1 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3: The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Assessment task 1...

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health and cultural diversity of aboriginal and torres's islander people

1 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3: The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Assessment task 1 (Part a): Individual Report – Group Presentation. Learning Outcomes Assessed. Knowledge:  K1. Analyse the impact of different cultural perspectives and suggest how an individual’s understandings can influence engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities  K2. Investigate factors that influence cultural vulnerability and resilience and their relationship to health choices  K3. Examine the basis of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People’s identities including cultural diversity Application of knowledge and skills:  A1. Develop an understanding of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander identity, including their diversity and place in contemporary Australia Due Date: Week 4 – Monday 16th August @ 23:59 pm Title of the assessment: Examine and discuss what is culture and identity and reflect on how your own identity, along with social and cultural factors, have influenced your own beliefs about and interactions with Aboriginal People and/or Torres Strait Islander People. Overview: The purpose of this task is for students to demonstrate understanding of what culture and identity is and how identity, along with social and cultural factors can influence beliefs and values. Students need to also look inward and recognise their own culture and how their own values and beliefs influence the way they view the world and see other people. To enable us to understand other cultures, we must first recognise that we all have our own culture. 2 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 A minimum of 5 academic references are required using APA 7th edition. Word Count: 1200 words +/- 10% (excluding references) References: Research and evidence: Your essay-style report should include analysis and synthesis of research. You are required to reference a minimum of five (5) academic sources (e.g., textbooks, Peer reviewed journal articles). References are to be formatted in the American Psychological Association [APA] style 7th Edition. Students are encouraged to resource articles and other literature and sources that are authored by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People, and present these research findings, views, and perspectives from their lived experiences, where possible. Research is constantly evolving; it can be updated or challenged. Therefore, it is important to keep our knowledge up to date. Resources should be no older than 7 years (unless Government Legislations/Acts or of historical significance). We encourage students to read widely and use the most current research you can find. If you have a journal article that falls outside the 7-year limit, ask the following: • Have I searched for a more recent article? (Try searching the databases using key words from the title of the reference you have.) • Is there nothing more recent that could replace it? • Does it contain important information that is relevant and have historical significance to my essay? Can I justify using an older source within my essay? • An example of older resources that are acceptable: 3 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 o Hampton, R., Toombs, Maree, & ProQuest. (2013). Indigenous Australians and health: the wombat in the room. Oxford University Press. • Direct quotes should be avoided where possible in academic writing, however, if required, they must be limited to no more than twenty-five (25) words. Value of the task: The weighting of the task is 20% of your overall grade for the semester. Assessment Details: Reflect on the following questions to assist with your planning: These questions are here to assist you with planning – DO NOT use them as headings within your essay (The structure of the essay DOES NOT include the use of headings). • What is culture? • What is Identity? • How does identity, along with social and cultural factors influence beliefs and values? • What do you consider to be your culture? • What do you consider to be the characteristics of your identity? • What has influenced your cultural lens (beliefs and values)? • What do you think has influenced your beliefs and interaction with Aboriginal People/s and/or Torres Strait Islander People/s? • Evaluate your personal views towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. • On reflection did Paul Keating’s speech, as then Prime Minister of Australia, (Year for the World’s Indigenous People) delivered in Redfern Park on 10 December 1992, give insight, change or confirm your own personal views in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples? • What considerations will you need to make when collaborating with the members of your group for Assessment Task 1b: Group Presentation? • Please ensure that you have read the following document carefully: Appropriate Terminology, Indigenous Australian Peoples. https://moodle.federation.edu.au/pluginfile.php/6471015/mod_resource/content/1/28223 2_appropriate-terminology-indigenous-australian-peoples.pdf https://moodle.federation.edu.au/pluginfile.php/6471015/mod_resource/content/1/282232_appropriate-terminology-indigenous-australian-peoples.pdf https://moodle.federation.edu.au/pluginfile.php/6471015/mod_resource/content/1/282232_appropriate-terminology-indigenous-australian-peoples.pdf 4 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 Structure and Format: Your essay should include the following components: 1. Introduction (up to 10% of word count): provide a concise and brief overview of the essay. In this section:  you should briefly introduce the topic  outline what will be discussed in the essay.  The introduction provides the reader with a map of what is to come. 2. Main Body: 3. Conclusion (up to 10% of word count): provide a clear and succinct summary of your essay 4. Reference list:  provide correct in-text citation and referencing using APA 7th edition referencing style.  Please proofread your assessment carefully on this part and pay attention to all the minor details.  Marks will be deducted for any mistake made. Format: As per APA 7th edition formatting of a student paper.  Cover Page: o Title of the paper o Name of the author of the paper (Student’s name). o Students ID number o Course Name and number o Lecturer’s name o Assignment due date.  Font – Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial  Font size 10-12 (12 preferred for this paper)  Double spaced.  Paragraph indentation – Indent the first line of every paragraph. 5 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021  Page numbers – As per APA 7th edition, are in the header flush to the right margin.  Reference List commences on a new page, in the correct location. Submission: Due as a word document submitted via the assignment submission link on Moodle. Marking Criteria: Marking criteria can be found on the Moodle page in the assessment section Feedback: Feedback will be provided via the online marking system. As per course description, assignments will be marked and returned to students with feedback in four (4) weeks. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at: http://federation.edu.au/students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism. Special Consideration: If students are adversely affected by life circumstances, a discretionary assessment extension of up to five (5) University working days for one assessment task may be applied for using the correct application procedure. Extensions are granted at the discretion of your campus course coordinator. If, however, a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant http://federation.edu.au/students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism 6 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days’ extension, then they are advised to apply for Special Consideration. For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration, including access to the policy, procedures, or associated forms, please find detailed information via the following link: https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance- support-and-services/student-support-services/student-advocacy/special-consideration-tips Late Penalties: Late submission of assessment tasks, without a granted a Discretionary Extension from the Course Coordinator or an approved Special Consideration, will attract a late penalty as outlined by the School of Health Student Academic Handbook (Higher Education) The penalties are the following:  1 day late: 10% of total assessment grade will be deducted prior to marking the students work (i.e., for an assessment task worth 100 marks, 10 marks are deducted prior to marking).  2 days late: 20% of total assessment grade will be deducted prior to marking the students work (i.e., for an assessment task worth 100 marks, 20 marks are deducted prior to marking).  3 days late: The student’s work will not be marked by the assessor. https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/student-advocacy/special-consideration-tips https://federation.edu.au/current-students/assistance-support-and-services/student-support-services/student-advocacy/special-consideration-tips 1 NURBN 2025: Marking Criteria for Assessment task 1 A: Individual reflection essay: JB - 22/07/2021 NURBN 2025: Marking Criteria for Assessment task 1 A: Individual Report – Group Presentation. Criteria 5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Mark 0 Mark Introduction and Conclusion /5 marks Introduction: Excellent introduction to the topic. Provides general background. Organisation of the essay is very clearly discussed, and all major points of discussion are comprehensively outlined. Conclusion: Excellent summation of information presented. Set the topic in question again. No new information or research introduced. Introduction: Good introduction to the topic. Provides general background. Organisation of the essay is clearly discussed, and all major points of discussion are mostly outlined. Conclusion: Good attempt at summarising information presented Set the topic in question again. No new information or research introduced. Introduction: Reasonable introduction to the topic. Provides general background. Organisation of the essay is reasonably
Answered 2 days AfterAug 09, 2021

