from Canvas and save on your hard drive.Get into Excel and load the data set of assignment 2.Comparing case workers’ productivity. Test whether the mean productivity is 40 at α=0.05. Test the...

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from Canvas and save on your hard drive.Get into Excel and load the data set of assignment 2.Comparing case workers’ productivity.

    1. Test whether the mean productivity is 40 at α=0.05.

    2. Test the difference between the mean productivity between groups that use the new software and not use the software

    3. Test the mean productivity is the same among different location

  1. You ask your analyst to examine data on service delivery across substance abuse treatment providers in three cities: Chicago, IL; Washington, D.C.; and, Los Angeles, CA. Each provider in this data set treats individuals with alcohol and/or drug use problems. In addition to basic information about the characteristics of clients, the data file contains some basic information on the dimensions of services delivery or of services offered. The dataset also includes a measure of program success—the percent of clients free of substance use for 6 months (both alcohol and drugs). This has been determined from several random drug tests given the clients during the time. (Clients had to agree to the drug tests to participate in the program. Ignore the legal issues surrounding this, and assume no attrition of clients.) You are now ready to look at the impact that the different dimensions of these programs have on the clients remaining substance free. All of the persons in the dataset have experienced some type of treatment, so there is no comparison group, which received no treatment. However, the clients have attended different providers, which provide a different array of services. Unfortunately, the data is only available at the provider level, not individual client. You have collected some control variables to reflect the differences in the client population served by each center.

    Dimensions of Service Delivery


    City identifier


    Does facility operate or staff a hotline that provides substance abuse counseling and/or


    Does the facility offer preventative services?


    Type of facility. Inpatient clinics involve overnight or long-term stays for more severe problems, outpatient clinics treat and release patients with less severe problems.


    Does the facility maintain a waitlist that notifies clients when a service slot or opening exists?


    Number of people on the waitlist.


    Does the facility help clients locate additional governmental social services (i.e., welfare, food stamps, Medicaid)?


    Does the facility offer health education services (i.e., nutrition, infectious disease, STDs)?


    Does the facility offer parenting or family skills development?

Three days later, the analyst gives you the analysis.

Please discuss what you get from the analysis in the attachment ; what do you want to know further; and your evaluation of the analysis. Try your best to cover the following points. You will continue to do this in Assignment 3. The analysis memo is attached.

  • How does service delivery vary across the three cities?

  • How do client characteristics vary across the three cities?

  • What is the dependent variable and independent variables?

  • How do you evaluate the analysis? Is it sufficient to inform you of the service delivery among these three cities?

  • What else do you want to know?

  • What other analysis would you like to ask your analysis to conduct?

  • How do you evaluate the analysis?

The Analysis Memo

In the following memo, we will examine data on service delivery for substance abuse treatment providers in three cities: Chicago, Il, Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA. Each provider in the data set treats individuals with alcohol and/or drug use problems. Aside from this basic characteristic, additional basic information on client characteristics included patients’ age, ethnicity, gender, whether they were single mothers or not and the percent of clients who remained alcohol and/or drug free for six months of treatment. At the same time, we examined several characteristics for each of the three providers, including the provider’s location, whether the providers offer a hotline and preventive services, whether the providers are an inpatient or outpatient, whether or the providers have a wait list and, if so, how many people are on the list, and whether or not the providers assist their patients with seeking social services, health education services and parenting or family skills development.

The data is displayed at the providers’ level, but every single patient included in the data has received some type of treatment. Each provider provides a different array of services and the following memo will look at the different dimensions of these programs and their impact on keeping the clients substance free.

We will look at how service delivery varies across the three cities. For starters, we can see that for most of the patients, hotline services are not provided across all three cities, with those in Los Angeles, CA receiving the least amount of help here. Los Angeles also showed a higher rate of prevention services, with both Washington, D.C. and Chicago, IL providers split down the middle in this service area. Both Los Angeles and Chicago showed a significant preference towards in-patient services, whereas Washington was, again, split down the middle with their in-patient verses out-patient services. Washington did, however, show a higher rate in favor of not having too many people on their waiting list, while Los Angeles did and Chicago was pretty much split even either way. Neither city had many people on their waiting lists. More patients in Los Angeles and Chicago did not receive assistance with social services than in Washington. Moreover, patients in all three cities received less health education services than the number that did. Likewise, more patients in all three cities did not receive parenting/family skills development training than the number that did.

In taking a closer look at the patients across all three cities, we come to see that patients in Los Angeles are more likely to have drug related problems, with Chicago patients the least likely. However, in terms of alcohol abuse, the number of Washington and Chicago patients was pretty much neck and neck, with the number of patients from Los Angeles trailing behind. Most cities’ patients were between twenty-five to thirty-four years of age and while most of Washington’s patients were black, most of Los Angeles’ and Chicago’s patients were white. Interestingly, Chicago had the highest number of both male and female patients. Patients in Los Angeles were more likely to be single moms, followed by Chicago and then Washington. Most importantly though, when examining the number of patients who were substance free for six months, Los Angeles showed the least number of patients, while Chicago and Washington came in (almost neck to neck) almost double the number of patients as Los Angeles. Thus, one could conclude that both the programs in Chicago and Washington showed more favorable results with patients who demonstrated success at refraining from substance abuse with six month of treatment.


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Answered Same DayNov 21, 2021

Answer To: from Canvas and save on your hard drive.Get into Excel and load the data set of assignment...

Mohd answered on Nov 21 2021
128 Votes
code book
    Variable Name    Description     Format    Instrument    Date of Collection    Date of entry    Change    Note
    case worker    Case worker ID    Interval    Su
    software    Using the new software in work    Dummy variable : 0 not using new software; 1 using new software    Survey
    Education    Years of education    Interval    Survey
    Experience    years of experience    Interval    Survey
    Productivity    Average number of clients served per week over the past six months    Interval    Survey
    jobsatisfication    Level of Job Satisfaction of the case work    Dummy variable : 0 low satisfaction; 1 High satisfactino    Survey
    Age    Age of the case worker    interval    Survey
    Location    Location of the case worker    Nominal 1     Location A
2     Location B
3     Location C    Survey
    Row Labels    Count of location    Average of productivity
    0    36    39.3575144189
    1    24    39.220309576
    Grand Total    60    39.3026324817
    case worker    software    education    jobsatisfaction    experience    software    productivity    age    location    loaction A    lacation B    Q1
    1    1    14    0    2    1    22    48    1    1    0        Average productivity    Standard deviation    Count    Standard error    conf.interval
    2    1    12    1    7    1    42    38    1    1    0        39    8.2469356523    60    1.0646748146    2.0867242919
    3    1    16    1    3    1    43    27    1    1    0        UCL    LCL
    4    1    18    1    6    1    44    28    1    1    0        41    37
    5    1    14    1    8    1    26    32    1    1    0
    6    1    16    1    9    1    51    28    1    1    0        Yes, mean productivity is 40 at α=0.05, because 40 is within the confidence interval at 5 percent significance...

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