Give an example of a study in which the main independent variable would be a random variable. Davey, Startup, Zara, MacDonald, and Field (2003) were interested in the role of mood on the degree of...

Give an example of a study in which the main independent variable would be a random variable.

Davey, Startup, Zara, MacDonald, and Field (2003) were interested in the role of mood on the degree of compulsive checking in which a person engaged. (Compulsive checking is involved in a number of psychopathologies.) Three groups of 10 participants each listened to music designed to induce a positive, negative, or neutral mood. They were then asked to “list as many things around your home that you should check for safety or security reasons before you go away for three weeks.” The dependent variable was the number of things listed. The actual data follow.

a.       Run the appropriate analysis of variance and draw your own conclusion. b. Which column means would you be interested in comparing for theoretical reasons when we get to discussing multiple comparisons in the next chapter? Computer Exercises 11.28 In Exercise 7.46 you had data on students who had lost a parent through death, who came from a divorced household, or who grew up with two parents. You then ran three separate t tests comparing those groups. a. Now reanalyze those data using an analysis of variance with GSIT as the dependent variable. b. How does your answer to this question differ from your answer in Chapter 7? Use the following material to answer.

May 22, 2022

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