Budget Performance Reports for Cost Centers
Partially completed budget performance reports for Garland Company, a manufacturer of light duty motors, follow:
Extracted text: Garland Company Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production For the Month Ended November 30 Plant Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Eastern Region $402,700 $402,700 $0 Central Region 289,900 287,000 (2,900) Western Region (g) (h) (i) $(]) $(k) $(1) $(2,900) Garland Company Budget Performance Report-Manager, Western Region Plant For the Month Ended November 30 Department Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Chip Fabrication $(a) $(b) $(c) Electronic Assembly 82,250 83,320 1,070 Final Assembly 132,420 131,360 $(1,060) $(d) $(e) $(f) $(1,060) Garland Company Budget Performance Report--Supervisor, Chip Fabrication For the Month Ended November 30 Cost Budget Actual Over Budget Under Budget Factory wages $29,570 $31,640 $2,070 Materials 65,290 64,830 $(460) Power and light 4,090 4,870 780 Maintenance 8,450 9,250 800 $107,400 $110,590 $3,650 $(460)
Extracted text: a. Complete the budget performance reports by determining the correct amounts for the lettered spaces (a-l) as marked above. а. $ g. $ b. $ h. $ с. $ i. $ d. $ j. $ е. $ k. $ f. $ I. $ b. Complete the following memo to Cassandra Reid, vice president of production for Garland Company, explaining the performance of the production division for November. МЕМО To: Cassandra Reid, Vice President of Production The plant has experienced a budget overrun. Its buc reveals that the Department caused the majority of the budget overrun. The supervisor of the Department should investigate the reasons for the budget overruns in