Hello team, The proposal must get written on the following topic: "Technological Innovations and their Influence on Environmental Change." That is the official topic title and must not change. So, in...

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Hello team,
The proposal must get written on the following topic: "Technological Innovations and their Influence on Environmental Change." That is the official topic title and must not change. So, in other words, how has technological innovation affected the environment?Environmental pollution, ecological systems disturbances, depletion of natural resources and climatic changes resulting from global warming get technologically influenced. Technology is significant in the development and increased productivity to satisfy human need, but uncontrolled technology impacts the environment negatively. Does this make sense? I can only proceed if you are sure this can be done and preferably before the given deadline, so to give me time to make adjusts. I cannot even have one extra day. Full instructions get included on the attached PDF. Please confirm and thanks, for reading.

Research Methods Unit 5: Finalising Your Management Research Proposal Congratulations! You have reached the �nal unit in this module. So far, you have thought through and written out all the necessary steps involved in creating and developing a research proposal: Selecting a research topic Conducting a Critical Literature Review Choosing a research question and approach Selecting data collection tools and methods Choosing an approach to data analysis Each component is critical in the construction of a research proposal. Additionally, each step builds on the previous ones to achieve the goal of answering a research question. In this unit, you will �nalise and submit your Research Proposal, to include required ethical approval documentation. You will also discuss practical considerations and plan to overcome common challenges that you may face in completing your Management Research Project. Completing Your Management Research Project Completing a master’s-level research project is a lengthy, time-consuming process that requires great commitment, attention to detail and perseverance. Consider the following best practices to help you as you move into this �nal phase of your master’s programme: Get feedback from your supervisor. As soon as you �nalise a chapter, update the version control of the document, and share it with your supervisor. Students receiving feedback early in the process will bene�t more from the supervisor’s guidance. It is very important to make sure there are no substantial or unexpected content or form changes required at the very last minute when time becomes short. Con�rm by email, with your Faculty, for your Research Supervisor assignment. https://elearning.uol.ohecampus.com/ Provide your supervisor with your �nal approved Management Research Project proposal as soon as assigned, along with your ethics response form from the University of Roehampton and all supporting documentation, such as Informed Consent forms (ICF), Participant Information Sheets (PIS), debrie�ng forms (if indicated), research permission letter and local ethics approval documentation from all organisations, where you will conduct your research for your Research Project. Create the document structure of the Research Project early in the process. Another suggestion is to create the document structure of your Research Project as early in the process as possible. Use the templates and samples provided in Unit 1, of this module, as a guide. Stick to your project plan and be disciplined. In terms of your overall planning, make your best e�ort to be to be disciplined. Develop a clear project plan and timelines, and do your best to stick to these because – depending on the size of your Research Project – allowing one task to slip has an immediate impact on subsequent tasks. Discipline is made of many factors. Some examples are the following: Reserve appropriate time. Continue to allocate at least the same amount of time to your project that you spent per week on your regular coursework. The fact that you are now working independently, without the regular 2-week schedule of the regular modules, should not lead you to procrastinate. Try not to leave un�nished topics for the next day. Clear your to-do lists every day. Secure an appropriate learning environment, where you will not be disturbed. Receiving a lot of support from your partner is essential. It might not be possible to complete your Research Project without the support of your spouse, family members, friends or co-workers. Above all, keep in touch with the colleagues with whom you have worked throughout your programme and in the Research Methods module. Share your progress, your challenges and your concerns as you work on your Research Project, and help one another stay focused and motivated to overcome any barriers you encounter. Learning Objectives Students will: Buildup the multiple research proposal components based on contributions and feedback on the content Integrate the relationship between research question, methodology and data collection methods Make sense of data analysis and data interpretation Finalise the ethical considerations for completing a research project Finalise their research proposal Learn One important purpose of the Research Methods