Hash Search Design a hash table which the phone number is the key word and can be used to do search. The phone number is looked on as key and thus the hash function should be designed based on it....

Hash Search

Design a hash table which the phone number is the key word and can be used to do search. The phone number is looked on as key and thus the hash function should be designed based on it.

Basic Requirements

1) Each record contains 3 data items, i.e. name, sex and phone number.

2) Read the datum from txt file, use phone number as the key to design hash function, using open addressing method to solve conflicts. Build hash table and show highest number of hashes. There are 450 records in total, and the size of hash table is defined as 467. The maximum number of hashes is required to be no more than 80

3) When the user input a phone number, your program should do hash search based on this number. If the number dose exist then the corresponding information should be shown, and the number of hashes should be shown as well. If the number does not exist in the table, still show the number of hashes and the information

My data

LiuJing Female 13814231733

WangAnqi Male 15855129526

HeLin Male 13920967276

ZhaoQingyue Female 15856127737

LiLifang Female 13601289664

MaXinyi Male 15819083913

ZhangHaibo Male 15840971965

GaoJiaqing Male 15853215366

HuangQingxi Male 13766575535

ZhangLili Female 15858890761

XuYifeng Female 15850132029

WangLi Male 15854511744

LvHaizhi Female 15854309809

XuWanhu Male 13811777653

ChengChun Male 13830972677

ZhongKailin Male 13777904575

LiHaiqing Male 15816004696

ZhouXibo Male 15355066165

TaoQiqi Male 13919904080

PengLicong Male 18917809360

XueMingming Female 15856600930

WeiBingzheng Male 13501099785

do this in C++ or C language
Jun 09, 2022

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