Hello Can you please rewrite this assignment make sure No Plagiarism , make sure its very well written and very good grammar , Apa Format must apply.I need it by tomorrow so you have 20 hours to...

Hello Can you please rewrite this assignment make sure No Plagiarism , make sure its very well written and very good grammar , Apa Format must apply.I need it by tomorrow so you have 20 hours to finish can you do it ?.797px; overflow: hidden; word-break: break-word; color: rgb(61, 61, 61); height: 2000px;”>1MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYGB540: Economics for Global Decision MakersUnit Four: Introduction to Economics and its Core ConceptsMeasuring Economic ActivitySarah B. Kanso2MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYWalmart is a global fortune 500 business, which functions in the United States andinternationally. Included in this paper is the history of Walmart, its latest and up-to-minuteoperating results. This paper covers the financial as related to the recent and current operatingresults; the organization as relating to the society, and the governmental forces that influence itthe most. There will be a SWOT analysis which will be comprised within the paper, describingthe strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The paper will also consist of the elementsit will require to forecast, formulate, and modify because it is essential for the well-being of theorganization.HistoryIn 1962 Walmart made the access to their initial store available to the public. The firststore opened in Rogers, Arkansas with the intentions of creating a difference in the consumer’slives. The motto Sam Walton held was “The lowest prices anytime, anywhere”. At the time Mr.Walton started his organization, his rivals believed his notion that a prosperous organizationcould be created by utilizing low prices for the products with substantial customer service wouldat no time work (Heritage, 2012).Walmart existed in open view in 1970 and has continued an unshakable enlargementthroughout the former 40 years. The speedy expansion of Walmart is attributed to the low pricesthat entice the consumer and the workers inside the business. Mr. Walton dependence on hisemployees was centered on their capability to provide substantial customer service to maintainthe return of the customers. The manner in which he hooks his workers to accept the truth of hisplan of his organization was by allowing them to buy into the company.Mr. Walton possessed the top ten connected items of creating a company. This listcomprised of a couple of vital economic master plans. Number one is to manage the expenses,3MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYwhich is stronger than one’s rivals. His belief a place where one can locate the competitive edge.Various errors can come about but a company can recuperate if an effective act of functioning isthe course to reach a specific state or level. An organization can be exceptionally talented andnevertheless go out of business because of inefficiency.Number two is to share and exchange all necessary information in accordance with whatis likely or achievable to one’s colleagues. The additional amount of information theycomprehend the added comprehension they will possess. The added comprehension brings aboutcompassion and care. As soon as they begin to care and have compassion, there will be noceasing them (Heritage, 2012).Recent Operating Results“Wal-Mart reclaimed the top spot in the Fortune 500 in 2012 after slipping to number 2the prior year. The retailer’s refocus on low prices continued to attract frugal shoppers into thediscounter’s U.S. stores. For fiscal year 2012, sales rose 5.9 percent, to $443.9 billion. Despiterelatively strong sales, Wal-Mart must hold onto its U.S. shoppers, which make up 62% of thechain’s net sales. Beyond the U.S., Wal-Mart continues to investigate allegations that executivesin Mexico paid more than $24 million in bribes to speed the retailer’s expansion there. The probehas widened to Brazil, India and China” (Fortune 500, 2013, para. 1).“In fiscal 2013 Walmart reported diluted earnings per share from continuing operations of$1.67, and a 10.6 percent increase from 2012” (Retail Business 360, 2013, para. 10). The year’searnings per share (EPS) were $5.02, and a 10.6 percent increase from 2012 (Retail Business360, 2013). “Walmart added more than $10 billion in net sales during the 2013 fiscal year”(Walmart, 2013, para. 3). “Walmart International also grew in net sales 7.4 percent to $135.24MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYbillion for the year (Walmart, 2013, para. 4). Their return on investment for the fiscal year was18.2 percent and the company returned $13.0 billion to shareholders through dividend and sharerepurchases during the fiscal year 2013. (Walmart, 2013, para. 9).Current Operating Results“The retail giant held on to the top spot on the Fortune 500, edging out Exxon Mobil forthe second year in a row. For fiscal year 2014, Wal-Mart’s net sales totaled $473.1 billion, up 1.6percent from the year-earlier period. While its sales grew domestically, Wal-Mart said theexpiration of a payroll tax cut, reductions in the