he assignment: All of us are members of different communities—our home town community, our college community, our statewide community, and communities related to our faith, our hobbies, and our interests. Choose a current controversial topic within a community in which you belong. You must be undecided about the issue/controversy.You will research the issue, determine your stance, and write a persuasive paperwhere you convince the reader of your stance. The paper must also include a proposal that offers a solution to the problem. The assignment requires that you 1.clearly explain the controversy, 2.take a stand on the issue, 3.demonstrate critical thinking in your arguments with support from outside sources, 4.refute the best arguments from those who hold an opposing point of view, 5.and offer a solution in a clear and reasonable proposal.What you should do: 1.The title and introduction should grab the reader’s attention. 2.Within the first page, it would be best to give an overview of the issue, explain why it is important, and clearly state your thesis.3.The body of your essay must be effectively organized and must address themain points of the controversy.4.Each point, or claim, should directly relate to your thesis and must be supported with research.5.You must address and refute the opposition’s primary points with solid research and critical thinking. 6.Offer a logical and compelling solution, clearly defining the goals and objectives of the proposal.7.Use source material appropriately. Keep direct quotations to a minimum—no more than 10% of the paper should be direct quotations.8.Maintain a professional tone, use academic language, and maintain third person.9.Make use of summary and paraphrasing techniques. Remember that when you take any information from a source (words or ideas), you need to provide proper in-text citations and Works Cited listings.10.As always, your paper should be clearly focused, fully developed, andorganized effectively.2Research guidelines: You must find the best sources available to effectively argue your position—a minimum of six different, credible, and effective sources. Most of your sources should be print sources or sources from the library databases.You may not use only Internet sources. (Database sources like Ebsco, Proquest, etc. are NOT considered Internet sources.) Any Internet sources must come from a credible sources. Include correct in-text/parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page. No plagiarism! Length: A minimum of seven complete pages, not including the Works Cited page.Audience/Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is a) for you to educate yourself about a current controversy that is important to you and is part of a community in which you belong, b) for you to take a stand after conducting your research, and for you to persuade your audience. The audience for this paper is, of course, me, but it’s also a group of undecided individuals as well as your particular communityHanding in your paper: You must hand in your paper as required in D2L’s Assignments.Choosing a Research Paper TopicBelow is a list of broad topics. You may not use these topics or any related topics. AbortionWelfareFetal tissue for researchHuman cloningDeath penaltyEuthanasiaGun control/the NRALowering the Drinking AgeJuveniles being punished as adults for crimeLegalizing Marijuana for medical orHomosexual right to marry/adopt children/recreational purposesserve in the militaryAlaskan Wildlife RefugeCreationism vs. EvolutionViolence in Video GamesAnimals used for cosmetic or medical testingClimate ChangeOR any topic you have previously written a paper on or are currently writing a paper on for another class.Why can’t you write your paper on these topics?31.Some of these topics have been discussed for years; opponents have offered and dissected almost every argument, leaving little that’s new to say. 2.For some of these topics, it is difficult to write a persuasive paper that would be convincing to the other side because of opposing religious beliefsor conflict regarding a primary point that is crucial to the argument. (For example, on the subject of abortion, Pro Life advocates and Pro Choice advocates disagree as to when life actually begins.)3.Some of these issues are too big to discuss in a paper of this length. (For example, to do a thorough paper on euthanasia, a student would have to examine both active and passive euthanasia and the arguments that accompany both, which could be a book-length manuscript.)What topic should you choose?One that is interesting to you and one that is current to one of your personal communities.One about which you have not yet made up your mind. (This is crucial!)Narrow your topic as much as possible. Keep in mind the length of your paper. One that is controversial and is not just a matter of opinion