Gorecki Construction Stefan Gorecki is the owner of Gorecki Construction, a small construction ­rm in Chester, Pennsylvania. He wants to use Excel to track his company’s monthly income and... Gorecki...

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Gorecki Construction Stefan Gorecki is the owner of Gorecki Construction, a small construction ­rm in Chester, Pennsylvania. He wants to use Excel to track his company’s monthly income and...

Gorecki Construction Stefan Gorecki is the owner of GoreckiConstruction, a small construction ­rm in Chester, Pennsylvania. He wants touse Excel to track his company’s monthly income and expenses and then use thatinformation to create a monthly budget. Stefan has already entered the raw datavalues but has asked to you to complete the workbook by adding the formulas andfunctions to perform the calculations. Complete the following:

1. Open the Gorecki workbook located in the Excel3 >Case1 folder, and then save the workbook as Gorecki Budget in the locationspeci­ed by your instructor.

2. In the Documentation worksheet, enter your name in cellB3 and the date in cell‑B4.

3. The budget values are entered based on the end-of-monthvalues. In the Monthly Budget worksheet, enter the date 31-Jan-18 in cell E4and 28-Feb-18 in cell F4. Use AutoFill to ­ll in the remaining end-of-monthdate in the range G4:P4.

4. Calculate the company’s total monthly income by selectingthe range E6:P7 and using the Quick Analysis tool to insert the SUM functionautomatically into the range E8:P8.

5. Calculate the company’s total cost of goods sold byselecting values in range E10:P11 and using the Quick Analysis tool to insertthe SUM function automatically into the range‑E12:P12.

6. In the range E14:P14, calculate the company’s monthlygross pro­t, which is equal to the difference between the monthly income andthe monthly cost of goods sold.

7. Select the expenses entered in the range E17:P26, and usethe Quick Analysis tool to insert the sum of the monthly expenses into therange E27:P27.

8. In the range E29:P29, calculate the company’s net incomeequal to the difference between its gross pro­t and its total expenses.

9. Select the values in the range E29:P29, and then use theQuick Analysis tool to insert a running total of the company’s net income intothe range E30:P30.

10. Calculate the year-end totals for all ­nancialcategories by selecting the range E6:P29 and using the Quick Analysis tool to insert the sum of each row into the range
Answered Same DayJul 17, 2022

Answer To: Gorecki Construction Stefan Gorecki is the owner of Gorecki Construction, a small construction ­rm...

Prince answered on Jul 17 2022
85 Votes
    Gorecki Construction
    Author    Liberty
    Date    7/17/22
Monthly Budget
recki Construction
    Budget Analysis
    Estimated Monthly Budget            Dates    31-Jan-18    28-Feb-18    31-Mar-18    30-Apr-18    31-May-18    30-Jun-18    31-Jul-18    31-Aug-18    30-Sep-18    31-Oct-18    30-Nov-18    31-Dec-18    Total
    Income            Income
    Construction            Construction    20,781.48    18,481.47    28,311.14    32,145.87    34,005.21    41,004.87    37,578.91    36,414.34    34,308.10    57,207.15    34,711.30    28,004.21    402,954.05
    Reimbursement            Reimbursement    - 0    187.45    - 0    688.27    - 0    - 0    671.44    587.28    - 0    601.48    298.37    - 0    3,034.29
    Total            Total    20,781.48    18,668.92    28,311.14    32,834.14    34,005.21    41,004.87    38,250.35    37,001.62    34,308.10    57,808.63    35,009.67    28,004.21    405,988.34
    Cost of Goods Sold            Cost of Goods Sold
    Cost of Goods            Cost of Goods    - 0    987.28    1,919.28    248.71    105.88    3,481.81    - 0    -...

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