For this project, you will prepare in pairs a short oral videopresentationin Spanish on a Hispanic country using visual aids, such as slides, pictures, music, videos, and other media resources. One of...

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For this project, you will prepare in pairs a short oral videopresentationinSpanishon a Hispanic country using visual aids, such as slides, pictures, music, videos, and other media resources.

One of the benefits of acquiring a new language is learning about the people and culture of the places where it is spoken, and one of the joys is actually being able to communicate in Spanish. This is when the language starts to come alive. The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to connect with the Spanish language outside the classroom by researching about some aspects of the culture of a particular Hispanic country and sharing the information with your peers. It will allow you to practice the vocabulary and grammar in a meaningful context and gain confidence using the Spanish language.

For this project, you will prepare in pairs a short oral video presentation in Spanish on a Hispanic country using visual aids, such as slides, pictures, music, videos, and other media resources. One of the benefits of acquiring a new language is learning about the people and culture of the places where it is spoken, and one of the joys is actually being able to communicate in Spanish. This is when the language starts to come alive. The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to connect with the Spanish language outside the classroom by researching about some aspects of the culture of a particular Hispanic country and sharing the information with your peers. It will allow you to practice the vocabulary and grammar in a meaningful context and gain confidence using the Spanish language.  Objectives · To learn more about the Hispanic culture · To share information about the country · To talk about places and activities  · To persuade the audience to join you and your partner in your trip · To report local pastimes · To express plans using ir a… · To identify and describe people and things  · To indicate likes and dislikes Preparation You and your partner are making plans to visit a Hispanic country for two week on your next vacation. Research places and activities from that country that will allow you to experience the Hispanic culture and practice the language (going to museums, visiting landmarks, attending sport events, gathering with friends at a local place, etc.) and prepare a video presentation to share your plans with the whole class. · Pick a Hispanic country. Go to the following link to choose a country for your presentation. Write you and your partner names on the country you choose:  YOU MUST USE YOUR EMICH ACCOUNT TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE DOCUMENT. · Do research on that country (What is it like? What local people do for fun? What sports do they play?) and CHOOSE TWO CITIES to visit. · In EACH CITY, find 2 places/activities you plan to visit or do to experience the culture and practice the language (museums, landmarks, attending sport events, gathering with friends at a local place, etc.) · Create a plan for a two-weeks vacation and work on the details: time of the year to visit, weather, budget, places to visit, activities to do, etc. · Prepare a presentation IN SPANISH using visual aids (Google slides, Prexi, etc.) to share your plans with the class and to convince your classmate to come with you. · The focus must be HIGHLIGHTING THE HISPANIC CULTURE, so just going to a restaurant where local food is served is not acceptable. Unless it is something special about that place. For example, a restaurant that prepares a very particular local dish or where locals like to gather for a special occasion or purpose. What to Include Your presentation must include the following information.  · General information about the country: · Name and location (¿Cuál es el nombre del país? ¿Dónde está el país?) · · Capital city (¿Cuál es la capital del país?) · · Currency – exchange rate (Un dólar es igual a cuánto en moneda local/ ¿A cuánto equivale un dólar? US$1 = how much?) (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63) · · Documents Americans need to travel there: passport? Visa? Vaccines? Covid test? Other documents? (¿Qué documentos necesitan los estadounidenses para viajar al país?)   · General information about the two cities: · Name and location of each city  (Elige 2 ciudades ¿Cuál es el nombre de las ciudades donde van a ir de vacaciones? ¿Dónde están las ciudades?) (Gramática: The verb estar p.59) · · Weather (¿Cómo es el clima?) (Vocabulario: El tiempo y las estaciones del año p.154) · · Population (¿Cuántos habitantes tienen las ciudades?) (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63) · · Map of the country, showing where the two cities are located.   · Place/Activities · · Dates of the vacation (¿Cuáles son las fechas de las vacaciones?) – It should be 2 weeks long - Dates in each city?  (¿Cuándo van a visitar la ciudad 1 y cuándo van a visitar la ciudad 2?)