Garland Company Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production For the Month Ended November 30 Plant Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Eastern Region $402,700 $402,700 $0 Central Region...

Budget Performance Reports for Cost Centers

Partially completed budget performance reports for Garland Company, a manufacturer of light duty motors, follow:

Garland Company<br>Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production<br>For the Month Ended November 30<br>Plant<br>Budget<br>Actual<br>Over Budget<br>Under Budget<br>Eastern Region<br>$402,700<br>$402,700<br>$0<br>Central Region<br>289,900<br>287,000<br>(2,900)<br>Western Region<br>(g)<br>(h)<br>(i)<br>$(])<br>$(k)<br>$(1)<br>$(2,900)<br>Garland Company<br>Budget Performance Report-Manager, Western Region Plant<br>For the Month Ended November 30<br>Department<br>Budget<br>Actual<br>Over Budget<br>Under Budget<br>Chip Fabrication<br>$(a)<br>$(b)<br>$(c)<br>Electronic Assembly<br>82,250<br>83,320<br>1,070<br>Final Assembly<br>132,420<br>131,360<br>$(1,060)<br>$(d)<br>$(e)<br>$(f)<br>$(1,060)<br>Garland Company<br>Budget Performance Report--Supervisor, Chip Fabrication<br>For the Month Ended November 30<br>Cost<br>Budget<br>Actual<br>Over Budget<br>Under Budget<br>Factory wages<br>$29,570<br>$31,640<br>$2,070<br>Materials<br>65,290<br>64,830<br>$(460)<br>Power and light<br>4,090<br>4,870<br>780<br>Maintenance<br>8,450<br>9,250<br>800<br>$107,400<br>$110,590<br>$3,650<br>$(460)<br>

Extracted text: Garland Company Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production For the Month Ended November 30 Plant Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Eastern Region $402,700 $402,700 $0 Central Region 289,900 287,000 (2,900) Western Region (g) (h) (i) $(]) $(k) $(1) $(2,900) Garland Company Budget Performance Report-Manager, Western Region Plant For the Month Ended November 30 Department Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Chip Fabrication $(a) $(b) $(c) Electronic Assembly 82,250 83,320 1,070 Final Assembly 132,420 131,360 $(1,060) $(d) $(e) $(f) $(1,060) Garland Company Budget Performance Report--Supervisor, Chip Fabrication For the Month Ended November 30 Cost Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Factory wages $29,570 $31,640 $2,070 Materials 65,290 64,830 $(460) Power and light 4,090 4,870 780 Maintenance 8,450 9,250 800 $107,400 $110,590 $3,650 $(460)
a. Complete the budget performance reports by determining the correct amounts for the lettered spaces (a-l) as marked above.<br>а. $<br>g. $<br>b. $<br>h. $<br>с. $<br>i. $<br>d. $<br>j. $<br>е. $<br>k. $<br>f. $<br>I. $<br>b. Complete the following memo to Cassandra Reid, vice president of production for Garland Company, explaining the performance of the production division for November.<br>МЕМО<br>To: Cassandra Reid, Vice President of Production<br>The<br>plant has experienced a budget overrun. Its buc<br>reveals that the<br>Department caused the majority of the budget overrun. The<br>supervisor of the<br>Department should investigate the reasons for the budget overruns in<br>

Extracted text: a. Complete the budget performance reports by determining the correct amounts for the lettered spaces (a-l) as marked above. а. $ g. $ b. $ h. $ с. $ i. $ d. $ j. $ е. $ k. $ f. $ I. $ b. Complete the following memo to Cassandra Reid, vice president of production for Garland Company, explaining the performance of the production division for November. МЕМО To: Cassandra Reid, Vice President of Production The plant has experienced a budget overrun. Its buc reveals that the Department caused the majority of the budget overrun. The supervisor of the Department should investigate the reasons for the budget overruns in
Jun 11, 2022

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