Gessner and Healey administered questionnaires to samples of undergraduates. Among other things, the questionnaires contained a scale that measured attitudes toward interpersonal violence (higher...

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Gessner and Healey administered questionnaires to samples of undergraduates. Among other things, the questionnaires contained a scale that measured attitudes toward interpersonal violence (higher scores indicate greater approval of interpersonal violence). Test the results as reported here for sexual, racial, and social-class differences.

d. Summarize your results in terms of the significance and the direction of the differences. Which of these three factors seems to make the biggest difference in attitudes toward interpersonal violence?

Answered Same DayDec 26, 2021

Answer To: Gessner and Healey administered questionnaires to samples of undergraduates. Among other things, the...

Robert answered on Dec 26 2021
136 Votes
Since given sample sizes are large, we can assume sample standard deviations to
be equal
to population standard deviations σ. (Typically sample size is consid-
ered large when n ≥ 30)
Part A
Test: µ1 6= µ2 using two sample z-test
Hypothesis test:
H0 : µ1 − µ2 = 0 (Null Hypothesis)
Ha : µ1 − µ2 6= 0 (Alternative Hypothesis, also called H1)
This is two tailed test.
sample 1 sample 2
x1 = 2.99 x2 = 2.29
σ1 = 0.88 σ2 = 0.91
n1 = 122 n2 = 251
Significance Level, α = 0.05
Since Variances are known, we use 2 sample z-test
Standard Error: σx1−x2 =

+ σ
Test statistic, zobserved =
x1 −x2√
σ21/n1 + σ22/n2
zo =
2.99− 2.29
0.7744/122 + 0.8281/251 ≈ 7.127015 ≈ 7.13
Test statistic, zo = 7.13
Using excel we find p−value = 2∗P (Z > |7.127|) = 2*normdist(-7.127, 0,1,True
) = 0.0000000000
Critical Value, zcritical = zα/2 = z0.025 = 1.96 (From z table)
Critical value, zc = ±1.96
Rejection criteria: Rejection region is in direction of Alternative hypothesis,
since Ha : µ1 − µ2 6= 0, rejection rule is:
Reject H0 if |zo| > zc
Decision: Since |zo| > zc or equivalently since p − value < α, we reject the
null hypothesis. Hence at 5% significance level, we have sufficient evidence to
conclude that µ1 is different from µ2
Part B
Test: µ1 6= µ2 using...

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