Graduate diplom of management (learning)
STUDENT ASSESSMENT DEFINE RECORDKEEPING FRAMEWORK BSBRKG601 Assessment Overview This Student Assessment Boo kl e l includes a ll your tasks fo r assessment of BSBRKG60 l - DEFINE RECORDKEEPING FRAMEWOR K. About your assessments This unit requires that you complete 3 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks with a competent result to ac hieve competenc y for this unit. Please read the information below about each task included in this assessment. Assessment Task 1 1 Knowledge Questions I In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements through completing and submitting written questions. 1 You must correctly answer all 5 questions to show that you I understand the knowledge required of th: unit._ ~ - ------ - Assessment Task 2 I Report - Research and determine regulatory recordkeeping requirements, and Role-play Assessment Task 3 You are required to analyse information and conduct research to determine recordkeeping requirements for an organisation , document your findings and present the information to the CEO of the company. --~·-•··- -- ----- Project - Develop and implement a recordkeeping framework, and Role-play You are required to develop a recordkeeping framework for an I organisation and communicate the responsibilities and liabilities to senior management. r TASK 1- Knowledge Questions 0 Task summary You are to answer a ll the 5 written ques tions in this task. The knowledge ques tions will demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements of the performance criteria and knowledge evidence in this unit that are essential when deciding overall c ompetency. 0 Resources and equipment required to complete this task o Access to textbooks and other learning materials. o Access to a computer, word process software (Microsoft Word). printer, Internet and email software (if required) . 0 When and where should the task be completed? o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable). o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment . 0 What needs to be submitted? o A separate Microsoft Word (or similar) document with your answers to each question in this task. 0 Instructions o This is an open book test -you can use your learning materials as reference . o You must answer all questions in this task correctly. o Your answers should be a minimum of the word count for each question. o You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program. o Please include the following details in the header section of each page of your assessment document: • Student Name and ID: • Course Code and title : • Unit Code and title: • Trainer and assessor name: • Task No .: 1 • Page numbers: (set automatic page numbering on your document) o Your assessor will advise as lo whether you must email them your completed assessment , submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy Task 1 - Knowledge Questions Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Explain the following recordkeeping related control terms: • Metadata - ( 100 -150 words) • • Classification - ( 100 -150 words) Tracking - ( 100 -150 words) Explain the concept of a function-based classification tool and its benefits over other classification systems (200 -250 words) . Discuss in your own words the Records Continuum Model (200 -250 words). Explain why it is important for all business processes to be owned by a specific role in the organisation. Include in your response who the best person is to own processes ( 1 00 -150 words) . Discuss how organisational culture can have an impact on recordkeeping governance and frameworks (100-150 words). What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this? Answers to all 5 questions □ R archond TASK 2 - Report - ese dkeeping determine regulatory recor requirements, and Role-ploy 0 Task summary . . lion and conduct researc~ to For th is assessment you_are req~1red to analyse inforn:ia . Sim\T - simulated business - detem1ine recordkeep1ng requirements for a_n ~rganisation ( nt the information to the CEO provided by your assessor), document your f1 nd1ngs and prese of the company. . 1 nd to get input and Role-ploy will be conduc ted to discuss your report and nsk assessmen , a feedback on the information you have collated. 0 Resources and equipment required to complete this task o Access to textbooks and other learning materials. o Access to a c omputer, word process software (Microsoft Word) , printer, Internet and email software (if required). o Acc ess to SimlT Information and Project Management simulated business/case- study (provided) document. o Access to relevant legislations, regulations , standards and codes. o Space to conduct a meeting o Role-play participants (assessor and students) o Risk Assessment template (provided by the assessor) . 0 When and where should the task be completed? o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable). o This task may also be done in your workplace (this may be during your work placement, where applicable) . o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment . 0 What needs to be submitted? o Research report o Risk Assessment o Role-play notes 0 Instructions: o You will par1icipate in a role-play (see template at the end of this task) . o Please use the "Te mpla te for a Rep or1" (provided by your trainer) to complete the projec t asse ssment. o Your assessor will advise as to wheth . . er you must emorl them your completed assessment, submit the file on O USB d . h . rive or and 1n a hard copy o Carefully read the provided t d . . · t . . 1 . cose-s u Y (S1mlT -simulated business) and complete the oc 1v1 ,es . Task 2 - You are to prepare a report (RESEARCH AND DETERMINE REGULATORY ~~~v?le°dK~~~~1. REQUIREMENTS), then participate in a role-play (template Read the simulated business/case study (SimlT Information and Project Management) - then complete the 7 questions/activities that follow. Ideally, you should pay special attention to the following pages; 4-10, 14-30, 31-42, 92-96, 105-112. Complete the following activities: 1. Based on the information provided to you in the case study, make a list of SimlT's business functions that would require records to be kept and the type of records they may keep, for example, payroll would keep tax file numbers. learning and development would keep learning records, customer service would keep customer information and bills, etc. You are required to identify at least two record-keeping requirements for each branch and may presume any information missing from the case study. 2. For each of the business functions identified research the regulatory requirements . You will need to research: • Legislation and regulations that apply to SimlT for all the States of operation Australia wide. This must include what evidence is required to be captured. what records have to be retained, how the records are retained (eg electronic, copies, original) and stored, and for how long ■ Community, social and ethical standards and Codes of Professional conduct that may apply • National and technical standards that may apply • The requirement for technology that can read and access the records • The implications and impact of legal liabilities on the principle areas of risk identified (in the case study) • The specification and format of the record and evidence requirement. For example. under the Fair Work Act 2009 a pay slip hos to be in either electronic form or hard copy and contain specific information. Where there is no set specification for a record you may decide upon the detail. 3. Collate the data you have collected from the case study, the business functions with record keeping requirements and the regulatory requirements into a report. Your report should be clear and concise and structured logically for the intended audience (your assessor) . You are encouraged to make use of tables in your report to make the relationship clear between the business functions and the research you have conducted. This report should be at least 7-8 pages including the Executive Summary, Introduction, Main body, Recommendations, Conclusion, and Reference List. . frisk (as identified in the case study) f th rinc1ple areas O · ·t· d U th · 4. Comple1e a risk assessment or e_p d that you have 1dent1 1e . se e Risk and for each record-keeping requireme~dt a~ b your a ssessor. The assessment of ris ks Will Assessment template that has been provi e Y inform the development of your framework. Your risk assessment must include: • a description of the risk the likelihood of the risk occurring • the potential impact of the risk • the risk control • the risk consequence rating • the level of risk • priority ra ting . 5. Submit your report and risk assessment to your CEO (your assessor) and r~quest a meeting to discuss. You should submit the report at least a week prior to the meeting . 6. Meet (Role-play) with your CEO (your assessor) to discuss your report and risk assessment. The purpose of this meeting is to get input and feedback on the information you have collated . During the meeting you are required to demonstrate effective communication and interaction skills, including: • Using language and content that is appropriate for the audience • Using active listening and questioning skills to clarify information and confirm understanding ■ Appropriate use of non-verbal communication Prepare a 1-page summary /notes of your role-play and submit this. 7. Follow~ng the meet!ng, consider the suggestions for improvement and feedback from the CEO (11st and describe these as part of your answer to this question) and make the necessary changes to your report and risk assessment. Submit final copies to th CEO