Given the base class definition, create a child class named Division that will use the following: property: dividend, divisor both double method: accessor prototype, inline mutator, inline default...


Given the base class definition, create a child class named Division that will use the following:<br>property: dividend, divisor both double<br>method: accessor prototype, inline mutator, inline default constructor, Overloading Constructor prototype<br>inline function that will compute for the quotient<br>class Calculator{<br>protected:<br>string name;<br>public:<br>Calculator(){ }<br>Calculator(string n) { name = n;}<br>string getName( ) {return name; }<br>void setName(string n) { name =n ;}<br>virtual double getAnswer() const = 0;<br>};<br>

Extracted text: Given the base class definition, create a child class named Division that will use the following: property: dividend, divisor both double method: accessor prototype, inline mutator, inline default constructor, Overloading Constructor prototype inline function that will compute for the quotient class Calculator{ protected: string name; public: Calculator(){ } Calculator(string n) { name = n;} string getName( ) {return name; } void setName(string n) { name =n ;} virtual double getAnswer() const = 0; };

Jun 09, 2022

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