Group Project & Presentation
Develop a market research plan, implement the plan and make recommendations to improve the functioning of the
organisation. Prepare a market research plan for one of the following organizations:
Carry out the research specified in the plan.
Make recommendations based on the research to improve the functioning of the organisation.
Prepare and deliver a short presentation of the main recommendations.
Assessment Criteria
? Clarity, logic and completeness of the market research plan.
? Quality of the conduct of the research.
? Quality of the discussion and recommendations.
? Style and content of the presentation.
Structure of report
? Executive Summary
? Organisation background
? Marketing context
? Marketing issue to be investigated
? Research findings
? Discussion
? Recommendation
HC2022 Marketing Research T1 2012
7? Reference List:
Harvard referencing – as in all business assignments at all Western Universities, you
must use Harvard referencing. This means that you must read up on this and do it correctly. (see
blackboard or the library for details) The source of all ideas in the body of the report must be
Structure of Presentation
Discussion of key recommendations (10 minutes, 5 slides). It is expected that all group members to participate
during the presentations.
Prescribed Textbook (compulsory)
Zikmund, W., et al (2011) Marketing Research, Asia-Pacific edition, 2nd edn. Cengage Learning
Recommended Reading *
Malhotra, N. (2010) Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. 6th edn. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey .
Useful Websites
Marketing Research Companies and Organisations:
1. AC Nielson Web-site: (Much information on different countries)
2. Australian Market and Social Research Society (Provides industry background, fieldwork handbooks,
and standards for the conduct of market research.)
3. ESOMAR (Homepage of the European Society for Opinion & Marketing Research; contains the
code of ethics for the World Association of Research Professionals and other useful information.)
4. Global Marketing Research: (International, provides information on surveys, sampling)
5. Marketing Research Society of Australia:
6. Marketing Research Info: (This site has a library and calculators for sample size)
7. Market Research World Provides research articles and advice on conducting market
research, and interpreting statistics. Also has numerous market research links.