Fundamental to the Roman value system is the virtue of pietas, that is, devotion to the gods, the fatherland and the family. After reading the article by Andreola Rossi, explain how Hannibal Barca and...

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Fundamental to the Roman value system is the virtue of pietas, that is, devotion to the gods, the fatherland and the family. After reading the article by Andreola Rossi, explain how Hannibal Barca and Scipio Africanus held radically different views of pietas. Provide 2 specific examples to illustrate their differences

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Answered 1 days AfterAug 30, 2024

Answer To: Fundamental to the Roman value system is the virtue of pietas, that is, devotion to the gods, the...

Dilpreet answered on Aug 31 2024
3 Votes
Paper Writing         2
Table of Contents
Different Views of Pietas    3
Hannibal Views o
f Pietas    3
Scipio Africanus View of Pietas    3
References    4
Different Views of Pietas
In the article titled “Parallel Lives: Hannibal and Scipio” by Andreola Rossi, the focus is on the concept of Pietas, which is associated with the devotion towards the god, the fatherland, and the family. This further the explores the contrasting views of Hannibal and Scipio on Pietas. It is evident that Hannibal’s view of Pietas is narrow and personally motivated while Scipio’s view...

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