Answer To: 1 NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 1 a – Reflection essay – 22/07/2021 NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3: The...

Dr. Vidhya answered on Aug 12 2021
142 Votes
Running Head: REFLECTION PAPER         1
URBN 2025: PRIMARY HEALTH 3:                            2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
sonal Assumptions and Culture    3
Torres and Strait Islanders: Legacy of Culture    4
The Cultural Inheritance: Barriers and Solutions    4
Conclusion    6
References    7
The process of evolution for human beings has given them a unique gift, which is to align cultural beliefs of them with others as a part of their living. In fact, culture represents the life of individuals, their belief systems and the ways they can project their personality as a whole. In terms of cultural diversity of modern times, adjusting with various cultural groups is one of the primary necessities that people need to understand.
Cultural phenomena across globe have changed over the past two decades especially for the nations like Australia that have proved their excellence in various industrial as well as educational context. Living with some of the precious cultural legacies of the past is remarkable; Torres and strait Islanders are one of such cultural gems that represent Native Australian culture. The following is the reflection over personal culture as well as how I have aligned my cultural norms with the Torres and Strait Islanders specifically in adhering to the conventional values of living in society.
Personal Assumptions and Culture
At first, it is significant to note here that my cultural values are liberal; I am born and brought up in a family where culture is one of the most intriguing ideas to adopt. Notions of following family traditions are intriguing in the sense that they have given me—and they still do—a sense of reasonability and respect to be given to others.
My parents have shared their insightful views in the form of some inherited legacy of their ancestral roots that is they have given me exactly the same knowledge, which they could precisely receive from their parents and this chain has of shared knowledge has not been broken yet. I am also looking forward to carry the same legacy to the posterity of my family tree.
Additionally, one of the significant aspects of the cultural traditions is that I have seen in my family, they link to expand my understanding of the idea of culture itself. It is not about practicing something that is taught on family bases, instead, it pertains to adjust with the culture of others who look forward to mix well in a different social order. I reckon that the idea of culture is not limited to single social source.
It is definitely one of the points that, one must realise that, culture...

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