FSA Project - Part 2.doc Document Preview: FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS(1)FISCAL YEAR XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX2007($’s in 000’s, except per share data, and average weekly sales)STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS...

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FSA Project - Part 2.doc

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FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (1) FISCAL YEAR 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 ($’s in 000’s, except per share data, and average weekly sales) STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA Revenue $ 154,811 $ 148,268 $ 136,018 $ 140,382 $ 125,873 Asset impairment and estimated lease termination (2) and other closing costs $ (513) $ (74)$ (218) $ (6,912) $ (596) Income from operations $ 9,396 $ 11,983 $ 10,514 $ 2,030 $ 10,436 Income tax (expense) benefit $ (2,764) $ (3,796) $ (2,989) $ 119 $ (3,100) Net income $ 5,562 $ 7,218 $ 5,701 $ 389 $ 6,070 (3) Basic net income per common share $ 0.70 $ 0.84 $ 0.63 $ 0.04 $ 0.61 (3) Diluted net income per common share $ 0.68 $ 0.82 $ 0.62 $ 0.04 $ 0.59 BALANCE SHEET DATA (at year end) Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,148 $ 2,654 $ 2,996 $ 1,687 $ 1,538 Total assets $ 74,117 $ 76,129 $ 68,381 $ 73,401 $ 73,942 (4) Long-term debt less current maturities $ 20,451 $ 23,497 $ 17,990 $ 29,252 $ 11,693 Total shareholders’ equity $ 34,094 $ 32,904 $ 32,944 $ 26,184 $ 30,400 OTHER DATA Restaurant Sales: Company-owned $ 136,896 $ 131,154 $ 117,934 $ 122,016 $ 107,820 Franchise-operated $ 355,338 $ 340,454 $ 358,696 $ 355,946 $ 320,750 Number of restaurants open at year end: Company-owned restaurants 54 52 45 47 44 Franchise-operated restaurants 133 130 132 123 120 Total restaurants 187 182 177 170 164 Company-owned comparable (5) (6) sales increase (decrease) 1.5% 0.7% (6.3)% (2.0)% 2.1% Average weekly sales: Company-owned restaurants $ 50,216 $ 49,187 $ 48,197 $ 50,685 $ 50,385 Franchise-operated restaurants $ 53,096 $ 52,631 $ 53,016 $ 56,535 $ 56,729 (1) Fiscal 2009 consisted of 53 weeks. Fiscal 2011, 2010, 2008, and 2007 all consisted of 52 weeks. (2) Fiscal 2011...

Answered Same DayDec 20, 2021

Answer To: FSA Project - Part 2.doc Document Preview: FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS(1)FISCAL YEAR XXXXXXXXXX...

