Have your data cleaned regularly by commercial organisations specialising in this. The major players include Acxiom (www.acxiom.co.uk) and DLG (www.dlg.co.uk), but a Google search for ‘data cleaning’...

Have your data cleaned regularly by commercial organisations specialising in this. The major players include Acxiom (www.acxiom.co.uk) and DLG (www.dlg.co.uk), but a Google search for ‘data cleaning’ will show you a lot more. Such an exercise should be specified to remove all known movers (there are several ‘movers files’) and deceased persons (again several files exist). Reputable companies will be able to advise on the best order in which to clean the data to keep your costs low. Charging is subject to negotiation and may be made on a ‘per name’ basis (where you are charged for each name identified for suppression), a ‘per thousand processed’ basis, or you may even be able to negotiate the cleaning free if you go on to lease a certain number of names for marketing activity use over a given period of time.

May 19, 2022

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