hello i only need help with these 2 questions, mulitple choices in java shapes = new ArrayList);Scanner scan1=new Scanner(new File("D:\\AAUJ\\AAA\\radiuslnfo.txt"));while(scan.hasNext()){double...

hello i only need help with these 2 questions, mulitple choices in java

Given the following code snippet:<br>ArrayList<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<>);<br>Scanner scan1=new Scanner(new File(

Extracted text: Given the following code snippet: ArrayList shapes = new ArrayList<>); Scanner scan1=new Scanner(new File("D:\\AAUJ\\AAA\\radiuslnfo.txt")); while(scan.hasNext()) { double radius; scan.next(); radius=Double.parseDouble(scan.next(); shapes.add(new Circle(radius)); } Select one: a. None of these O b. The compiler will report an error if Circle class does not extend Shape class O c. The compiler will report an error if Shape class does not extend Circle class d. The compiler will report an error
The statement ( this(

Extracted text: The statement ( this("Employee #" + nextld, s); ) in the following code means that we are calling another constructor of the same class Employee but with different arguments. public Employee(double s) this("Employee #" + nextld, s); nextld++; } Select one: O True False

Jun 09, 2022

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