Robert answered on Dec 20 2021
120 Votes
The Annual Report Project
    The Annual Report Project
Employee Retirement Plans & Stock-Based Compensation
1. Does the company offer a pension plan? If so, what type? (Defined Benefit / Defined Contribution)
No, company does not offer any pension plan.
2. Use the format below to analyze the plan.
(Defined Benefit Plan)
a. Compare pension expense with operating revenue.
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    A. Pension Expense
    B. Operating Revenues
     A / B
b. Compare pension expense with income before income taxes.
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    A. Pension Expense
    B. Income before income taxes
     A / B
c. Compare benefit obligation with value of plan assets.
    Current year
    Last year
    Benefit obligation
    FV plan assets
    Overfunded ( underfunded)
d. Analyze rates:
    Discount Rate
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    Combined weighted-Average Rate
    Rate of Compensation increase
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    U.S. Plans
    Expected Return on Plan Assets
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    U.S. Plans
(Defined Contribution Plan)
a. Compare pension expense with operating revenue.
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    A. Pension Expense
    B. Operating Revenues
     A / B
b. Compare pension expense with income before income taxes.
    Current year
    Last year
    Two years ago
    A. Pension Expense
    B. Income before income taxes
     A / B
3. Comment on any changes over the past few years in these pension plans.
4. Briefly discuss any stock-based compensation that your company offers.
a. Describe what they offer
b. List outstanding values at fiscal year-end
Company does not offer any stock-based compensation to its employees.
Income Statement
What is the period covered by the income statements?
Period covered by the income statement are year ending 31st Dec 2009, 31st Dec 2010, 31st Dec 2011.
Does the format of the statement most closely follow a single step or multiple step income statement? How can you tell?
Format of the income statement of the company closely follows multiple step income statement formats, as the company has shown many items of expenses separately apart from the segment expenses.
Give the amounts and ratios for the following income statement items over the past three years?
    Current Year
    Prior Year
    Two Years Ago
    CGS to Net Sales Ratio (%)
    Gross Profit Rate (%)
    Profit Margin (%)
    Return on Assets
    Total Asset turnover
    Return on Total Equity
    Return on Common Equity
    Return on Investments
    Sales To Fixed Assets Ratio
    EPS - Basic
    EPS - Diluted
    Times Interest Earned
    Debt ratio
    Debt / Equity ratio
    Price Earnings Ratio
    Dividend Payout
    Dividend Yield
    Book Value
Using elements listed on your company’s income statement, prepare a common size income statement using the following format. (Vertical Analysis Chapter 5)
    Current Year
    Prior Year
    Two Years Ago
    Segment Revenues:-
    Franchise revenues
     $ 398,539
     $ 377,137
     $ 372,999
    Company resturant sales
     $ 530,984
     $ 815,572
     $ 890,020
    Rental income
     $ 125,960
     $ 124,508
     $ 133,845
    Financing revenues
     $ 19,715
     $ 16,424
     $ 17,899
    Total revenues
     $ 1,075,198
     $ 1,333,641
     $ 1,414,763
    Segment Expenses:-
    Franchise expenses
     $ 105,006
     $ 103,505
     $ 102,256
    Company restaurant expenses
     $ 458,443
     $ 699,336
     $ 766,472
    Rental expenses
     $ 98,147
     $ 99,030
     $ 100,201
    Financing expenses
     $ 5,973
     $ 1,969
     $ 370
    Total Segment expenses
     $ 667,569
     $ 903,840
     $ 969,299
    Gross segment profit
     $ 407,629
     $ 429,801
     $ 445,464
    General and administrative expenses
     $ 155,822
     $ 160,330
     $ 157,727
    Interest expense
     $ 132,707
     $ 171,537
     $ 186,258
    Impairment and closure charges
     $ 29,865
     $ 4,285
     $ 105,622
    Amortization of intangible assets
     $ 12,300
     $ 12,300
     $ 12,306
    Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt and temporary equity
     $ 11,159
     $ 107,003
     $ (45,678)
    Debt modification costs
     $ 4,031
     $ -
     $ -
    Gain on disposal of assets
     $ (43,253)
