Guidelines Complete Lesson 5. Print the Gantt Chart View. (Include only those columns up to and including the Finish Date column and the Gantt chart. Print this item on two pages wide.) Print the...

Guidelines Complete Lesson 5. Print the Gantt Chart View. (Include only those columns up to and including the Finish Date column and the Gantt chart. Print this item on two pages wide.) Print the Project SummaryReport. Print the Task Usage Report.Objectives

q View resource workloads

q Locate resource conflicts

q Use automatic leveling to resolve resource overallocations

q Manually resolve resource overallocations

When making resources assignments to tasks,

MS Project tries to schedule the appropriate work for that resource; however

conflicts can arise if a resource is scheduled to perform more work than the

resource can accomplish. These conflicts

can occur as a result of a single or multiple task assignment and are often a

case of overallocation of the resource.

(You can also underallocate a resource).

The problem then becomes how to resolve those conflicts. With MS Project, some of these conflicts can

be solved automatically or manually.

For this lab, we will be using the MS

Project Lab, MyLab4_XXX (where XXX

are your initials) from where we left off in Lab 4. Included

with this lab is an Addendum, where you can quickly check your project

information prior to starting this lab.


Resource Workloads

Viewing resource workloads helps to identify

to what extent a resource is overallocated or underallocated. When a resource is overallocated, the

resource text is highlighted in red and a leveling indicator is displayed.

To view the workloads:

1. Log onto Windows.


Open your completed file MyLab4_XXX.mpp. Check the addendum at the end of this lesson

to make sure your beginning file is correct.

3. Save asMyLab5_XXX.mpp, where XXX are your


4. From the Task tab and the

Resource Views group, select Resource


This view shows each resource, total

assigned for the entire project, each task the resource is assigned and total

hours for each task, and on the right, a time graph showing the detail of how

the work is divided up. (You may need to expand the columns and move the time

graph to see all details).

5. Notice the resource, Systems Administrator, is highlighted in red. This resource is overallocated.

Also notice the icon to the left of Systems

Administrator. This is the leveling indicator.


Work Detail


6. Select the Systems Administrator

resource name.

7. On the Task Tab and the Editing group, click the Scroll To Task button.

8. The right pane timescale scrolls to the first work values for the


9. Scroll the timescale (at the bottom of

the scale) until you see work values highlighted in red. In the week of November 17, the timescale shows this resource working a total of

40 hours on Friday of that week. The breakdown is 16 hours on Install Hardware

and 24 hours on Install Software. (Figure





10. From the View tab and the Resource Views group, select Other Views,

the select More Views and apply the Resource

Allocation View.

11. The resource allocation view is now displayed. The tasks for the selected resource are displayed

in the bottom pane along with the Leveling Gantt view, showing you the first

conflict in the schedule (Figure 2).




12. By viewing this screen, we notice that the two tasks, Install

Hardware and Install Software are occurring at the same time. Install Hardware was initially scheduled for

2 units of Systems Administrator for 3 days for a total of 32 hours. The 32 hours were distributed over the three

working days…at 16 hours the first day, 8 on Saturday and 8 on the following

Monday. Install Software was initially

schedule for 3 units of Systems Administrator for 3 days (or 48 hours

total). The 48 hours were distributed over

the three working days at 24 hours the first day, 12 on Saturday and 12 on the

following Monday. Unfortunately, we only

have 3 units of resources total for these three days, and 3 units can only do

24 hours of work in one day (3 * 8 is 24 hours). At this point, we have to decide what we want

to do to alleviate this situation.


Resource Conflicts Automatically

Before you begin a project, you should try

to resolve your resource allocation conflicts.

Overallocations can be resolved automatically or manually. Before you decide to do either, you should

review all allocation problems, availability of resources, time and task

constraints, etc., before you make changes.

Leveling is a strategy used to resolve resource overallocations by delaying or splitting tasks. If you do

it automatically, MS Project examines all overallocations by looking at task

dependencies, start times, dates, priorities, and constraints, and it

determines if a task can be delayed or split to resolve the conflict. Keep in mind that if you allow MS Project to

determine how to level your resource workloads, it may not be to your

liking! When MS Project levels a

resource, the resource’s selected assignments are distributed and rescheduled

and the task and/or project schedule may change.

1. From the File Tab, check Project Information.

2. View the Finish Date for this project. It should read 11/26/13. Go back to the Resource

tab and the Resource Allocation View will be displayed.

3. Click in the bottom pane of

your screen (the one that lists the tasks and Gantt chart).

4. From the Resource tab and

the Level group, click Leveling Options…. The resource dialog box appears:




Resource Leveling window includes the defaults for the leveling process The settings should be: Leveling Calculations – Manual, Look for

overalloactions on a Day by Day basis, Clear leveling values before leveling

should be checked, Leveling Range, should be set for Entire Project, Leveling

order – Standard, Level only within available slack – Unchecked, Leveling can

adjust individual assignments on a task – Checked, Leveling can create splits

in remaining work – Unchecked, Level resources with the proposed booking type –

Unchecked, Level manually scheduled tasks – Checked.

