Given below is an array of char variables, write a C++ program to form a string from all the characters of the array and print the string in the output. Given array: char array[10] = {'a',...

Given below is an array of char variables, write a C++ program to form a string from all the characters of the array and print the<br>string in the output.<br>Given array:<br>char array[10] = {'a', b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i', j'};<br>Expected Output: abcdefghij<br>

Extracted text: Given below is an array of char variables, write a C++ program to form a string from all the characters of the array and print the string in the output. Given array: char array[10] = {'a', b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i', j'}; Expected Output: abcdefghij

Jun 09, 2022

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