module has been to help you develop and practice the knowledge and skills you will need to �nalise your research proposal. Completing your proposal The Unit 5 Project is your Formal Research Proposal. You must have an advisor assigned, and your proposal approved, before you can move on to the Management Research Project. In this �nal unit, use what you have learned throughout the module, and review the feedback you have received to complete your research proposal. Be sure to review the assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate your completed proposal. When you take an exam, you want to know the results. You want to know if you were successful in your studies or if you will have to repeat the exam for a higher score. Similarly, when you distribute a survey, conduct interviews or make extensive observations, you want to know the results and whether you found an answer to your research question. Once you have analysed and interpreted your �ndings, you want to present them to interested colleagues, your organisation or other stakeholders. Moreover, you want to convince others that your research was valid and helped you answer an important question. Presenting your results Your presentation of your results carries a substantial proportion of your Final Grade for your Management Research Project, as this is where you demonstrate the value of your research and how it contributes to management knowledge or practice. Some of the key considerations in presenting your results in the next module include the following: The quality of the results - this is the most important aspect of your work, as it is the target that you aimed for when starting the project. Quality results are expected, as this was the impetus for the research. Did you deliver what you set up in the proposal? Writing style  - Master’s dissertations are typically written using the past tense, third- person singular and avoid using I, me, my, you etc. There are cases in which you would want to write up your research in the �rst person; for example, if you have conducted a �rst-person action research study. In this case, consult with your advisor on the appropriate voice. Pay careful attention to clarity by using simply constructed sentences rather than complex and elaborate ones. Double-check all of your writing for spelling, grammar, usage, tone and clarity. Data presentation - you might need to include graphs, equations, pictures, forms and other data presentation in your document. You can use various software applications, including Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint, to create tables and graphs and then insert them into your document. Referencing - you should be familiar by now with the Harvard citation system that is used at the University. Use of appropriate citation and referencing to ensure academic integrity is compulsory. Ethical approval In this unit, you will submit the �nal version of your Ethics Response Form with all supporting research documents, including informed consent form and patient information sheet, along with your research proposal, to the Final Ethics Application Forum. If applicable, you should include any research permission letters from organisations where you will be conducting your research. Remember, you are required to seek written permission from an appropriate authority within an organisation to conduct research in that context. You should contact local ethics committees regarding the process for applying for local ethical approval, and the identify process and resources/documents required. If this is applicable, you should detail the procedure you need to follow to obtain local ethical approval, and outline the steps and timelines to achieve ethics approval. It is important to ascertain how long local ethical approval might take, as often this can be source of considerable delay. You will need to obtain all necessary research permission/local ethics approval documentation prior to starting the data collection phase of your study. Dig Deeper Read The following readings are provided for you to dig deeper into the subject area. Required Textbook Chapters Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, & P. Jackson, (2012) Management Research, 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications Chapter 7, ‘Framing Qualitative Data’ Chapter 9, ‘Summarising and Making Inferences From Quantitative Data’ Chapter 11, ‘Writing Management and Business Research’ Recommended You are encouraged to complete the following skills unit, between Module 7 and Module 8, to help with practical approaches to managing your time during your Research Project. Website University of Roehampton Online (2015g) Centre for Student Success: Time Management [Multimedia �le, online]. Available at: http://success.roehampton- online.com/TimeManagement (Accessed: 26/12/17). Optional Textbook Chapters Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, & P. Jackson, (2012) Management Research, 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications Chapter 10, ‘Multivariate Analysis’. Demonstrate Use the instructions below to complete Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of your Project. Make sure that all chapters read as one research proposal, and submit them as one �le. Unit 5 Project: Finalising Your Research Proposal This �fth unit o�ers one assessment – a ‘Project’, which