from graphshw import WeightedGraph import math # Student Name: # # Programming Assignment 2 # # What to Submit: Submit the following two files once you complete # the assignment: (1)...

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from graphshw import WeightedGraph import math # Student Name: # # Programming Assignment 2 # # What to Submit: Submit the following two files once you complete # the assignment: (1), which is the only python file # you are modifying in this assignment; and (2) one highway graph # file that you used when you tested your code. I will test your code # with additional, but I want to have a specific test case that you used. # # First note that you are not allowed to change the names, parameters, # etc of functions you are implementing. You are also not allowed to # change names of any .py files included with the assignment. # You are allowed, if you want, to implement additional helper # functions if you find it useful. The naming convention for helper # functions is to start name with an _ to let other programmers know # that you intend it to be private. # # Second, note that this is the only Python file you need to change # in this assignment. You are not allowed to modify the other Python # files. You are using the WeightedGraph class that is in the # file, which I have imported for you at the top. # The hw in the filename is just short for homework (it is slightly # modified from the version used in the Graph videos). # # You will probably need additional import statemments, such as the # math module. So just add those at the top. # # # 1) Implement the haversine function based on its docstring # to compute the haversine distance between two points on the Earth. # # You can find the relevant equation for haversine distance # at this link (and others): # # That link also includes javascript for computing haversine distance. # It should be straightforward to either implement based directly # on the formula on that page or to translate the javascript at that # link to Python. Don't use symbols in your variable names (e.g., the # javascript at that link uses some symbols for variable names---you will # lose points if you do the same in your Python program). # Note the constant R in the equation controls the units of measure, # and make sure you set it appropriately for meters as indicated in the # docstring below. # # See documentation of Python's math functions for any needed trig # functions as well as degree to radian conversion: # # # DO NOT have any print statements in this function. # # # # 2) Implement the parseHighwayGraphFile function. # # Specifically, it should be able to parse a file of the format # from this set of graphs: or # # # Details of the format itself can be found here: # # # Only worry about the "simple" format (and NOT the "collapsed" format). # You might start by looking at one of the smaller graphs to see what # the format looks like, such as Andora. # First line of all files is: TMG 1.0 simple # Second line tells you number of vertices and number of edges: V E # The next V lines provide one vertex per line of # the form: StringID latitude longitude # You only really need the latitude and longitude values, # and simply use 0 to V-1 as the vertex ids instead of the given strings. # The next E lines provide the edges, one per line, # of the form: from to aStringValueYouDontNeedForThisAssignment. # You only need the from and to values, and not the 3rd value on the line. # The from and to tell you the endpoints of an edge (0 based # indices into the list of vertices). # For each edge in this list add an edge to a WeightedGraph object. # The WeightedGraph class is an undirected graph, so we're assuming that # the roads in the highway graph data can be traversed in both directions. # The weight for the edge should be the haversine distance # (which you implemented a function to compute in Step 1). # # HINTS (for parsing input file): # Among the Python videos within Blackboard, I have some videos that # are especially useful for this assignment, including getting # input from a file. You can find additional Python file IO examples # here: # Scroll to 7.2 and look at examples of open. Specifically, see example # that uses "with" which has the advantage that Python will # automatically close the file for you at the end of the with block, as # I demonstrated in the Python videos within Blackboard. # # The read() method reads the entire file at once as a String. # You will find it useful, however, to instead iterate over the lines # of the file. You can either use the readline() # method directly for this. Or, see the example on that same page, and # in the examples I did in the videos, that uses a loop of the form: # for line in f (each iteration of this loop will automatically call # readline() to get the next line of the file and loop will iterate # over entire file). However, you will probably find it more useful to # explicitly call readline() directly since you will probably have a # loop to get the vertex latitudes and longitudes, and then a second # loop to get the edge data, rather than a single loop for the entire file. # # Useful methods for parsing the input graph file: # The split method for Strings (which I also demonstrated in a video): # # # Converting String that is a number to a number type: # float(s) will convert a string s that contains a floating-point # number to a floating point number. # For example, # s = "101.25" # s is a string that happens to look like a floating-point number. # v = float(s) # v will now have the floating-point value 101.25 # Likewise, int(s) will do the same but for integer values. # These are also demonstrated in my videos in Blackboard. # # DO NOT have any print statements in this function. # # # # 3) Implement the if __name__ == "__main__" : block at the bottom # of this file to do the following: # # 3a) The if main block at the bottom should get the name of the # highway graph file from the command line arguments. See the video # in Python that explains how to get command line arguments. # # 3b) Call your parseHighwayGraphFile function to parse that file, # and to construct a WeightedGraph object from it. # # 3c) Write some code that outputs (with print statements) the degee # of each vertex. You can have one vertex per line, indicating its # id (just its 0-based index) followed by its degree. IMPORTANT: # Your parseHighwayGraphFile function should NOT produce any output. # You will have code in your if main block that will have the print # statements. The WeightedGraph class has a degree method, inherited from # Graph that will return to you the degree of a vertex. # # 3d) Write some code to demonstrate that your haversine function works # correctly. This does not need to involve your graph. You can simply # pass some latitude longitude pairs and output results, but also make # sure you do something to confirm they are correct (e.g., you can # use the same lat/long values on the web-based calculator on the # page linked to earlier and verify that your function computes the same). # # def haversine(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) : """Computes haversine distance between two points in latitude, longitude. Keyword Arguments: lat1 -- latitude of point 1 lng1 -- longitude of point 1 lat2 -- latitude of point 2 lng2 -- longitude of point 2 Returns haversine distance in meters. """ R = 6371000 lat1 = math.radians(lat1) lat2 = math.radians(lat2) lng1 = math.radians(lng1) lng2 = math.radians(lng2) d_lat = lat2 - lat1 d_lng = lng2 - lng1 a = math.sin(d_lat/2)**2 + math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lat2)*math.sin(d_lng/2)**2 d = 2*R*asin(sqrt(a)) return d # Obviously replace this return statement with what is needed. def parseHighwayGraphFile(filename) : """Parses a highway graph file and return a WeightedGraph representing a highway graph. Keyword arguments: filename -- The name of the file containing the highway graph data relative to the current working directory. """ # Hint 1: There are a couple different ways of structuring your code. # Here is one way: # - You could parse the file first, generating # a list of the edges as tuples, and a list of the weights. # - Once you have that you can then do something like: # g = WeightedGraph(v, edges, weights) # assuming that
Mar 03, 2021

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