5. One note of caution… Note the Leveling calculations radial tab is

set to Manual. This allows the user to

make the leveling decisions. When the

Automatic radial is selected, MS Project will take over and not allow any

resource overallocations. It is recommended

this setting remains on Manual, to allow the user to control resources, rather

than MS Project.

6. Be sure the default options are selected as shown in Figure 3. Make

sure “Leveling can create splits in remaining work” is unchecked. What this can do is to stop a task before it

is completed, to resume it later. This

could cause inefficiencies and should be avoided.

7. Click Level All. What happened? (Look at delay applied to

Install Software).

8. You will notice that the Systems Administrator is no longer in

red. But look at the workload detail in

the top right pane and the Gantt chart in the lower right pane.

9. In the Gantt chart, the Olive

bars indicate the original start and finish dates, the blue bars represent the new start and finish dates.

10. From the Filetab, review

the Project Information. The finish date is now 11/28/2013; two days have been added to the project.

11. But what if this is unacceptable?

Can you undo automatic leveling?

12. Go back to the Resource

tab, be sure the lower pane is active (click in the bottom pane

to make sure).

13. In the Levelinggroup,

select Clear Leveling, and select Entire Project.

(You can also click on Undo if it is still highlighted).

14. Check to make sure your Finish date is back to 11/26/2013. Unfortunately, the Systems

Administrator returns to overallocation “red”.


Resource Conflicts Manually

Using MS Project to perform leveling

operations might result in unwanted schedule adjustments or solutions that are

not practical for the project. In

addition, there may be some conflicts that MS Project cannot resolve, as we

shall see later. When the above occurs,

other techniques can be used to manually resolve the overallocations. Some suggestions for manual leveling include:


Increasing the maximum units of

the resource


Reschedule the task that has

created the conflict


Add overtime


Adjust task dependencies or



Remove a resource that is not

important to the task


Replace the overallocated

resource with an underallocated resource


Make adjustments to the working

days and hours


Decrease the amount of work

assigned to the resource

Given our previous problem with the Systems

Administrators, let’s see if there is a better way of leveling the workload

without jeopardizing our schedule. In

this case, while it would be nice to assign more Systems Administrators to the

task, let’s say we only have three on our staff! So we will make changes to their current

schedule and make adjustments to the hours worked.

Please follow these instructions carefully!

(You may want to save your file at this point!)

1. Make sure you are in Resource

Allocation View and your screen looks like Figure 2.

2. In the upper pane, double-click on the name Systems Administrator.

3. The Resource Informationbox

should open. Select the Change Working Timebutton.

4. In the calendar, create a new exception for Friday, November 22, 2013 to reflect the time frames of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. (Remember to click

outside the10:00 PM box for this to “stick”).

5. Change the working time for Saturday,

November 23, 2013 to reflect the time frames of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and 1:00

PM to 5:00 PM.

6. Finally, change the working time for Monday, November 25, 2013 to reflect the time frames of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and 6:00

PM to 10:00 PM. Click OK.

7. If you get a scheduling conflict

error message, click “Continue, allow the scheduling conflict.”

8. Check your project finish date from the Project Information. Your

current finish date should be Monday,

November 25, 2013. At this point you should save your file

just in case…

9. After making the above changes to the Systems Administrator working

times (looks like we will be paying overtime), we have added more hours to the

working day and added a full working day on Saturday. Assuming that we have three units of Systems

Administrators, each one can work a 12-hour day on Friday an 8-hour day on

Saturday and a 12-hour day on Monday.

That amounts to 36 hours (12 x 3) on Friday, plus 24 hours (8 x 3) on

Saturday plus 36 hours (12 x 3) on Monday for a total of 96 hours. The two tasks, Install Hardware and Install

Software are 32 hours and 48 hours of work respectively, for a total of 80

hours. So, we should be able to adjust

the load to make sure there are no overallocations.


10. In the top pane, make sure the timeline for the Systems

Administrator reflects the Friday, Saturday and Monday of November 22-25, 2013. You

will notice that the change in the calendar has altered the amount worked on

Friday, Saturday and Monday. (This is

because MS Project “front” loads all work). Follow the next instructions to the letter.

11. Click on the cell for Friday work for the Install Hardware

task. It should say 24 hours.

12. Enter 12 in this cell. (For 12 hours).

13. Staying in the Install Hardware task row,

verify that Saturday still has 8 hours.

14. Staying in the Install Hardware task,

move to Monday and enter 12 hours.

15. Your screen should now look like figure 5:



hardware task for the Systems Administrator has been modified to show 12 hours

of work on Friday, 8 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Monday.

16. You will notice that the only number in red is for Monday, a total of 48 hours.

17. Carefully, click in the cell for Friday

for the task Install Software. (There

currently is no number in the cell).

Enter 12 for 12 hours.

