Frank is a 30-year-old Asian American who teaches at a university in the United States. He moved here from China to attend school as an undergraduate and remained in the country through completing his...

Frank is a 30-year-old Asian American who teaches at a university in the United States. He moved here from China to attend school as an undergraduate and remained in the country through completing his degrees until he obtained a doctorate in business. He decided to become a U.S. citizen and teach at a research university. He has an American Caucasian wife and one child who is 2 years old. Frank graduated with his doctorate and began teaching 2 years ago. During his doctoral training, he began to feel more stress than he could handle. Because he was viewed assuch a success to his family, he did not want to tell them, including his wife. of his problems. The stress was affecting his ability to sleep and concentrate. He began taking muscle relaxers and minor tranquilizers, which he obtained from a physician friend. Frank believes he experiences a lot of racism, predominantly from Caucasian males in his department. He is afraid that the racism will keep him from being reappointed to his teaching position next year. Recently, his friend told him that he would not be able to continue writing prescriptions for him, because he is afraid that Frank is becoming addicted.

He gave Frank your name as a counselor for him to see. Frank is in your office for the first time to obtain help for his stress.

1. What will Frank notice about your office when he enters the room? Will it be an atmosphere that is open and inviting?

2. What cultural assumptions might you make about Frank in terms of the information just given?

3. How would you invite Frank to discuss his concerns with you?

4. What cultural differences might you anticipate that would make counseling a difficult process between the two of you?

5. How would you invite Frank to discuss his drug usage with you?

May 18, 2022

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