help with c++ paste indented code plzz Have to use given main function to test your answer Q2: Continue with House class: a) Copy the previous program to a new file. b) Write Constructor with two...

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Have to use given main function to test your answer

Q2: Continue with House class:
a) Copy the previous program to a new file.
b) Write Constructor with two parameter, and assign to location, and price.
c) Write default constructor, initialize location to “TBD”, price to 0, Implement constructor delegation
d) implement a non-member function names output that will print all information of House object.

Use following main() to test your class.

int main(){
House a("1234 qcc st, Bayside, NY",1000000);


House b;



Output from given main:

Location: 1234 qcc st, Bayside, NY

Price: 1000000

Location: TBD

Price: 0\


Jun 09, 2022

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