Answer To: Health Promotion Assignment – 30% Assignment Guidelines: 1. Identify the community and population...
Anju Lata answered on Dec 20 2021
Running Head: Health Promotion Capstone Project
Health Promotion Capstone Project 7
Health Promotion Capstone Project
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Community and Population Identification
The project performs an assessment of ‘rural health’ in the population of Canada for their health and wellbeing, using Windshield Survey tool. The project is based on rural population of Canada and evaluates the availability of healthcare services for the rural areas. The physical environment of Rural Canada involves commercial centres, schools, public places, parks, highway, streets and pathways for transport (Coghill, Valaitis, Eyles, 2015). There is inherent tendency of physical inactivity and obesity in rural populations of Canada.
Core Elements
1. Demographics: According to World Bank Development Indicators, 18.52% of total population (3.76 crores) of Canada resides in rural areas. The country has 100% access to electricity in rural areas. The growth and development in rural areas is dependent on their proximity to cities. 15% of the population of rural Canada is greater than 65 years of age. This group of population reportedly suffers from high rate of respiratory diseases, chronic diseases, suicide and injuries. The youth aged 15- 29 years represent 17% of population, which is less than the national average of 20%. The total Canadian rural population was 69, 60,780 in 2019, which showed an increase of 1.08% from previous year (Statistics Canada, 2020).
2. Values & Beliefs: The values related to health of Canadians depends on several factors like higher unemployment, shared family values, past personal experiences and modeled behaviors of family and friends. The rural Canadians who belong to minor communities face lack of familiarity with the healthcare system, language barriers and discrimination.
Health beliefs are based on culture and play important role in behaviors and decisions. Rural people consider health from the perspective of role performance to meet the obligations to family (Thomlinson, McDonagh, Crooks & Lees, 2014). Lack of healthcare services in rural areas influence their health related behaviors. The rural populations are less likely to opt for preventive healthcare behaviors. The older adults of Canada are not increasingly aware of physical activity.
3. History: The people in rural areas comprise of older adults (15%), youth(17%) and children (Schmidt, Rempel, Murray & McHugh, 2016). There are established neighborhoods and people frequently socialize. People have been living here since long time. The history of area relates to agrarian movements, grain trade, and immigrant settlement policy. The rural societies, economies and culture is integrated in rural Canada.
Health related decision making of rural populations is based on four factors: Person’s susceptibility to illness, perceived seriousness about illness, benefits of following an action plan and the barriers in accessing the healthcare. The rural Canadians have high levels of unemployment, poverty, high infant mortality rate and shorter life expectancy. They face lower levels of income, education and health status than the urban Canadians. I think the health seeking behaviour of rural populations is largely based on their spiritual beliefs and tendency to use home remedies to cure common diseases. Multiple interventions are being carried out to improve the physical inactivity in rural populations.
The rural areas in Canada have greater prevalence of domestic violence by the partners (Brandon...