Gender and Crime: Chapter Six Assignment corresponds with the following course-level objectives: 2. Analyze crime, delinquency and deviance and be able to distinguish between the terms3. Evaluate...

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Gender and Crime:
Chapter Six Assignment corresponds with the following course-level objectives:2. Analyze crime, delinquency and deviance and be able to distinguish between the terms3. Evaluate social, familial and psychological risk factors of criminality4. Understand the impact of environment on the criminal

You will use the following resources to meet the above objectives:

Birzer, M.L., & Cromwell, P. (2017)In Their Own Words: Criminals on Crime. Oxford University Press

ShortCutsTV. (2018, September 4). Shortcuts to Crime: Gendering the Criminal.YouTube. to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)

After reading chapter six of the textbook and watching the video referenced above. Discuss the role of gender in crime, both in relation to auto-theft specifically and crime in general. How does this compare to gender roles defined by society as "normal"? Explain.

All submissions should be between 250-300 words. You are expected to use the APA format for each assignment submitted. This includes, but is not limited to citations and reference lists. You will be graded on grammar and structure. Abstracts are not needed. All work must be typed using Times New Roman 12 point font. You must use at least two credible sources, which should be referenced in your writing. Please note: Wikipedia, Course Hero, are NOT credible sources. You should use academic research, peer-reviewed journal articles, or governmental websites to conduct research. News articles should be kept to a minimum, as we know, reporting of matters in criminal justice could be inaccurate when reported by the media. Using sources that are listed above and not deemed credible will result in a significant loss of points. to an external site.)

Assignment Rubric (1)Assignment Rubric (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and ProfessionalismStudents are expected to write papers suitable for an academic environment. Work should be professionally written and free from grammar errors.

10.0ptsFull MarksWriting is free from grammar errors and is professionally written. Student's work is suitable for an academic setting.5.0ptsSome deficienciesStudent's writing contains grammar errors and unprofessional writing. Student's work needs improvement.0.0ptsNo MarksStudent's work contains multiple grammar errors. Writing is unprofessional and includes acronyms not properly identified, inappropriate language, and is not suitable for an academic setting.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstructionsThe instructor gives detailed instructions on how the writing should be structured and formatted. The student is responsible for reading all guidelines. This includes following APA guidelines for reference lists and in-text citations.

10.0ptsFull MarksThe student follows all instructions given by the instructor regarding formatting, structure, citations, and reference lists.5.0ptsSome deficienciesThe student follows most instructions regarding structure, format, citations, and reference list.0.0ptsNo MarksThe student shows disregard for instructions given by the instructor regarding formatting and structure.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentStudents are expected to cite at least two credible sources in their writing. Students should make sure to use sources that are appropriate for an academic setting.

10.0ptsFull MarksStudent uses only sources that are deemed credible for academic writing.5.0ptsSome deficienciesThe student's writing includes one credible source which is deemed appropriate for an academic setting.0.0ptsNo MarksThe student's sources are not reliable or appropriate for an academic setting.


Total Points:30.0

Chapter Six: Establishing Connections: Gender, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Disposal Networks" style="float: left;">Previous
Chapter Seven: "The Devil Made Me Do It: Use of Neutralizatons by Shoplifters"" style="float: right;">Next
Answered Same DaySep 18, 2021

Answer To: Gender and Crime: Chapter Six Assignment corresponds with the following course-level objectives: 2....

Moumita answered on Sep 20 2021
141 Votes
Running Head: GENDER AND CRIME         1
Table of contents
Role of Gender in auto
theft    3
Role of Gender in crime    3
Comparison with roles defined by society    3
Reference    4
Role of Gender in auto theft
    The role of gender in auto theft is similar to that of crime. Men or the male gender in general is more likely to commit auto theft than a female. This is mostly due to the stereotyping of a particular gender and society. In general, men are seen to be more masculine and traits such as being in physical duels or engaging in unlawful activities are seen to be a symbol of the male gender. They are more likely to commit a crime than a woman generally for such reasons of showing masculinity is or using drugs in general (Gottschalk, 2020). Auto theft being risky and hard work needs a certain amount of strength and muscular power that is found more in the male gender. Men are also attracted towards committing such crimes mainly to show masculinity or being accepted by society. Boys and young adults from the age of sixteen to twenty-five years old are more likely to commit a crime. Among such crimes are auto theft, use of drugs and...

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