is to be submitted by the end of the unit. This is worth 50% of the overall module grade. You also have to submit your approved Ethics Form by the end of this module. Your supervisor will communicate about it with you but be sure to stay on top, and in charge, of getting the full Ethics Form approved. It is now your turn to �nalise your research proposal and expand your research literature – and fully develop your plan for analysing and presenting the data for your research proposal. You have had the opportunity to examine other researchers’ choices for data analysis and presentation, and you have discussed your thoughts about your own project with your classmates. Keep in mind you are writing a proposal, so make sure to stay on a high level. However, please consider the larger picture. Visualise how you will use and start working from Chapters 1, 2 and 3, in your next module, your full Management Research, in which you will re�ne and expand your work. This Project consists of three chapters: http://success.roehampton-online.com/TimeManagement Chapter 1: Re�ned Introduction, including research objectives, context, rationale, identi�ed gap in literature, academic and societal relevance (750-1000 words) Chapter 2: Critically revised and extended literature review (1250-1500 words) Chapter 3: Extended and developed research design and methods, including data analysis plan and steps to ensure validity and credibility and ethical considerations (1500-1750 words). Instructions to prepare and complete each chapter are listed below. Make sure that before submitting your Research Project Proposal, you: Re�ne your introduction Expand and re�ning your Critical Literature Review/theoretical background Finalise your data analysis and presentation plan Integrate all paragraphs Chapter 1: Introduction (750-1000 words) Chapter 1 contains the Introduction, including research objectives, context, rationale, and high-level literature references. (Note: This is not the literature review, which is the theoretical background coming later.) To complete your Unit 5 Project Chapter 1: Chapter 1, your research Introduction, should contain speci�c paragraphs in which you present and explain
Answered Same DayMay 11, 2021UNIT 5

Answer To: Hello team, The proposal must get written on the following topic: "Technological Innovations and...

Dilpreet answered on May 16 2021
155 Votes
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction    3
1.0 Introduction    3
1.2 Rationale of the Study    3
1.3 Problem Statement    4
1.4 Objectives of the Study    4
1.5 Research Questions    4
1.6 Outline of the Study    5
Chapter 2: Literature Review    5
2.0 Introduction    5
2.1 Theoretical Concepts of Environment    5
2.2 Theoretical Concepts of Technology    6
2.3 Influence of Technology on Environment    6
2.3.1 Air Pollution    7
2.3.2 Water Pollution    8
2.3.3 Ecological Disturbances    9
2.3.4 Climatic Changes    9
2.3.5 Depletion of Resources    10
Chapter 3: Research Methodology    11
3.0 Introduction    11
3.1 Research Approach    11
3.2 Research Design    11
3.3 Research Strategy    11
3.4 Research Type    11
3.5 Ethical Issues    12
Chapter 4: Data Findings and Analysis    13
4.0 Introduction    13
4.1 Hypothesis 1    13
4.2 Hypothesis 2    13
4.3 Comparison between the Views
Presented by Various Researchers    14
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations    15
5.0 Conclusion    15
5.1 Recommendations    15
References    17
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.0 Introduction
Technology is an integral part of developments taking place around the globe to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of human beings. The kind of life we are enjoying in the modern world is all because of the technological developments made so far. Technology has improved the quality of our lives considerably and has made our lives faster, easier and convenient. However, unchecked technological advancements have caused an imbalance in the environment. Technology has harmed the environment from creating pollution, to disturbing the food chain and creating an ecological imbalance (Carter, 2018). Speaking in specific terms industrialization when coupled with technological advancements has been adversely affecting the environment largely. Environmental degradation is a major concern for the environmentalists and the environment conscious generation of modern times. Technological mismanagement and lack of control measures have been a major reason behind the increasing resource depletion. With this, several other global environmental problems have emerged such as diminishing biodiversity, ozone depletion, growing population, increased pollution, climate changes. Problems of air and water pollution are the most common.
1.2 Rationale of the Study
The issue is that with uncontrolled technological advancements in the 21st century have caused significant environmental changes atmosphere, hydrosphere as well as the biosphere. These global environmental problems are the outcomes of the actions of many people that have accumulated over time and space. Emissions from primary pollutants, fuel consumption, industrial processes and solid waste disposal are some of the major causes of environmental changes (Salic & Zelic, 2018). Environmental impacts of technology are dependent on the type of technology being used at the first place.