(Vocabulario: los meses del año y  la fecha  p.154) · · What places in each city are you going to visit? (¿Qué lugares van a visitar?) and/or what activities are you going to try? (¿Qué actividades van a hacer?) (Gramática: Future plans: ir + a + infinitive p.126) · · Describe each activity or place as it relates to highlighting the culture. · Include information about the time when you can do these activities or visit these places. For example, if it is a museum, what time/days it is open. (Vocabulario: Las clases, los días de la semana y la hora p.40-43) · Cost to visit these places or do the activities. For example, if you are visiting a museum, how much the tickets are. (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63)   · Budget · · Cost of international flight: from Detroit to city 2 and from city 2 to Detroit (¿Cuánto cuesta el boleto de avión?) (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63) · · Cost of domestic travel: from city 1 to city 2.  · If flying: airfare cost / if riding a bus: cost of bus fare / if driving a car: cost of rental · · Cost of lodging in city 1 and in city 2 (¿Cuánto cuesta el hotel en la ciudad 1 y en la ciudad 2?) (Vocabulario: números p.12, p.41, p.18) · · · You can include information about the places where you will be staying: name of the hotels, type of lodging, etc. · · Money needed for other expenses: meals, souvenirs, tickets for activities/places, etc. (¿Cuánto dinero van a necesitar para otros gastos?) (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63) · Estimated total budget (¿Cuánto dinero necesitan aproximadamente para el viaje?) (Vocabulario: números p.16, p.63)   · Conclusion/Closing · · Include 2 facts about the country that you didn’t know or surprised you or caught your attention. (For an example, see descriptions in the Panorama section on each lesson.) · Describe 2 artists (painters, musicians,  dancer, writer, etc.) from the country.  (For an example, see descriptions in the Panorama section on each lesson.) · Describe 2 celebrations from the country. (For an example, see ¡Increíble pero cierto! Page 75) · Any additional information you would like to add to encourage your classmates to join you and your partner in your trip. Steps to follow 1. Choose one Hispanic country (Links to an external site.) 2. Do research on the country and pick 2 cities 3. Prepare and submit an outline for your presentation.  4. Prepare and submit the slides for your presentation, using visual aids, such as slides, pictures, videos, music, etc. 5. Make the indicated revisions to your slides and record your video project in Zoom. Make sure to record to the cloud and submit the link in Canvas.  6. Complete the self-reflection in Canvas.  In 'modules' - 'FAQ' - "'How to' in Zoom", you can find information about how to share your screen and record your presentation, and more in Zoom. What to have in mind · Read and follow carefully the instructions posted in Canvas 'assignments' · Take a look at the rubric in Canvas to be aware of how the assignment will be graded. · Focus on highlighting the Hispanic culture. · Make sure to start your video by giving a brief introduction of yourself and your partner and letting the viewers know what your video is about. End the presentation with a conclusion/closing and thank the audience for watching your presentation.  · All the information (written and oral) MUST BE ALL IN SPANISH. Make sure to look for the names of the places in Spanish. · EACH PERSON SHOULD SPEAK FOR AT LEAST 3 MIN.  · The visual material should NOT be FULL OF TEXT. Bullet points with important information are OK, but AVOID HAVING COMPLETE SENTENCES. · Speak spontaneously. You should not be reading from a script.  The group with more people wanting to travel with them will get 2 extra points.  So be very convincing during your presentation.
Answered Same DayMay 20, 2022

Answer To: For this project, you will prepare in pairs a short oral videopresentationin Spanish on a Hispanic...

Preeta answered on May 20 2022
100 Votes
The country being visited is Brazil. It is located in the continent of South America and Latin Americ
a. It is the largest country on the continent.
The current capital city of Brazil is Brasília. It is located in the Federal District of Goiás on the country's central plateau.
The currency of the country is the Brazilian Real (BRL). 1USD is equal to 4.93878 BRL.
Valid Passport
Passport must have at least one page for entry stamp
No tourist VISA for Americans is required.
Vaccination certificates for Americans are not required
Currency restrictions are till 10,000 BRL, beyond which must be mentioned to Customs.
The two cities are Rio de Janeiro and Florianopolis. Florianopolis is located in the Southern region of Brazil in Santa Catarina, while Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of the state of the same name.
Summers in Rio de Janeiro are brief, unpleasant, damp, and mainly gloomy, whereas winters are lengthy, pleasant, humid, and mostly clear. Summers in Florianopolis is hot and unpleasant; winters are lengthy, chilly, and windy; and the weather is damp and partly gloomy all year.
The current population of Florianopolis is 508, 826 and that of Rio de Janeiro is 6,747 815 as of 2020.

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