I would like a quote for developing a portfolio of evidence using the Scenario below to identify
ways that support individual empowerment and recovery.
I have attached an example (Michael’s) you an idea and as well as Recovery and Service plan template (will need use imagination)
Scenario 2 - Daniel Sawyer
I just celebrated my 21st birthday, but it wasn’t so great. My mum was the only one that bothered to contact me. Things haven’t been going well since my girlfriend Rachel left me, eight months ago. We’d been together since high school and most of our friends thought that we would end up getting married one day. I suppose I haven’t gotten over her yet. It’s hard because she is now going out with Todd, who used to be my best mate. I have not only lost my girlfriend, I’ve lost the only other person I could talk to. I find it hard to keep on going at times. The only thing that seems to help is smoking some pot and having a few drinks to block things out. I don’t see this is as a major problem, but my mum does. She doesn’t approve so I don’t tell her. She’d only worry anyhow.
I’ve had a few run-ins with the police lately. I think they have just singled me out as a troublemaker. You can’t blame me for getting angry with them, when they are on my case 24/7. They seem to think I’m mental and have taken me to hospital every time we’ve had a run in. This has been three times this year. I don’t know whether they are getting sick of it, but I sure am. I’ve learnt to just play the game and not fight them so much. They have given me this case manager. I’m not sure what they are supposed to do. I don’t think he knows either. He looks about the same age as me. They just check on me from time to time and see if I’m taking the medication they’ve given me. I just tell them I am to shut them up.
My landlord is on my back because I’m behind in my rent. You should try dealing with Centrelink sometime and try to survive on Sickness Benefits. I’m just so stressed. I don’t answer my door because it’s most likely my case manager or the landlord. I don’t know what’s worse. I don’t know how things are going to turn out, I just can’t see my way clear.
Maybe if I lived on the streets for a while, I could get everyone off my case and I would have some money?
Charmaine Dunne - Daniels Clinical Case Manager
Daniel is a 21-year-old man, who is currently accessing clinical support from the Kingsmead Mental Health Service. Daniel has had intermittent contact with this service for the past 18 months. His clinical case manager is Charmaine Dunne.
Charmaine is concerned that Daniel’s circumstances have deteriorated over the past 9 months or so. Daniel has not been eating properly or looking after his flat. Despite mounting debts, he spends most of his money on alcohol and drugs. He has started looking very scruffy and Charmaine has had little success in coaxing him out of his unit lately, even for a coffee. Charmaine thinks that Daniel needs more support than she can offer in her clinical role
Charmaine has heard good things about the Kick Start program and decides to call them to make a referral. Jason is the worker at Kick Start who answers the call and has the initial conversation with Charmaine. Jason talks with Charmaine about Kick Start’s referral process. At this early stage he ensures that no names or personal details are exchanged in order to maintain the confidentiality of the person, who has not yet consented to any information exchange. Jason asks Charmaine about what she knows about the service, as he has not had contact with her before. He explains the role that the service attempts to play in supporting people in their personal recovery processes. He organises to send Charmaine some of Kick Start’s brochures.
Jason asks Charmaine if the person is aware of the service and what they think about accessing services. He also emphasises the importance of involving them in this process. He explains to Charmaine that it is desirable for the person to initiate the contact themselves. In this way, the person is in control of the process and is much more likely to engage with services. Charmaine explains that the person is not a self-starter. He faxes Charmaine a referral form and explains that the referral form needs to be signed by the person to ensure that they are aware and have given their consent to be referred to the Kick Start program.