Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method foo is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass: public class Parent { public void fo0(int i, String s) { /* implemented */ }...

2-6 Java code

Overriden is incorrect

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method foo is overloaded,<br>overridden, or neither by the subclass:<br>public class Parent {<br>public void fo0(int i, String s) { /* implemented */ }<br>}<br>public class Child extends Parent {<br>public void foo(int i) { /* implemented */ }<br>}<br>overridden<br>O overloaded<br>O neither<br>

Extracted text: Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method foo is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass: public class Parent { public void fo0(int i, String s) { /* implemented */ } } public class Child extends Parent { public void foo(int i) { /* implemented */ } } overridden O overloaded O neither

Jun 09, 2022

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