This study is aimed to shed light on the impacts of technological innovations on the environment. The research will help to highlight the negative influences of uncontrolled and unchecked technological advancements causing environmental pollution, ecological system disturbances, depletion of natural resources and climatic changes. The impact of these environmental changes shall further be studied with detailed explanation of global issues such global warming and greenhouse effect. The study will also discuss about the primary causes of these environmental changes by taking technical innovations and industrialization into consideration. The study will also discuss about some control and mitigation measures to protect the environment from the adverse influence of technological innovations.
1.3 Problem Statement
Technological innovations have caused serious environmental changes that need to be studied deeply (Rabbani, Ahmadzadeh & Farrokhi-Asl, 2019). The current study aims to highlight the adverse impact of technological innovations on environment in terms of ecological imbalances, increasing pollution, depleting resources and disastrous climatic changes. The study also aims at determining the various technological causes of the depleting environment. The study shall also discuss about the control measures and mitigation strategies that can be implemented to control the adverse influence of technological innovations on environment.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The study aims at achieving the following objectives:
· To develop an understanding of the terms environment and technology
· To analyze the technological innovations that have been the major contributors for disturbing the environment
· To determine and deeply analyze the influence of technology on various components of the environment
· To study the control measures and mitigation strategies necessary for controlling the adverse effect of technological innovations on the environment
1.5 Research Questions
The key research questions that this study aims to answer are:
· What is the environment and technology individually?
· What are the technological innovations that are having a major adverse impact on the environment?
· How have been these technologies adversely affecting the various components of the environment?
· What control measures and mitigation strategies can be implemented for controlling the adverse influence of technology on environment?
1.6 Outline of the Study
The current study has been divided into 5 sections for systematic assessment of the research topic and for reaching the research objectives. The first chapter of introduction has given an overview of the study topic along with the problem statement and objectives of this study. The following chapter of literature review will help to conduct a detailed assessment of the research topic along with the associated variables. The third chapter, which is research methodology, will help to deeply analyze the research tools that will be used for the study and will provide a justification for the selection of these tools. The fourth chapter of data findings will discuss about the inferences made from the qualitative as well as the quantities data. The final chapter of conclusions and recommendation will summarize the inferences made throughout the study and will highlight some of the methods that may help to keep a check on these technological innovations.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
A range of literary sources have been sought out, assessed and referred in this section to present an in-depth comprehension of the topic and the variables associated with it. The relation between the various variables will be depicted through this section. This literature review shall give this study a literary foundation. The aim of the study and the objectives will be verified and criticized through this literature review. The current section will discuss independent literary topic arranged in an interlinked manner.
2.1 Theoretical Concepts of Environment
Environment comprises of all the individuals and living things. In simple words, environment can be defined as the conditions, under which individuals and things live, develop and exist together. When human beings are to be considered environment will comprise of the physical world as well as the social and cultural conditions (Mohanraj, 2018). While considering humanity factors such as ecology, climate and atmosphere are considered primarily. Major components of the environment can be described as:
Lithosphere: This consists of land and is quite important, as human beings are land bound. Therefore, it is vital for the formation of civilizations.
Atmosphere: Atmosphere is defined as the mixture of gases and comprises of 5% nitrogen, 23% oxygen, 0.05% carbon dioxide, and 1.28% argon. There are other inert gases such as helium and neon in minute amounts. It also contains water vapor in variable quantities from 0.01% to 3%.
Hydrosphere: It is the total amount of water present on earth. It consists of the water present on the surface of the earth, underground water as well as the water present in air. Water may exist in the form of water, vapor or ice.
2.2 Theoretical Concepts of Technology
Technology in simple terms can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life and to bring changes or to manipulate the environment of human beings. These changes have been both positive and negative. Technology has been making the life of human beings easier. At the same time, unchecked and uncontrolled technological innovations are acting as a source of the adverse impact being caused on the environment. Human beings have been using their skills, experiences, techniques and knowledge through which humans tend to change or transform their environment. Human beings to create products, machines, services and tools that help humans to meet their needs and desires are further using these skills and techniques.
2.3 Influence of Technology on Environment
Industrial revolution has been brining several technological innovations with immense power. The period from the year 1760 to...

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