U.S. food stamp program, and poor winterweather hurt its results. But in the U.S., Wal-Mart is bullish about its plans to open even moresmall stores, which compete with drugstores and small grocery stores” (Fortune, 2014, para. 1).In the fiscal 2014, Wal-Mart’s consolidated net sales increased the $7.5 billion to over$473 billion and diluted earnings per share from continued operations were $4.85 (WalmartCorporate, 2013, p. 7). “Their operating growth was 4 percent on a net sales increase of $5billion,” (Walmart Corporate, 2014, p. 7). “Wal-Mart international net sales increased 1.3 percentto more than $136 billion,” (Walmart Corporate, 2014, p. 7).Financial StatementsFinancial Statements for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT)“Year over year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has seen net income shrink from $17.0B USD to $16.0BUSD despite relatively flat revenues. A contributing factor has been the increase in percentage ofsales devoted to cost of goods sold, SGA expenses and income tax expenses” (BloombergBusinessweek, para. 1).5MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYIncome Statement Balance Sheet Cash FlowCurrency in Millions of US DollarsJan 31, 2011 RestatedJan 31, 2012 RestatedJan 31, 2013 RestatedJan 31, 2014Cost of goods sold314,946.0334,993.0352,297.0358,069.0Gross Profit106,903.0111,516.0116,354.0118,225.0Selling General & Admin Expenses, Total81,361.085,025.0Interest Expense-2,205.0-2,320.0-2,249.0-2,335.0Interest and Investment Income201.0161.0186.0119.0EBT, INCLUDING UNUSUAL ITEMS25,538.024,332.025,662.024,656.0Income Tax Expense7,579.07,924.07,958.08,105.0Minority Interest in Earnings-604.0-688.0-757.0-673.0Earnings from Continuing Operations15,959.01,034.016,408.017,704.016,551.0-21.052.0144.0NET INCOME16,389.015,699.016,999.016,022.0NET INCOME TO COMMON INCLUDING16,389.015,699.016,999.016,022.015,355.015,720.016,947.015,878.0As of:EARNINGS FROM DISCOUNTINUED88,629.091,353.0OPERATIONSEXTRA ITEMSNET INCOME TO COMMONEXCLUDING EXTRA ITEMSQuarterly Earnings & Estimates – WAL-MART STORES INC (WMT)6MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYWal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Quarterly EarningsWal-Mart Stores Inc. reported 2nd quarter 2015 earnings of $1.21 per share on 08/16/2014.(Bloomberg Businessweek, 2015).Annual Earnings & Estimates – WAL-MART STORES INC (WMT)Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Annual EarningsWal-Mart Stores Inc. reported annual 2014 earnings of $5.11 per share on 02/22/2014.(Bloomberg Businessweek, 2015).Quarterly Revenues – WAL-MART STORES INC (WMT)7MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYWal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Quarterly RevenuesWal-Mart Stores Inc. had 2nd quarter 2015 revenues of $119.3B USD. This bettered the $118.5BUSD consensus of the 16 analysts covering the company. This was 2.7% above the prior year’s2nd quarter results. (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2015).Annual Revenues – WAL-MART STORES INC (WMT)Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Annual RevenuesWal-Mart Stores Inc. had revenues for the full year 2014 of $473.1B USD. This was 1.5% abovethe prior year’s results. (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2015).Economic ForcesDuring the economic downturn, Wal-Mart was obligated to slash prices to change itsshrinking store sales in the United States. This is what they did to increase revenues. Therevenues rose to 6 percent. As a result this action actually ended up in a reduced profit of 4.6percent within this particular year. Wal-Mart fought to continue their growth in the United States8MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYretail department stores. Buying and purchasing of merchandise has increased in the U.S. whileWal-Mart still strives to achieve their goals. Globally Wal-Mart has increased in growth and theyhave revenues that have risen from 13.1 percent to $35.5 billion.Social ForcesThe CEO of Wal-Mart Corporate office is Doug McMillon. He says that they areconvinced in the behavior of always executing the correct thing. “Through our efforts to improvesocial and environmental sustainability, we are learning that inclusive growth is good business.When we develop programs that are good for our customers, our communities and our business,giving back becomes a sustainable part of our growth model” (Walmart, 2012). The organization,also, has the confidence they can demonstrate an effective influence on the communities theydistribute, perform duties and services for. This can be accomplished by reinforcing theirprinciples, ideals, and beliefs. For this to be a reality Wal-Mart has to build programsinternationally. They have begun some of these types of programs, such as a public retailingteaching and learning institutions located in Brazil such as a Children’s Miracle Network locatedin Canada, and the first learning institution located in China that they have had success inmaintaining.Political ForcesWal-Mart believe it has an obligation to increase its contribution even though for twentyyears is has mostly avoided politics because Mr. Walton did not feel it