque (lever, pulley), force & pressure (wedge), different v for different r with same angular velocity (wheel on axle) etc.

    • Extending topics to depths we didn't get to:

      • models of drag that apply in conditions were D ~ v2fails.

      • materials with non-constant coefficient of frictions

      • circular orbits using Newton's general law of gravitation

      • anomalous variations in g that are not caused by simply elevation changes

      • further time-derivatives of position, jerk and the like

      • using integration for basically anything that we used a constant values

        • e.g. work, center of mass, potential energy for non-constant forces

      • analyzing motion using Newton's 2nd law for non-constant forces

        • e.g. drag not at terminal velocity, friction with changing normal forces

    • Historical development/discovery of concepts:

      • Newton's simultaneous development of calculus & his laws of motion

      • development of v2drag model, Hooke's law, friction models

      • historical transition of Newton's laws from momentum to acceleration

      • historical development of kinetic energy definition (more interesting than you'd think)

        • maybe connect also to discovery of energy transforming from mechanical to other forms

      • changing definitions of a unit (again, more interesting than you think) e.g. the meter

Answered Same DayMar 26, 2021

Answer To: Here are requirements for the research paper final option. Aim for ≥ 4 pages, double-spaced 12 point...

Amar answered on Mar 28 2021
148 Votes
Running Header: Torque Impacts on Critical State of Rotational Systems
Torque Impacts on Critical State of Rotational Systems
Torque Impacts on Critical State of Rotational Systems
To the mo
st extent, all forms of transport encompass various rotating elements. Across most of the cases, rotors are usually long as well as relatively thin. The same shall essentially mean that dynamics of concerned system shall impede on normal exploitation concerning the specific technical objects. There appears to be various problems affiliated with movements in the rotating systems. All of these issues could have an impact of significant manner on a exploitation vehicle.
This fundamental dynamic issue, that exists at rotor work, represents a phenomenon of loss in movement stability. The assessment of simplest form of a rotor model by Chiliński illustrates that at a specific level neighbourhood of the critical frequency (“ωθ”) there appears to be sudden form of an increase in bending vibration amplitudes (138). One this frequency is crossed, that is, shaft work reaches supercritical state, there is a decrease in bending oscillation. This phenomenon of decrease in bending vibration is referred as self-centring at the shaft level. From a design perspective, this shaft self-centring can be noted to be highly valuable on account of assembly errors that are unavoidable, and which form the direct reason in terms of stability loss.
Optimal Solution: Review
In the context of the problem defined, that is, shaft self-centring, the need for slender shafts for addressing this issue and for working in the supercritical state becomes crucial. While the need is justified, working at supercritical speed shall imply serious form of exploiting problem, what is referred as problem of transitioning by way of critical speed. The simplest of the shaft model using vibrating mass shall not mean to indicate any different technique for passing through critical states. Hence, it shall become necessary for analysing highly precise form of model for finding critical state controlling techniques concerning analysed...

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