For this system: Airline Reservation System For Customers Book Flights Buy Tickets Make Payment Print Boarding card Cancel booking For management staff Create new Flights Modify Flights Details...

For this system:<br>Airline Reservation System<br>For Customers<br>Book Flights<br>Buy Tickets<br>Make Payment<br>Print Boarding card<br>Cancel booking<br>For management staff<br>Create new Flights<br>Modify Flights Details<br>Flights cancel<br>Design the Class Diagram (that contains at least 10 classes, show<br>appropriate relationships, multiplicities, attributes, and methods)<br>

Extracted text: For this system: Airline Reservation System For Customers Book Flights Buy Tickets Make Payment Print Boarding card Cancel booking For management staff Create new Flights Modify Flights Details Flights cancel Design the Class Diagram (that contains at least 10 classes, show appropriate relationships, multiplicities, attributes, and methods)
0. Trade Order -date -bidP rice -numofShare 0.* -orderResult -orderT ype -orderlD communicate with -> <-- executed="" by="" stock="" trading="" system="" address="" -ipaddress="" -connectionstatus="" -trade="" order="" getconnectionstatus)="" +forwardorder(trade="" order)="" •getorderresut(trade="" order)="" +checkorderstatus(orderresult)="" generateorder(stock)="" getdate()="" sett="" obuyorder()="" settosellorder()=""><-- re="" fer="" to="" traded="" on="" -=""> 0... Stock Stock Exchange |-name -name -code country |-code -stockCategory -price |-numorShare manage -> 0.. -stockM ark etindex tradingTim eLimit +addStockE xchange() |-owner isted on -- 0. +m anageStockExchange0 +deleteStockExchange) +setTradeTimeLimit() -date |-lotSize +addStock() +m odifyStock() +deleteStodk() +m odifyPrice() +m odifyNumofShare() C-- re fer to Class Diagram for Online Stock Trading System "/>
Extracted text: Example: Асcourk Client -username 0.." <.. has="" 1="" -id="" -password="" -accountnumber="" -accountt="" ype="" |-cash="" +createaccount()="" +getaccounti="" nfo)="" +m="" odifyaccountinfo()="" +setcash)="" getc="" ash()="" -name="" -address="" -email="" -telephone="" no="" +createclient()="" getclientinfo()="" +setclientinfo)="" 0..."="" make="" -=""> 0. Trade Order -date -bidP rice -numofShare 0.* -orderResult -orderT ype -orderlD communicate with -> <-- executed="" by="" stock="" trading="" system="" address="" -ipaddress="" -connectionstatus="" -trade="" order="" getconnectionstatus)="" +forwardorder(trade="" order)="" •getorderresut(trade="" order)="" +checkorderstatus(orderresult)="" generateorder(stock)="" getdate()="" sett="" obuyorder()="" settosellorder()=""><-- re="" fer="" to="" traded="" on="" -=""> 0... Stock Stock Exchange |-name -name -code country |-code -stockCategory -price |-numorShare manage -> 0.. -stockM ark etindex tradingTim eLimit +addStockE xchange() |-owner isted on -- 0. +m anageStockExchange0 +deleteStockExchange) +setTradeTimeLimit() -date |-lotSize +addStock() +m odifyStock() +deleteStodk() +m odifyPrice() +m odifyNumofShare() C-- re fer to Class Diagram for Online Stock Trading System

Jun 09, 2022

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