was beneficial to theconsumer. He avoided employing lobbyists or creating any political action communities until1998. Presently, Wal-Mart has begun to be to the greatest extent one of the dynamic companiesin the United States. In relation to the system of government “Wal-Mart is violating campaign9MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYfinance laws by encouraging workers to donate to a Political Action Committee (PAC) backingthe company’s favorite political candidates, according to a complaint filed with the FederalElection Commission (FEC)” (Berman, 2015, para. 1). It is ranking number one corporatepolitical contributor. According to Gogoi (2006),“Wal-Mart gave a total of $326,875 in the 2000 election cycle, $431,017 in 2002, and$857,179 in 2004, according to research by The Institute on Money in State Politics, anonpartisan, nonprofit research organization based in Helena, Montana. For the 2006election cycle, the company has given $644,655 so far and seems to be on track to hit arecord for political contributions. "They’ve gone from zero to warp speed in politicalgiving all across the board," says Bruce Freed, co-director of the Center for PoliticalAccountability, a nonprofit group that tracks corporate political spending. The totalsinclude only direct contributions to politicians and political parties. Adding in money forballot initiatives and other local issues brings the total of Wal-Mart state giving so far thiscycle to $1.25 million,” (para. 4).The states launched into a combat zone for Wal-Mart as the government has refused toget associated with the resourcefulness to enhance the minimum wage or the authority to carryout high healthcare benefits. Those who are professionally involved in politics supported chunksof legislation but characterized Wal-Mart as an organization constructed to provide highersalaries and provide workers with lavish health benefits. Therefore, there were zoning ordinancespassed, which meant the big stores such as Wal-Mart had to pay these higher salaries (Gogoi,2006). There are bills including those that are essential to run economic impact reports prior tothe kickoff of big stores, and require them to pay legal fees of cases that are won in reference to10MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYobstacles with the zoning ordinances in court. Wal-Mart has sued cases such as these and haswon these types of cases, scaring other communities in this position (Gogoi, 2006). Thegovernment needs to surrender to the economic effects that Wal-Mart is attempting to utilize overthe management with their donations of millions and their failure to properly care about theexpressions of distress for assistance from towns, companies, and employees.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsWal-Mart possesses a lot of strengths, which includes a very large variety of products in asingle location at competitive prices enabling them to sustain their pricing leadership strategy(Walmart, 2012). The company provides low prices because of supplier discounts, which allowsthem to provide consumers the price match guarantee. Wal-Mart produces their own brand andhas accomplished a higher net sales and operating income. They have broadened internationallyenabling them to be the ultimate placed international retailer. They are operating efficiently,investing in technology, and have a strategic management style, which focuses on resourceinvestments (The good, the bad, and Wal-Mart, 2012, pp. 4).Their organizational culture is sturdy because they provide capital for workers, givingassistance to operating costs, and enhancing returns in elevated growth markets. Themanifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively are made up ofadvancing their workers, controlling the effectiveness of the productive effort, achievements ininternational e-commerce, reinvigorating their customer focused culture, and dominating onsocial and environmental issues (Duke, 2012). Their strengths are scale of operations,11MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYcompetence in information systems, wide range of products, cost leadership strategy, andinternational operations (Jurevicius, 2013).WeaknessesWal-Mart possesses a lot of weaknesses as well. They carry an abundance of inventory,which may end up in an overage of items not sold. The company has a widespread belief thatthey fail to purchase from America and that they sell merchandise that is supplied by othernations with unjust labor laws. The organization’s profits decreased from 4.2 percent in 2010 to2011, an unceasingly declined in 2012 specifically because of the state of the economy.Wal-Mart received non-stop accusations of the poor manner in which they dealt with ortoward their workers, accounts of under-staffing, small salaries, and unfit benefits. There werepalm-greasing or hush money accusations with the Mexicans, which ended up with a crucialbarricade for growth. Because of this long-term investors lack faith and trust in the stock due tothe fact that only 30 percent of the shares pending are carried by established investors, which arethose who accumulate big quantities of cash and invest this cash in the