From the above cases, we can recommend Dr. Susan Wong 3 kinds of innovations that can make healthcare better and cheaper: 1. Changing the way consumers buy and use healthcare i.e. focussing on the...

From the above cases, we can recommend Dr. Susan Wong 3 kinds of innovations that can make healthcare better and cheaper:
1.    Changing the way consumers buy and use healthcare i.e. focussing on the consumers:
For more convenient, efficient and cheaper treatment for consumers, innovations in healthcare are necessary. For example, a health plan must involve consumers in service delivery process by offering lower costs, high deductible insurance, which can give the members greater control over their personal health care spending.

2.    Technology used to develop new products and treatments i.e. focussing on technology:
Advancements in methods of diagnosis, introduction of new medicines and drugs, advance drug delivery systems, etc. offer a hope of better, less costly, less disruptive and less painful treatment. Innovations in the fields of information technology that linked the information in healthcare systems have the potential to improve the quality of the service as well lower the costs. It strives to improve healthcare.
3.    Generate a business model which particularly involves the horizontal or vertical integration i.e. focussing on the business models:
Innovative business models, especially those that integrate the health care activities can not only increase the efficiency and improve care, but also save the consumers or patient’s time. The business model can be build up in two ways:
a)    Either by rolling a number of independent players into a single organization

b)    Or bringing the treatment of all diseases under one roof.
This will make the treatment convenient and also more effective. In this way patients can get one stop treatment.  (Ashford, S. and Detert, J. 2015)
If Dr. Susan Wong introduces these healthcare innovations in her hospital, it will benefit her by increased profits and patient-family satisfaction.

Oct 07, 2019

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