GNS3 is a software package that provides a platform to virtualize network configurations. Like Packet Tracer, this tool allows you to create a sandbox area where network configurations can be tested...

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GNS3 is a software package that provides a platform to virtualize network configurations. Like Packet Tracer, this tool allows you to create a sandbox area where network configurations can be tested and honed to the specifications needed. In addition to the network configuration options that GNS3 provides, it also allows you to access the virtual machine behind the appliance in the GNS3 environment. This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore the basic options in GNS3. It would be in your best interest to explore the features of GNS3, as it will be an essential part of Project One, due in Module Five. Access the GNS3 environment by navigating to the GNS3 Sandboxing - Part One lab. Special Note: If a GNS3 appliance (i.e., workstation or server) locks and requires you to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log in, select the Player dropdown menu to send the command to unlock the appliance. See the image below:

CYB 220 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric CYB 220 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview GNS3 is a software package that provides a platform to virtualize network configurations. Like Packet Tracer, this tool allows you to create a sandbox area where network configurations can be tested and honed to the specifications needed. In addition to the network configuration options that GNS3 provides, it also allows you to access the virtual machine behind the appliance in the GNS3 environment. This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore the basic options in GNS3. It would be in your best interest to explore the features of GNS3, as it will be an essential part of Project One, due in Module Five. Access the GNS3 environment by navigating to the GNS3 Sandboxing - Part One lab. Special Note: If a GNS3 appliance (i.e., workstation or server) locks and requires you to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log in, select the Player dropdown menu to send the command to unlock the appliance. See the image below: 1 You are provided with the devices shown below. 2 The table below lists the network topology details for this lab. Network Topology Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address PC1_TestNetwork NIC1 PC2_TestNetwork NIC1 Server_TestNetwork NIC1 Router_TestNetwork FastEthernet0/0 FastEthernet0/1 FastEthernet1/0 n/a You will also need the information below. Usernames and Passwords Device Username Password PC1_TestNetwork Student password PC1_TestNetwork Admin Passw0rd PC2_TestNetwork Student password PC2_TestNetwork Admin Passw0rd Server_TestNetwork Server simple Note: This assignment requires tasks to be performed at the command line. To ping, run the command ping (for example, ping Prompt Submit a Microsoft Word document containing screenshots of a completed topology and ping tests. Specifically, address the following critical elements: I. Create the network and submit a screenshot of the topology, which should include the configuration described below. A. Connect two Windows PCs (labeled PC1_TestNetwork and PC2_TestNetwork) to the router and assign IP addresses as indicated in the table provided. B. Connect the Windows server (labeled Server_TestNetwork) to the router and assign an IP address as indicated in the table provided. C. Configure the Cisco 3745 router (labeled Router_TestNetwork) and assign IP addresses on the interfaces as indicated in the table provided. 3 II. Test connections using best practice methods for communications between PC1_TestNetwork and PC2_TestNetwork. Submit screenshots of ping tests performed at the command line between devices on the network. The screenshots should show the results of using best practice methods to execute the ping command between the following devices: A. From PC1_TestNetwork to PC1_TestNetwork B. From PC1_TestNetwork to PC1_TestNetwork Gateway C. From PC1_TestNetwork to PC2_TestNetwork Gateway D. From PC1_TestNetwork to PC2_TestNetwork III. Test connections for communications between the computers on the network. Submit screenshots of ping tests performed at the command line between devices on the network. The screenshots should show the results of executing the ping command between the following devices: A. From PC2_TestNetwork to PC1_TestNetwork B. From PC2_TestNetwork to Server_TestNetwork C. From Server_TestNetwork to PC1_TestNetwork D. From Server_TestNetwork to PC2_TestNetwork E. From PC1_TestNetwork to Server_TestNetwork Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit a Microsoft Word document containing screenshots of the network topology and the results of the ping tests. Use a file name that includes the course code, the assignment title, and your name—for example, CYB_123_Assignment_Firstname_Lastname.docx. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Network: PCs Connects two Windows PCs to the router and assigns IP addresses correctly Addresses “Proficient” criteria, but with errors Does not address critical element, or response is irrelevant 20 Network: Server Connects Windows server to the router and assigns IP address correctly Addresses “Proficient” criteria, but with errors Does not address critical element, or response is irrelevant 20 Network: Router Configures the Cisco 3745 router and assigns IP addresses correctly Addresses “Proficient” criteria, but with errors Does not address critical element, or response is irrelevant 30 Ping Tests: Communications Between PC1_TestNetwork and PC2_TestNetwork Tests connections using best practice methods for communications between PC1_TestNetwork and PC2_TestNetwork and submits screenshots showing all ping tests performed at the command line Addresses “Proficient” criteria, but with errors Does not address critical element, or response is irrelevant 15 4 Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Ping Tests: Computers on the Network Tests connections for communications between the computers on the network and submits screenshots showing all ping tests performed at the command line Addresses “Proficient” criteria, but with errors Does not address critical element, or response is irrelevant 15 Total 100% 5 CYB 220 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview Network Topology Usernames and Passwords Prompt Rubric
Answered Same DayJan 29, 2023

Answer To: GNS3 is a software package that provides a platform to virtualize network configurations. Like...

Aditi answered on Jan 30 2023
47 Votes
CYB 220 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric
Part 1:
A: Connect two Windows PCs (labeled PC1_
TestNetwork and PC2_TestNetwork) to the router and assign IP addresses as indicated in the table provided
B: Connect the Windows server (labeled Server_TestNetwork) to the router and assign an IP...

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