     $ (13,574)
     $ (7,355)
    Income (Loss) before income tax
     $ 104,998
     $ (12,080)
     $ 36,584
    Provision (Benefit) for income taxes
     $ (29,806)
     $ 9,292
     $ (5,175)
    Net Income (Loss)
     $ 75,192
     $ (2,788)
     $ 31,409
    Net Income (Loss) available to common stockholders:-
    Net income (Loss)
     $ 75,192
     $ (2,788)
     $ 31,409
    Less: Series A Preferred stock dividends
     $ -
     $ (25,927)
     $ (19,531)
    Less: Accretion of series B preferred stock
     $ (2,573)
     $ (2,432)
     $ (2,291)
    Less: Net (income) loss allocated to unvested participating restricted stock
     $ (1,886)
     $ 1,173
     $ (351)
    Net income (Loss) available to common stockholders
     $ 70,733
     $ (29,974)
     $ 9,236
    Net income (Loss) available to common stockholders (per share):-
    Weighted average shares outstanding:-
Using elements listed on your company’s income statement calculate the increase or decrease in dollars and percent between the years using the following format. (Year to Year Change Analysis Chapter 5)
    Current Year
    Prior Year
    Change in $
    Two Years Ago
    Change in $
    Segment Revenues:-
    Franchise revenues
     $ 398,539
     $ 377,137
     $ 21,402
     $ 372,999
     $ 25,540
    Company resturant sales
     $ 530,984
     $ 815,572
     $ (284,588)
     $ 890,020
     $ (359,036)
    Rental income
     $ 125,960
     $ 124,508
     $ 1,452
     $ 133,845
     $ (7,885)
    Financing revenues
     $ 19,715
     $ 16,424
     $ 3,291
     $ 17,899
     $ 1,816
    Total revenues
     $ 1,075,198
     $ 1,333,641
     $ (258,443)
     $ 1,414,763
     $ (339,565)
    Segment Expenses:-
    Franchise expenses
     $ 105,006
     $ 103,505
     $ 1,501
     $ 102,256
     $ 2,750
    Company restaurant expenses
     $ 458,443
     $ 699,336
     $ (240,893)
     $ 766,472
     $ (308,029)
    Rental expenses
     $ 98,147
     $ 99,030
     $ (883)
     $ 100,201
     $ (2,054)
    Financing expenses
     $ 5,973
     $ 1,969
     $ 4,004
     $ 370
     $ 5,603
    Total Segment expenses
     $ 667,569
     $ 903,840
     $ (236,271)
     $ 969,299
     $ (301,730)
    Gross segment profit
     $ 407,629
     $ 429,801
     $ (22,172)
     $ 445,464
     $ (37,835)
    General and administrative expenses
     $ 155,822
     $ 160,330
     $ (4,508)
     $ 157,727
     $ (1,905)
    Interest expense
     $ 132,707
     $ 171,537
     $ (38,830)
     $ 186,258
     $ (53,551)
    Impairment and closure charges
     $ 29,865
     $ 4,285
     $ 25,580
     $ 105,622
     $ (75,757)
    Amortization of intangible assets
     $ 12,300
     $ 12,300
     $ -
     $ 12,306
     $ (6)
    Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt and temporary equity
     $ 11,159
     $ 107,003
     $ (95,844)
     $ (45,678)
     $ 56,837
    Debt modification costs
     $ 4,031
     $ -
     $ 4,031
     $ -
     $ 4,031
    Gain on disposal of assets
     $ (43,253)
     $ (13,574)
     $ (29,679)
     $ (7,355)
     $ (35,898)
    Income (Loss) before income tax
     $ 104,998
     $ (12,080)
     $ 117,078
     $ 36,584
     $ 68,414
    Provision (Benefit) for income taxes
     $ (29,806)
     $ 9,292
     $ (39,098)
     $ (5,175)
     $ (24,631)
    Net Income (Loss)
     $ 75,192
     $ (2,788)
     $ 77,980
     $ 31,409
     $ 43,783
    Net Income (Loss) available to common stockholders:-
    Net income (Loss)
     $ 75,192
     $ (2,788)
     $ 77,980
     $ 31,409
     $ 43,783
    Less: Series A Preferred stock dividends
     $ -
     $ (25,927)
     $ 25,927
     $ (19,531)
     $ 19,531
    Less: Accretion of series B preferred stock
     $ (2,573)
     $ (2,432)
     $ (141)
     $ (2,291)
     $ (282)
    Less: Net (income) loss allocated to unvested participating restricted stock
     $ (1,886)
     $ 1,173
     $ (3,059)
     $ (351)
     $ (1,535)
    Net income (Loss) available to common stockholders
     $ 70,733
     $ (29,974)
     $ 100,707
     $ 9,236
     $ 61,497
    Net income (Loss) available to common stockholders (per share):-
     $ 6
     $ 3
     $ 6
     $ 3
Using elements listed on your company’s income statement calculate the ratios and amounts using two years prior as the base year (100%) using the following format. Your answers should all be in percentages. (Horizontal Analysis Chapter...

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