Hello There!
I need a 2500 word qualitative report (there is no 10% allowance over the word limit), I have already constructed a research proposal which I will attach below. The proposed title of the study is:A correlational study: Does time spent online social media and need for cognition predict belief in conspiracy theories.
Please see below the outline of the study:
This is a correlational study.
IV 1: Time Spent Online – A 10-point Interval Scale will be used (1 hour – 10 hours).
IV 2: Need for Cognition (NFC-6, Coelho et al., 2020 - U521) – A 5-point Interval Scale will be used (1 =extremely uncharacteristic of me; 5 =extremely characteristic of me).
DV: Conspiracy Theory Beliefs (GCB, Botherton, French, & Pickering, 2013 - U738) - Items are rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale, with a qualitative label associated with each point (1:definitely not true; 2:probably not true; 3:not sure/cannot decide; 4:probably true; 5:definitely true).
This study will be conducted using a multiple regression statistical test.
I have collected a data set that I will be able to send to you of 298 participants.
- All demographic variables, regardless of having all (or any) of them in your design. You should use at least age and gender to describe your sample in the Participants subsection of the Method.
- The items of the scale(s) that you have chosen for your design. You will need to compute the average score of each scale (or sub-scale if that’s what you’ve chosen) before conducting your analysis.
Psychological Report: The research report should contain the following:
Title (not included in the word count): Needs to be informative but not too long. Should accurately reflect the study. Should refer to the design of the study and methods.
Abstract (not included in the word count): One or two sentences that summarise each of the major sections of the report including the background, aim, method, results and implications. It should be no more than 200 words.
Introduction: We recommend your introduction should be a continuous text with no sub-headings, including the following elements:
Rationale: This should introduce the area of interest and provide a justification for the study. It must include a thorough literature review which critically discusses research that is relevant to your research question/aim. This should include a discussion of theory in the area of interest and relevant empirical evidence. You need to provide a detailed justification for carrying out your study. Remember to provide a justification for your choices using the literature. Finally, ensure you state your hypotheses, this might be presented at the end of your introduction.
Aim: You will need to clearly detail the aim of your research/ the research question.
Literature review: Report and critique relevant studies in the chosen area, which will allow you to show your understanding in the subject area and relevance of the research you are proposing.
Hypotheses: This should be clearly written, be directional and explain what you are testing for based upon the description of the research question and literature review.
Method: Remember, the method should contain sufficient detail to enable the reader to replicate your study. It must include the following subsections:
Design: Describe the design of the study and clearly identify any independent and dependent variables. Your design can either have two IVs and one DV or at least two predictors and one outcome variable.
In this section, you will need to clarify the nature of the variables for example, are the IV’s continuous or are they categorical. If they are categorical then you would need to explain the factor levels within each independent variable. You can also refer to possible confounding factors and how you propose to control for them.
Participants: You will need to detail who they are and how many? What age? How did you recruit them? How were they assigned to your conditions?
Materials: Describe nature of any equipment or resources (e.g., scales/questionnaires). Include references for the materials and refer the reader to copies of the materials in the appendices.
Procedure: You need to provide sufficient detail about how the study was conducted, in a way that someone else would be able to replicate what you did; i.e. what happened during the study, who did what and when they did it, refer to participant information and debriefing information and discuss ethical considerations.
Ethical Considerations: Discuss any relevant ethical issues. Consider the BPS ethical guidelines and the university’s ethical guidelines.
Analytic Strategy: In this section you should detail what analysis you conducted on your data. When discussing your strategy you should provide a justification for the strategy using relevant literature.
Results: Report descriptive statistics, assumptions testing and main results addressing your research questions and hypothesis. Create your tables in APA format. Do not include SPSS outputs, this should be in the Appendix.
Discussion: Summarise the results and interpret them. Integrate your results with relevant literature. Identify limitations and contributions, provide a conclusion.
References (not included in the word count): Give full details for any in-text citations in the reference list. Make sure you check the guidelines on referencing according to APA guidelines (see Academic Writing Skills document in Resources).
Appendices (not included in the word count): Include all the SPSS outputs generated in the analysis of your report.