18. In the cell for Monday, change the 36 hours to 24 hours (and hit


19. Do not change Saturday at


20. If everything goes right, your red should go away, this resource is

no longer overallocated and your screen should look like figure 6:





Install software task for the Systems Administrator has been modified to show

12 hours of work on Friday, 12 hours of work on Saturday and 24 hours of work

on Monday.

21. Check your project information.

Is your finish date back to Tuesday,

11/26/2013? If so, great! We met our goal, without overallocating

resources. If not, you need to close the

file, without saving it and go back to instruction 7 of this


22. You may have noticed the.jpg”> (pencil

icon) next to the two tasks, Install Hardware and Install Software. This indicates that the work assignment has

been edited.

23. While what we did was an extreme, it gives you an idea of some of

the things you can do to resolve resource assignment conflicts. If you decide to adjust your resources,

regardless of method, it is always best if you save your file before doing so,

in case you make errors or do not like the results.

24. Again, resource leveling (and what goes on “behind the

scenes”) can be a very complicated process. It is best that when you make your initial

assignments that you consider workload, availability, etc.

25. At this point, save your


26. From the Tasktab and the

Properties group, click on Details2

times removeSplit. Change to Gantt chart view.

27. Print out the Task Entry Table and Gantt chart view. Include all the columns of the Table:

Entry and the Gantt chart. Be

sure to include proper project header information. Make sure you widen the column showing task

names and resource names. (Hint: on Page

Setup in Print Preview, select the tab View and check Print All Sheet Columns).

This will be printout number 1.


your own

1. In the Gantt chart view, click on task Research Products and Services.

2. Click on the Assign Resources button on the Resource tab.

3. In the Assign Resources dialog box, select Systems Analyst and then clickon Remove.




4. Keeping the Assign Resources dialog box open and while still on the

task Research Products and Service, select Systems Analyst again and enter 200

(for 2 units). Press Assign. (Figure 8).




5. What we have done is replaced an initial assignment. If you were

replacing different unit allocations of the same resource, you would do the

preceding instructions. If you were

replacing one resource with another resource, you would use replace rather than

assign. We have just told MS Project that rather than one Systems Analyst doing

28 hours of work, we will have two Systems Analysts doing 28 hours of work each

(total of 56 hours). If we had just changed the percentages from 100 to 200%

without removing the initial assignment, MS Project would have assumed effort-driving

and would not have added 28 hours of work, but divided 28 hours of work between

the two units. A very important, yet another confusing, point to understand

about how MS Project views the information you enter.

6. Close the Assign Resources window and make sure this task, Research

Products and Services, is still showing 3.5 days before proceeding.

7. Change to Resource Sheet view.

8. Scroll down to Systems Analyst.

Is the name in red? The resource

is now overallocated, perhaps because we assigned two units of a resource when

we only have one unit available!

9. Click on the name, Systems Analyst.

10. From the Resourcetab and

the Level group, select Level Resource.

11. You should see the Level Resource dialog box.


12. Make sure the Systems Analyst is selected and click on the Level Now button.

13. You should now see a MS Project alert message:


14. Whenever you get this message, MS Project cannot resolve the problem

automatically. The message however gives

you suggestions on how to resolve the problem. Here, MS Project also tells you what the problem

is and the date of the problem.

15. Press Skip. (If you get

another error message, just press skip until error messages stop).

16. MS Project did not perform leveling because it could not do so.

17. How would you solve this problem? Without affecting the project finish

date? Look at the suggestion that MS

Project is giving you. Perhaps if you

went to the Resource Sheet view and changed the maximum units for

this resource?

18. So do it. Change the maximum units for Systems Analyst to 200%. What happened?

19. Once you resolve the problem so that no resource is

overallocated, print out the following:


A Project Summary Sheet


A Task Usage Report (showing

work by weeks)

20. The above reports will be printouts

2 and 3 respectively. Again make sure

proper project header information is included.

21. Check point: 37.5 days. (Plus see project statistics below).

22. Change back to Gantt chart view and save your file.

.png”> When submitting required printouts, if you

are not bringing them to class, from the Print Preview Page, take a screen shot

(in Windows to a MS Word Document. Make sure to crop the screen to show only the report.

After cropping, resize the image appropriately.

If the printout is on more than 1 page, paste each page individually.

Save the Word document containing printouts as Week_5_Printouts_XXX.docx (where

XXX are your initials) and submit this file to the Weekly iLab Dropbox.


Point for the End of Lesson 5




Information for the Beginning of Lesson 5



Information Statistics at the Beginning of Lesson 5



you have completed this lesson please save it as MyLab5_xxx.mpp and submit the

file to the Weekly 5 iLab Dropbox.

Also complete the following page and submit

the Review Question sheet to the Weekly

iLab Dropbox.



Name ____________________________

Answer the following questions:

1) What is resource overallocation?

2) What is resource leveling?

3) Under what circumstances would you want to manually resolve


4) What would be the caution of adding more resources to a task to

resolve resource conflicts?

5) What would be the caution of rescheduling a task to resolve a

resource conflict?

May 15, 2022

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