ownership of stocks andbonds, real estate, and various assets that are customarily long-term.Wal-Mart has been unsuccessful in defeating the unceasing community resistance in theirendeavor to develop into municipal or suburban markets. Their weaknesses are labor relatedlawsuits, high employee turnover, little differentiation, and negative publicity (Jurevicius, 2013).OpportunitiesWal-Mart’s opportunities to form partnerships internationally have been many. Europeand China are their major focus. Wal-Mart has obtained opportunities for a larger consumer12MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYmarket by trading only with a limited amount of nations. They have opened their doors in Chinaand India, which enables them to continued opportunities with their present strategy. Wal-Mart’sopportunities are retail market growth in emerging markets, rising acceptance of their own labelproducts, trend toward healthy eating, and online shopping growth (Jurevicius, 2013).ThreatsAs with any organization Wal-Mart faces threats from rival companies. The main threatcame from their Human resource department along with their administrative approach. They arepresently undergoing widespread worker connections and relationships. Many legal suits(approximately 5000) are filed annually in opposition to the actions of Wal-Mart and theseaverages are a total of 17 lawsuits per day (The Good, the bad, and Wal-Mart, 2012). Within2012 Walmart faced lawsuits and accusations of exploitation of workers, anti-union activities andwage violations (The Good, the bad, and Wal-Mart, 2012).Non-stop negative publicity causes subsequent difficulty and problems for the companyand its capacity to employ quality employees, which end up in a feasible worker deficit. WalMart may experience difficulty in locating qualified and responsible employees who wantemployment with firms that retain and possess adequate human resource policies. Additionalthreats include increasing competition from brick and mortar and online competitors, increasingresistance from local communities, and rising commodity prices (Jurevicius, 2013).Prediction for the FuturePresently, over 200 million consumers shop at Wal-Mart every week. They run 10,300retail locations under 69 banners in 27 nations and e-commerce internet web pages in 10 nations(Walmart, 2014). It is forecasted that Wal-Mart will possess a non-stop rise in fiscal year sales by13MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYalmost 3 percent in the following year and 7 percent globally. This has been the tendency for theprior 3 years and so it is forecasted to be non-stop.Plans for the FutureWal-Mart’s aim or plan was to go non-stop and increase in the amount of the unveiling ofnew community stores and have a rise in capital while decreasing the median cost of superstoresby 10 percent during the following three years. Globally they will grow non-stop. The nationsthey plan to focus on are Mexico, Brazil, and China while increasing their e-commerce. WalMart plans to remain dedicated to the cause of expanding and utilizing international technologyto satisfy consumer beliefs and hopes through cell phones and computer media.Adjustments for the FutureWal-Mart actions have been modified to stay current with technology. They haveremained sharp with technology inside their stores but neglected to utilize it in a more favorableposition outside their stores. Facebook was utilized for the first time in 2012 during theThanksgiving season for Black Friday advertising. Customers can now access the store topurchase items not promptly obtainable through the use of Facebook, Sam’s Club, Twitter, andWal-Mart web pages. Wal-Mart is progressive and has onward process of using their minds, andis bound to not have any issues with non-stop modifications in times to come.ConclusionWhen Mr. Walton opened the initial Wal-Mart store, he at no time anticipated it tobecome a gigantic success. It has become attached to the United States consumers. It is growingnon-stop globally and, also, at a speedy rate. During the recession is still had the power to gainprofits. The Wal-Mart concept of “Always the lowest price” has allowed it to retain a spot in the14MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYtop 5 of the Fortune 500 listings for the prior 4 years. Wal-Mart has proven it will profit at a nonstop rate and has an exceptional future for continued success.ReferencesBerman, Julian. (2015). Walmart’s plan to encourage political donations violates election law,groups claim. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/22/walmart-paccomplaint_n_5851304.html15MEASURING ECONOMIC ACTIVITYBloomberg Businessweek. (2015). Walmart Stores Inc. (WMT: New York). Retrieved fromhttp://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/financials/financials.asp?ticker=WMTBloomberg Businessweek. (2015). Walmart Stores Inc. (WMT: New York). Retrieved fromhttp://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/earnings/earnings.asp?ticker=WMTCourser, Z. (2005). Wal-Mart and the politics of American Retail. Retrieved fromhttps://cei.org/pdf/4992.pdfDuke, M. (2012). Annual report. 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