Gamet Stores is a chain of 50 discount retail clothing stores. Each store has its own computers that are connected over the company’s WAN to the central corporate computer via a TDM multiplexer. Each...

Gamet Stores is a chain of 50 discount retail clothing stores. Each store has its own computers that are connected over the company’s WAN to the central corporate computer via a TDM multiplexer. Each store uses the network primarily to exchange accounting, payroll, and inventory data to and from the corporate head office. The data are gathered into batches and transmitted at different times during the day. The network is also used for email, although this is of secondary importance. A sales representative at Discount Networks has approached Gamet Stores and suggested that by installing Discount Networks’ newest STDM multiplexer, Gamet Stores can save money by buying smaller, lower-capacity WAN network circuits for each store without changing the store network. Even though the WAN circuits will be smaller and cheaper, the new STDM multiplexer can still enable all the computers in the store to communicate normally with the central corporate computer.

Would you recommend buying the STDM multiplexer? Why or why not?

Would you recommend purchasing it if Gamet Stores was planning to change its credit card authorization system (used to verify customers’ credit cards as they pay for merchandise) to use this network? Why or why not?

Jun 09, 2022

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